August 24 2022
Quads,Hams/Low Back,Calves:Leg Press - 6 sets
1 plate per side 25 reps {WARMUP}
2 plates per side 20 reps
3 plates per side 20 reps
4 plates per side 15 reps
5 plates per side 15 reps
6 plates per side 12 reps
3 plates per side 20 reps
Leg Extensions - 4 X 12-20
Unilateral Seated Leg Press - 2 X 20 {non-lock,and non-stop from one leg right to the other and back again, until both sets were completed....It`s the Fischer Price type of LP but unlike Hanky I used it as a finishing exercise and made it much tougher by doing one leg at a time,non-lock,non-stop for high reps and increased Time Under Tension.....of course we all know he knows nothing except how to eat junk food,and he definitely doesn`t want to make any exercise tougher to do.
Seated Leg Curls - 4 X 12-20
Hyperextensions- 3 X 20 {bodyweight.....slow and controlled squeezing at top of movement}
Seated Calf Raises - 4 X failure {plus half reps to failure at the end of the set}
Leg Press Calf Raise - 4 X failure {plus half reps to failure at the end of the set}
Got a late start,and there were tons of assholes on the road that should be murdered immediately, but the 100 mile round trip was worth it.......great workout....I`m hobbled !!