Author Topic: 2 Girls... 1 Absolutely Stunning Performance... Religious Stereotypes Shattered!  (Read 29790 times)


  • Getbig V
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Two Girls... One Absolutely Stunning Performance, ...Religious Stereotypes Shattered!

Together: We're just a little to caught up in the way the world sees us,

Jewish Girl: And the way my people see yours,

Muslim Girl: And the way my people see yours,

Together: And the way our people see ourselves.

Jewish Girl: In 1996, a Jewish girl was born, with the Shabbat candles glistening in her eyes.

Muslim Girl: In 1996, a Muslim girl was born, with the Adhan ringing in her ears.

Together: She only knew of her own, um

Muslim Girl: Jumu'ah,

Jewish Girl: Kabbalat Shabbat,

Muslim Girl: Nasheeds,

Jewish Girl: Z'mirot,

Muslim Girl: Allah,

Jewish Girl: Adonai.

Together: She never noticed

Muslim Girl: That Jewish girl

Jewish Girl: That Muslim girl

Together: holding the same needles and threads that she did.

Muslim Girl: So in quilted generations from stitches and calloused palms of their past

Jewish Girl: Friday prayers

Muslim Girl: Religious songs

Together: Like, God, we are both birthed from resilience, yet raised by assumptions

Jewish Girl: This Jewish girl

Muslim Girl: Muslim girl

Together: Only heard:

Muslim Girl: Dirty money.

Jewish Girl: Oppressive husbands.

Muslim Girl: Big-nosed banker.

Jewish Girl: Suspicious terrorist.

Muslim Girl: Gas chamber.

Jewish Girl: Go back home!

Muslim Girl: But--but it's 2013,

Together: Right?

Jewish Girl: So all that's done.

Together: Right? So why is it that every time

Jewish Girl: A penny falls, I'm assumed to be the one to pick it up? Stealing from every man's pocket,

Together: And every time

Muslim Girl: The airport security check line moves forward, I'm the one who's pulled aside and patted down?

Jewish Girl: We both look discrimination in the eye.

Muslim Girl: We both live in a country that swears up and down that all people are equal.

Together: Our hands should be caught together, fists raised as one, fighting against the stereotype that this country has put upon my people.

Jewish Girl: In Habron, a 14-year-old Palestinian girl was killed when a Jewish settler shot a bullet into her right eye. She'll never get to witness her holy land come back to her.

Muslim Girl: In Herzliya, a 14-year-old Israeli girl was killed by a Palestinian pipe bomb. She was just trying to eat her dinner at her favorite restaurant by the beach.

Jewish Girl: We are told to stay within the confines of our religion,

Muslim Girl: Of our tradition,

Jewish Girl: As if a young Palestinian girl's life ended by Israeli gunfire

Muslim Girl: Is worth any more or less than a young Israeli girl's life ended by a Palestinian pipe bomb.

Jewish Girl: This world would rather chew up and spit out our history than help these two girls

Muslim Girl: That could have been us.

Jewish Girl: This world has devoured our past,

Muslim Girl: But how quickly it forgets

Together: You are what you eat.

Jewish Girl: See, this Jewish girl

Muslim Girl: And this Muslim girl

Together: Are for more similar than our religions would like us to believe, because I betcha didn't realize

Jewish Girl: That we have the same favorite movies,

Muslim Girl: And that we both love

Together: Hummus! And we keep being asked the same damn questions every time we fall head over heels:

Jewish Girl: Is he a respectable Muslim boy?

Muslim Girl: Jewish boy?

Jewish Girl: Did you meet him at the mosque?

Muslim Girl: The synagogue?

Jewish Girl: That little Palestinian girl

Muslim Girl: And that little Israeli girl

Together: Will never get to be asked these questions,

Jewish Girl: Never get to discover that they have the same favorite movies,

Muslim Girl: Or whether they were both gonna become poets,

Together: Performing on stages like this one,

Jewish Girl: And we may not have either,

Muslim Girl: Had we let the way the world sees us get in our way.

Together: We are connected. We are one.

Jewish Girl: Like Adonai.

Muslim Girl: Like Allah.

Together: Like God.


  • Getbig V
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  • thank you Ron & Getbig, I've had so much fun
Maybe one of them is dressed as a boy


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2052
  • Why stress the little people..
Maybe one of them is dressed as a boy

Wrong but hilarious. When I was deployed they always freaked me out the most. Not seeing someone's eyes always makes me nervous.


