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Getbig Updates - new look - ideas - and updating other items

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--- Quote from: Primemuscle on May 22, 2020, 04:35:49 PM ---Okay, I'll do that. But I am perfectly happy with whatever visual and minor functional changes Ron makes.

I clicked the preview and nothing changed. Maybe you have to change the theme to see if you like it. Nope. Nothing visual looks any different. Maybe it's my browser which is Opera or the setting on the computer which is running Windows 2007 and will not run Windows 2010, and cannot be reasonably upgraded to do so.

--- End quote ---

Ron has implemented several different themes for you to try out.

Try "Getbig Mobil" and see if it looks differently.

If you like a theme, click "Use this theme" and then "Change profile" at the bottom right.


--- Quote from: Kwon on May 22, 2020, 08:56:09 PM ---Ron has implemented several different themes for you to try out.

Try "Getbig Mobil" and see if it looks differently.

If you like a theme, click "Use this theme" and then "Change profile" at the bottom right.

--- End quote ---

Thanks. I'll try it out on my smart phone. Never really could make Getbig run as smoothly on the cell.

If you double click but don't immediately let up the 2nd click on the ... (Ellipsis points) in the page numbers under the thread title, it sprawls out at least 53 page numbers so you can go directly to a page you want.

I'm using a stylus set to "windows ink" so you may only have to single click with a mouse.

It could just be me being senile but there seems to be this minor glitch. Whenever I open Getbig or try an post a new message I get a pop-up saying I have a new PM. It would be great to be that popular but when I check it is a message I've already read that day. No biggie, but just thought I should mention it.

What happened to the updated topics link at the top of the screen? ANTIFA? Soros? Dr. Fauci?


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