Author Topic: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?  (Read 53493 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2020, 05:52:23 AM »
You can get pharm deca in 100mg per ml from pharmacies abroad.  Also, I'm sure you've used legit Negma Parabolan so enlighten me as to how UGL tren is just as good... Not even close.  3 amps of Parabolan per week 228 mg destroys any UGL tren ace at 700 mg per week.  You know how many times I got tren cough from Negma Parabolan?? Zero.  Tell me Primobolan Depot from Spain and UGL primo are equal right?  Syntex Belgium Drostanolone Dipropionate(Masteron),and UGL Masteron are the same right?  I'm sure you've used Squibb Equipoise so why was 200-300 mg of that sufficient and today people use 5 times that amount for the same results?  Upjohn Winstrol-V, Desma Winstrol, Zambon Winstrol, and UGL Winstrol are equal as well right?  ICN Galenikas, Schering Testoviron Depot, and UGL enanthate are the same?  OBS Pakistan, Organon Sustanon and UGL are equal according to you as well?  I've used everything I have listed, as well as my close friends and brother who all compete at national level heavyweight and you simply don't know what you're talking about.  There's a thing called the United States Pharmacopeia(USP).  All US made pharmaceuticals are made with USP grade powders.  They have to meet a certain purity level before the final product is even made, the powders are tested when the pharmaceutical companies get them.  If they don't meet the USP standard, they cannot be used.   The bullshit powders these UGL guys are getting are not USP grade powders, nor are they tested when they get them, no matter what bullshit they tell you.  Aside from maybe one UGL.  The purity of the powder makes a huge difference in the quality of the product.  Those products I've listed above and other pharm grade products I've used are so much better than the bullshit on the market today it's ridiculous.  I've used all the pharm grade orals as well.  Anavar, Anadrol, Dbol, Winstrol, and same deal.  Guys using 100mg of anavar per day.  Hilarious.... You're not using var.  20-30 mg of pharm var will make you so fuckin tight and pumped you can't stand it.  Dbol, funny as well.  20-30 mg of Naposims, or Thai pinks was way more than enough to blow up, now guys using 100-150mg per day.   GH, goes without saying.  Anyway, people are gonna believe whatever they want, even form an opinion about products they've never even held in their hand, let alone injected.  Which is rather comical.

I remember the good old days blowing up on fun 4 week cycles of 15-30 mg a day pink thais lol and getting dry on 30 mg yellow winstrols.

now every newb thinks they need 500 mg test as a base.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #76 on: March 10, 2020, 04:04:23 PM »
I remember the good old days blowing up on fun 4 week cycles of 15-30 mg a day pink thais lol and getting dry on 30 mg yellow winstrols.

now every newb thinks they need 500 mg test as a base.

Very true and 300mg is "trt"  :D

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2020, 09:48:37 PM »
Lee Haney retired at 31 years old not because of Dorians physique but because of what Dorian was willing to use to get that physique. All these older pros like to now try to re-write history. Dorian actually has the balls to say he was a low dose guy. what a joke


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #78 on: May 17, 2020, 02:39:23 PM »
Lee Haney retired at 31 years old not because of Dorians physique but because of what Dorian was willing to use to get that physique. All these older pros like to now try to re-write history. Dorian actually has the balls to say he was a low dose guy. what a joke

Yeah exactly. Back then it was “chemical warfare” and it was known Yates was willing to take more and go all out, drugs, diet, and training.

Ian Harrison. Paul Borreson whatever those guys whoever all helped him weren’t low dose advocates. Lol.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #79 on: May 17, 2020, 08:40:25 PM »
I remember the good old days blowing up on fun 4 week cycles of 15-30 mg a day pink thais lol and getting dry on 30 mg yellow winstrols.

now every newb thinks they need 500 mg test as a base.

Oh, I remember the good old days of Ciba Dianabol 20mgs a day and either deca duroblin or primabolan depot 200mg a wk. No test. 12 weeks on 4 weeks off. Late 70's early 80's..


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #80 on: May 18, 2020, 03:29:56 AM »
Lee Haney retired at 31 years old not because of Dorians physique but because of what Dorian was willing to use to get that physique. All these older pros like to now try to re-write history. Dorian actually has the balls to say he was a low dose guy. what a joke

Yeah exactly. Back then it was “chemical warfare” and it was known Yates was willing to take more and go all out, drugs, diet, and training.