  • Getbig V
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  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Wrong but hilarious. When I was deployed they always freaked me out the most. Not seeing someone's eyes always makes me nervous.

I would think that when dressed like that, ...the eyes would be the only thing you could see.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2052
  • Why stress the little people..
I would think that when dressed like that, ...the eyes would be the only thing you could see.

Nope they have a piece that covers eyes as well. Not that it matters they have to walk in a males (related or husband) shadow and not supposed to direct eye contact to other males.


  • Getbig V
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  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Nope they have a piece that covers eyes as well. Not that it matters they have to walk in a males (related or husband) shadow and not supposed to direct eye contact to other males.

Who is "THEY", ...and is this based upon 'RELIGION' or 'CULTURE' ? There is a big difference between both.
ie: While Canadians & Americans share the same religions (for the most part) their cultures & traditions differ,
just like that of an American Muslim woman, and a Saudi Muslim woman. Please don't confuse religion with culture.



  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2052
  • Why stress the little people..
Who is "THEY", ...and is this based upon 'RELIGION' or 'CULTURE' ? There is a big difference between both.
ie: While Canadians & Americans share the same religions (for the most part) their cultures & traditions differ,
just like that of an American Muslim woman, and a Saudi Muslim woman. Please don't confuse religion with culture.

Honestly, I don't care for either. Religion or Culture that oppresses women like that. Male suicide soldiers would dress in them and bring a kid along to kill others. I watched a guy stab his wife to death at an intersection. I've seen a father have his oldest son slit his sisters throat for "dishonoring" the family. I don't trust any of them. No, I shouldn't lump all because of a few but I honestly can't help it.

To this day when I go into certain areas of Seattle that has a heavy Muslim influence I take one of my anxiety pills. If for some reason I don't notice one of the women in that particular outfit approaching me soon enough that I can't go to the other side of the street my heart starts racing, sweat and all I can think about is how fast I can pull my concealed pistol and where nearest cover is for when whomever under that black veil starts shouting "Alah Akbar". I don't think that will ever leave me though. I have nightmares about that shit.

I hate I feel that way towards them all especially since the surgeon that saved my life after the IED hit is a Muslim in the US Army. He was  a really cool guy to. :-\


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 24454
  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Honestly, I don't care for either. Religion or Culture that oppresses women like that. Male suicide soldiers would dress in them and bring a kid along to kill others. I watched a guy stab his wife to death at an intersection. I've seen a father have his oldest son slit his sisters throat for "dishonoring" the family. I don't trust any of them. No, I shouldn't lump all because of a few but I honestly can't help it.

To this day when I go into certain areas of Seattle that has a heavy Muslim influence I take one of my anxiety pills. If for some reason I don't notice one of the women in that particular outfit approaching me soon enough that I can't go to the other side of the street my heart starts racing, sweat and all I can think about is how fast I can pull my concealed pistol and where nearest cover is for when whomever under that black veil starts shouting "Alah Akbar". I don't think that will ever leave me though. I have nightmares about that shit.

I hate I feel that way towards them all especially since the surgeon that saved my life after the IED hit is a Muslim in the US Army. He was  a really cool guy to. :-\

  :o   :o   Wow!!!   :'(   Thanks for your honesty. So sorry you've been given such a skewed view of Muslims.
Sometimes our life experiences combined with the political agendas of others, have a way of coming together to support & reinforce falsehoods to the detriment of all concerned.

I made this post earlier on the Religion board, and I'd like to repost it here for you. Enjoy ❤

Meet a Muslim Family

One Way To Destroy Stereotypes Is To Watch An Adorable 5-Year-Old Hug Strangers

You know that part in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the Grinch's heart grew three sizes?
I bet that's exactly what happened to the people in this video when they met this family on the street.



  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2052
  • Why stress the little people..
I know I know I feel like shit sometimes when I wonder if they can see my anxiety or feel my distrust. I certainly don't bad mouth any culture or religion in front of my kids as I don't want to teach hate or intolerance. Its just a personal and private demon that I think will never leave me. Btw, it seems my feelings are focused on Muslim men or those who hide all identifiers (veils and such) where I can't identify the person.

Muslim women and children don't bother me really. When deployed, I enjoyed soccer during liberty and gaining candies to the kids when on patrol and listening to their stories.

Fun fact - Soldiers are VERY well known to always have sweets for the kids and its actually a ordered action. Why? Because it is the first sign of an ambush if you enter a village or neighborhood and none of the kids come running out to get candy.