I seek out those "designer" band-aids that Target sells.... like the Mickey Mouse and Cynthia Rowley ones.
I also have a box of kids band-aids with happy colourful designs, from funky camouflage to cute kittens and anything in between.
You should have seen the 'oops' face of our regular parcel delivery man! He had a bleeding papercut from one of the boxes and asked if I had a band-aid for him. Only ones I had left were with brightpink flowers. He later told me his young daughter loved it!
Or if they had toothbrushes for MAN teeth
Well, they do have different head sizes in toothbrushes. Men mouths are usually a bit bigger, so they would need a bigger head. They also come in different firmness lvels, and men usually appreciate the more firm ones.
I'm a real girly when it comes to toothbrushes: I only want the extreem soft and tiny kids toothbrushes.