Ian Harrison. Paul Borreson whatever those guys whoever all helped him weren’t low dose advocates. Lol.

May I ask How you know this ?  Did you know Dorian & his circle of Friends etc ?
or is this just hearsay & Internet Bollocks you’re spewing?

Why don’t you Both take Massive mega doses of whatever you Believe Dorian was using & Both Become Leading Mr Olympia Competitors.... After All It’s All about Huge Amounts of Drugs isn’t it ? ?
So what’s stopping you from Proving your Theory?? 


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2020, 01:44:48 AM »
Nobody knows but Dorian.  My personal opinion is that he used massive amounts of gear; as all professionals do.

Believe what makes you feel better at the end of the day.  Genetics are important, but these Pro's used insane amounts of gear, there is plenty of proof if you know where to look and who to talk to.

Methyl m1ke

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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2020, 08:15:30 PM »
I don't believe him, but why pull those cycle lengths out of his ass?   I heard him in a number of interviews with these weird cycles, like 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off for a long time...   I don't understand it

The short cycles were a theory paul borreson came up with. Idea being to get around myostatin release. Usually around the 8 week mark myostatin goes skyhigh for a while. Its temporary but anywsy thats the idea.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #83 on: November 29, 2020, 01:18:54 PM »
I have used plenty of Pharm. When they tried to charge my $160 for a bottle of test I decided to make my own. Pharma uses cottonseed oil (its cheap) and tons of preservatives and sterilization agents (BB, BA). They do this so that it can sit on a shelf for a few years (BB, BA). I use organic Grapeseed oil.

I use less solvents and make my test in the 250 mg range. As mentioned, going higher will only cause you pain and needless suffering. 300 mis is mild PIP, 400 is crippling. I make my gear as I need it, so it is always fresh.

I will go as far a to say that my test is superior to Pharma in every way.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #84 on: November 29, 2020, 01:32:52 PM »
Also, I knew an IFBB pro who knew what dorian was taking. Dorian used 3 sustenon and 200 mgs of anavar per day. We all know he was one of the first to use massive amounts of GH, but slin use was in its infancy then. That grainy conditioning and huge size comes from hard core training, as Dorian did not rely upon slin like everyone does today.

Just compare his body  to Phill Heaths. Heath has perfect genetics and does a pumping type workout and then shoots a ton of slin to get his size.

Dorians size did not come from slinkier, it came from insane work loads. Phil, while a great bodybuilder, does not eminate power the way Dorian did.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #85 on: November 29, 2020, 09:52:53 PM »
Also, I knew an IFBB pro who knew what dorian was taking. Dorian used 3 sustenon and 200 mgs of anavar per day. We all know he was one of the first to use massive amounts of GH, but slin use was in its infancy then. That grainy conditioning and huge size comes from hard core training, as Dorian did not rely upon slin like everyone does today.

Just compare his body  to Phill Heaths. Heath has perfect genetics and does a pumping type workout and then shoots a ton of slin to get his size.

Dorians size did not come from slinkier, it came from insane work loads. Phil, while a great bodybuilder, does not eminate power the way Dorian did.

Was that 3 sustenon's per day or per week?


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #86 on: November 29, 2020, 09:58:14 PM »
Also, I knew an IFBB pro who knew what dorian was taking. Dorian used 3 sustenon and 200 mgs of anavar per day. We all know he was one of the first to use massive amounts of GH, but slin use was in its infancy then. That grainy conditioning and huge size comes from hard core training, as Dorian did not rely upon slin like everyone does today.

Just compare his body  to Phill Heaths. Heath has perfect genetics and does a pumping type workout and then shoots a ton of slin to get his size.

Dorians size did not come from slinkier, it came from insane work loads. Phil, while a great bodybuilder, does not eminate power the way Dorian did.

Having known Dorian & Trained at his Temple Gym - You Totally Wrong..........
It was 3 Suston & 200 Anavar an Hour.  Pussies either take the gear properly or don’t bother.




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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #87 on: December 30, 2020, 09:00:58 AM »
Years ago, I had to work with former bber Chris Duffy. He was telling me Yates' drug cycle and I was amazed. I wasn't sure to take it as truth because Duffy was such a drug-upped mess. Seemed like the recreational drugs fried his brain partially.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #88 on: February 05, 2021, 01:17:06 AM »
100% TRUE! Pharma grade gear is the "secret". The most important thing in bb is your body's response-interaction with the pharma grade stuff! If you take the wrong juice for your particular metabolic-endocrine profile, or too much-too many "molecules" at once... Some gifted athletes i know take up to 5 times LESS gear than average people and they are huge and strong! If you need grams per week or tens of pills per day of any PED... you'll get sick and die young for nothing!


