when I was on lockdown I was curious as to muscle loss. The articles I came across seemed to say it was dependent. What are your genetics. the how much of the muscle gain was from long term weight training? It seemed to longer you had weight trained the slower the muscle loss. I didn't lift for 90 days and the loss was there, but it wasn't substantial and within 3 weeks I was back to the norm.
So I am roughly 3 weeks into this workout and I am happy so far. This is personal but for me, after being a gym rat for 40 years off and on, not really going to extremes, this is good for ME. Maybe some of you can relate. I tend to migrate to what I'm comfortable with. but I have always done legs, quads, hamstrings and calves.. but I stuck with probably the same weights for several years. Weight that I could do 4 sets of 10 with. This program forces me to up the weight, since I am doing 2 warm ups and 1 set to 6 but using 1 of 3 techniques. I have noticed in the last 3 weeks my weights are going up. and it is opening me up to things like Straight arm pull downs for back that I haven't done. so far I am happy with it, but I'm cynical. We'll see how it goes