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Olympia: Saw Vic this past weekend at the gym

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--- Quote from: LurkerNoMore on September 08, 2009, 03:57:58 PM ---Doubt it.

I have seen others (Darrem, Priest, Paul Baker, Dex, etc..) that were carb depleted and still had vascularity going on.

I am not saying he was flat, I am saying he looked a bit too fat for a contest soon.

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That's when you look yourflattest though. Atthepeakof depletion before the carb up has begun. If you've ever tried to get lean you'll know you go flat as a pancake until you get some proper food in there before the show.

Vic looked great at the Olympia considering everything he went through.  However, it appears that while other competitors are stepping up their game, Vic is on the decline.  He needs a completely renewed effort to leg training if he wants to win big titles in the future.


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