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #89 on: February 08, 2021, 05:56:40 PM »
100% TRUE! Pharma grade gear is the "secret". The most important thing in bb is your body's response-interaction with the pharma grade stuff! If you take the wrong juice for your particular metabolic-endocrine profile, or too much-too many "molecules" at once... Some gifted athletes i know take up to 5 times LESS gear than average people and they are huge and strong! If you need grams per week or tens of pills per day of any PED... you'll get sick and die young for nothing!

Really- well Let’s Hope That is your 1st & Last post on Getbig. 🙄🙄🙄


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #90 on: February 10, 2021, 05:38:05 PM »
TRT really is 50-70 mg/week of testosterone. Thinking you can do more than this without any long term consequences may be short sided. But, the experiments are being run and we’ll see in 10-20 years.

Fuck Off.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #91 on: February 12, 2021, 02:19:27 AM »
illuminati "knows" Dorian!!! Besi in pula mea de retardat umflat cu pompa! Hai sictir! Nu vedeti cat sunteti de jalnici?!!Muie cu handel sa va dau tuturor!!!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #92 on: February 19, 2021, 11:39:15 AM »
Years ago, I had to work with former bber Chris Duffy. He was telling me Yates' drug cycle and I was amazed. I wasn't sure to take it as truth because Duffy was such a drug-upped mess. Seemed like the recreational drugs fried his brain partially.

I just read this post. It was truth. Chris is one of the most mentally messed up people on the planet, but he is not a bad person. Furthermore, the guy had no incentive to lie. He told me that Dorian was the only one not to give him shit for being gay. Back then, after the Olympia everyone toured together, so everyone knew what everyone else was taking. I have stories you would not fucking believe.

At that time I wanted to be a champion bodybuilder more than anything, and Chris told me what to eat (way more than I did before) take (again way more) and how much cardio to do (2 hours a day, every day). I did, and won my class at a big CA show. We did not know how much GH or slin Dorian used (tons of GH, but less slin than modern guys). The 750 sus/200 var per day numbers are accurate.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #93 on: July 19, 2023, 11:43:24 AM »
I just read this post. It was truth. Chris is one of the most mentally messed up people on the planet, but he is not a bad person. Furthermore, the guy had no incentive to lie. He told me that Dorian was the only one not to give him shit for being gay. Back then, after the Olympia everyone toured together, so everyone knew what everyone else was taking. I have stories you would not fucking believe.

At that time I wanted to be a champion bodybuilder more than anything, and Chris told me what to eat (way more than I did before) take (again way more) and how much cardio to do (2 hours a day, every day). I did, and won my class at a big CA show. We did not know how much GH or slin Dorian used (tons of GH, but less slin than modern guys). The 750 sus/200 var per day numbers are accurate.
What kind of crazy stories are we talking here?


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #94 on: July 20, 2023, 01:06:57 AM »
illuminati "knows" Dorian!!! Besi in pula mea de retardat umflat cu pompa! Hai sictir! Nu vedeti cat sunteti de jalnici?!!Muie cu handel sa va dau tuturor!!!

Try to read correctly,
I knew Dorian many moons ago .

Only Dorian knows for sure exactly what he was using.

Of course you may know also,  ::) 

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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2023, 08:17:01 PM »
Only a few pros have been honest.
Regarding the UGL vs Pharma argument regarding Test and other compounds (not hgh)
I get the same raws from a source that provides for compounding labs used in US.
I brew my own gear.
The issue with UG labs is the question of "underdosed".
Many UGL also get their raws from reputable sources used in pharmacy prescribed Test.
So all UG labs gear is not bunk. Just lames that underdose their gear.

Otherwise there is no difference with relation to Test and Pharma Test.
I am also prescribed Test Cyp.
I currently brew Test Decanoate.

I have ran both pharma prescribed and my homebrew.
No difference. I accounted for ester weight.

