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Kamala Harris failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse thread.

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Might as well start this thread up.  :D

Least qualified nominee ever.

Banged a geriatric mayor and appeared in public as his known concubine to get ahead politically.

I love her laugh.

Grape Ape:
Excellent thread idea.

Let's keep it positive.

Kamala is a great gal.

I describe her as effervescent and bubbly.

Grape Ape:

She wilted under the hot lights of the Presidential primary.

Joe didn't need her to win.

But he boxed himself in with his pandering and that's what we got.

I don't think she's done anything to help her cause since the administration began, but has done plenty to hurt it - border failure, constant staffing churn, world salads galore, etc.


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