I've ran grams on blast for long periods. AR Upregulation for the win.
I didn't start on grams.
I'm 240ish and 5'9".
Never touched GH.
I've done 750mg Test for blasts.... for long periods.
As I grew, when I pushed the dosages, 2g and more for Test alone...
That's what got me sheer size.
Pinning 2mL EOD of homebrew Test D 400mg/mL EOD isn't hard.
Then moving to 2.5mL EOD. Then finishing with 3ml EOD.
Almost 1 vial of Test a week.
With 600 primo and 300 Deca
6mg Aromasin E4D
Cialis, Telmisartan and other ancillary...
Then cruising on 1g Test for 8 weeks then pushing back up to 2g again
for 12 weeks. Into another big blast using other things.
High Test for long periods is the safest method.
Not always running 19nor, and screw orals like anadrol and dbol.
That much Test feels better than anadrol and dbol.
Tren sometimes ran under blast at 200/wk.

You will most likely need doctor prescribed Statins.
Some may need BP meds but there are plenty of OTC alternatives.
Estro management via Primo and Aromasin keeps my BP down.

If you've never gone to this extreme(and this isn't even next level extreme)...
You will never know that you actually won't "die doing that".

I started running gear at 38, I am now 43.
I was definitely close to my genetic limit.

I don't care if you don't believe us that know what is really going on.
We tell you, and you claim it's lies because it sound insane.

"I got my pro card on 300 Test Cyp"... OK, so what they really mean is at
the time of competition, they were on 300, but that's not how they got there.

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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2023, 08:42:42 PM »
15 always said that the biggest that you can get on gear alone, no slin or gh, is 220 @ 4% @ 5'10"

I'm 240... been 255. I'm 5'9". I'm not fat, maybe 12%... but that's fat
compared to guys on stage. You can see my abs.
Talk is cheap I get it... but I'm covered in easily recognized Tattoo,
and I talk about homebrew. Not a good mix to blast my photos online.
The amount of gear I have on hand is for myself, but they would claim otherwise.

No GH or Insulin.
Just grams of gear and food... for years.
Might run GH in a year or two, lower dose so no insulin needed.
Also getting old.


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #97 on: November 28, 2023, 09:08:36 PM »
I'm 240... been 255. I'm 5'9". I'm not fat, maybe 12%... but that's fat
compared to guys on stage. You can see my abs.
Talk is cheap I get it... but I'm covered in easily recognized Tattoo,
and I talk about homebrew. Not a good mix to blast my photos online.
The amount of gear I have on hand is for myself, but they would claim otherwise.

No GH or Insulin.
Just grams of gear and food... for years.
Might run GH in a year or two, lower dose so no insulin needed.
Also getting old.

so what would you weigh @ 4% 210ish?

you sound like you were influnced by victor black am i right?

i'm not a mass guy i'm into having a tiny waist and wide shoulders with nice arms delts and pecs don't train legs much or even back, just back width mostly

it seems if you don't want to be more than 180ish @ 5% then 1 gram total gear load is enough from all i heard on jootube

they say all the big guys 240+ run 2-3 grams total at blast, this comes from justin harris, john jewett etc

i plan to recomp going from 172 @ 9% to 172 @ 5% on 350 sust and 140 tren


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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #98 on: November 28, 2023, 09:14:56 PM »
I'm 240... been 255. I'm 5'9". I'm not fat, maybe 12%... but that's fat
compared to guys on stage. You can see my abs.
Talk is cheap I get it... but I'm covered in easily recognized Tattoo,
and I talk about homebrew. Not a good mix to blast my photos online.
The amount of gear I have on hand is for myself, but they would claim otherwise.

No GH or Insulin.
Just grams of gear and food... for years.
Might run GH in a year or two, lower dose so no insulin needed.
Also getting old.

i hate winny and mast those drugs suck for me, could be mast lowered my estro too much, they say mast lowers estro more than primo, did you find this to be true? that's if you used mast

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Re: Rational behind how Dorian cycled?
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2023, 12:25:18 AM »
I have no aspirations for competing. Let's just say my job requires me to be bigger and stronger. Along with being a poor skinny kid that was always hungry until I made my own way. Along with body dysmorphia and vanity.
Masteron vs Primo for me is about availability and current prices. I use them interchangeable.
Don't fancy one over the other and never pushed the dosages.
I just know what dose I need and if I need to run a small amount of Aromasin.
That has changed over time of course.
Honestly I don't get blood work as often as I should. Sometimes at end of blast I even prefer to
let estro elevate and block with Nolva.