Author Topic: Liberal Violence and Fascism  (Read 187010 times)


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2017, 10:05:54 PM »
Sounds like you've read it so maybe you can give some examples of how Obama has acted like a "classical fascist"

I'm speaking more to the definition you provided which calls it a right wing ideology. My life was not horrible under Obama, and I wouldn't call him a fascist.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2017, 12:47:43 PM »
71-Year-Old Dana Rohrabacher Staffer Knocked Unconscious by Anti-Trump Protesters
by Ben Kew
15 Feb 2017
Huntington Beach, CA
A 71-year-old staffer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was knocked unconscious by anti-Trump protesters as she attempted to leave her office, according to a report from CBS Los Angeles.

Kathleen Staunton, who works as Rohrabacher’s district director, had the door of her Huntington Beach office yanked open in front of her as she tried to leave, causing her to trip, hit her head, and fall unconscious. A two-year-old girl also got caught up in the incident, but thankfully was not harmed.

In a statement, Rohrabacher said that he was “outraged beyond words that protesters who mobbed my Huntington Beach office violently knocked down my faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton, causing her to be hospitalized.”

“And, yes, deliberate or not, the incident came as part of a mob action that not only intimidates but coerces. Though the protesters think of themselves as idealists, they engaged in political thuggery, pure and simple,” he continued.

The protests were organized by a group known as Indivisible OC, whose stated aim is to “resist against the Trump agenda.” However, the group failed to take responsibility for the injury, instead claiming they were handing out Valentines Day cards.

“When Megan Blash and her 2-year-old daughter, Lola, arrived at Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s office to hand deliver a Valentine’s Day card, they were met with a shut and locked door,” the group said in a statement.

“Rep. Rohrabacher’s disdain for visiting constituents led to Lola sliding her card under his door, which led to a staffer accidentally opening the door on Lola’s head and the following so-called ‘tussle,’” they continued.

The police did not make any arrests.


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2017, 10:30:56 AM »
Betsy DeVos Tries To Enter Public School, Gets Blocked By Protesters
“Shame!” one demonstrator yelled.
Sebastian Murdock   
Reporter, The Huffington Post

The woman in charge of all U.S. public schools was blocked from entering one by protesters on Friday morning.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos attempted to enter Jefferson Middle School in Washington, D.C., but protesters barred her way up the school steps.

In video obtained by ABC 7, DeVos can be seen immediately turning back from the school and walking to her vehicle.

“Giving your money to senators and buying your way into the position ― you should be so proud of yourself!” a man can be heard shouting at her.

He was likely referring to the fact that DeVos has made significant financial contributions to the campaigns of GOP senators who confirmed her and their affiliated super PACs.

“Go back!” he continued as DeVos got back into the vehicle. “Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!”

The same protester can then be seen blocking a vehicle as it tries to leave the parking lot. Video by Fox 5 news later shows him being detained by police.

The protest was organized by the Washington Teachers’ Union, according to WJLA.

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers union, tweeted that she did not condone the protest, though she had previously called DeVos’ confirmation a “sad day for children.”

Mayor Muriel Bowser said she also welcomes DeVos into public schools.

DeVos relied on a tie-breaker by Vice President Mike Pence to be confirmed for her Cabinet position. Her nomination for secretary of education sparked anger from citizens who believe she is unqualified for the job.

DeVos was ridiculed for recently saying that guns in schools might be necessary to ward off grizzly bear attacks. Her critics also assert that she is unfamiliar with basic education concepts and laws because she never attended a public school, doesn’t send her children to public schools, and has never formally worked in public schools.

DeVos eventually found her way into the school she was attempting to visit on Friday. She addressed the protestors in a statement later that afternoon.

“I respect peaceful protest, and I will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the Department of Education,” the statement said in part. “No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation’s school children.”

its really odd that for 8 years you had no opinion on anything..just sat on the fence and pontificated about nothing....but since Trump's victory you've got opinions all over the place...


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2017, 11:17:41 AM »
its really odd that for 8 years you had no opinion on anything..just sat on the fence and pontificated about nothing....but since Trump's victory you've got opinions all over the place...


It's really odd that you come on here acting like an Obamabot, spouting talking points, and making stuff up. 

Actually it's not odd at all.   :)


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2017, 04:13:57 PM »
It's really odd that you come on here acting like an Obamabot, spouting talking points, and making stuff up. 

Actually it's not odd at all.   :)

I just want to know why all of a sudden you've become a veritable endless well of opinions on Trump...were you a secret supporter?...or going with a winner?

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2017, 04:29:14 PM »
I just want to know why all of a sudden you've become a veritable endless well of opinions on Trump...were you a secret supporter?...or going with a winner?

I want to know why you are so dishonest?  Is this a carryover from childhood or something that developed as an adult? 

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2017, 10:47:50 AM »
Attack on speaker stuns Middlebury College
By Laura Krantz GLOBE STAFF  MARCH 05, 2017

MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — Students and professors at Middlebury College were ashamed and embarrassed after an explosive protest Thursday night that has forced the school to reconsider what it means to embrace free speech.

The normally peaceful campus of Middlebury College, with its mountain backdrop and elite reputation, was shaken last week after violent student protesters shut down a talk by controversial conservative social scientist Charles Murray and injured a Middlebury professor who was with him.

Many on campus, including the college president and leaders of the student organization who invited him, disagree vehemently with Murray’s views on social welfare programs and race, but on Saturday they said the campus failed in its duty to exemplify how to debate unpopular ideas with civility.

Donald Trump’s presidency formed the backdrop for the protest, students said. The election has made people on campus dig their heels in ideologically, said Sabina Haque, a junior from Westford, Mass. They’re less willing to accept conflicting viewpoints, she said.

“This is more than just a Middlebury problem, it’s a problem across the country. There’s really a great divide that people can’t bridge,” she said.

A group of demonstrators at Middlebury College in Vermont “aggressively confronted” guest speaker Charles Murray.

Middlebury’s president, Laurie L. Patton, said the incident demonstrates that elite schools are subject to the same dynamic that challenges the rest of the country — an inability to debate differences constructively.

“The liberal arts college is an idealized place. The actual liberal arts college is something where all of human differences are on full display,” Patton said.

Students and professors burrowed their faces into scarves as they rushed between buildings on a gray, frigid day on the Middlebury campus. They agreed the campus feels different than it did a week ago.

As they walked into the library, Elias Guerra and his friend Javier DelCid discussed the talk, which they did not attend.

“It’s essential that we be exposed to that way of thinking whether we agree or not,” said Guerra, a junior from Brooklyn, N.Y. “When people talk about the Middlebury bubble, that’s the Middlebury bubble.”

But the bubble is not unique to Middlebury. Since Trump’s election as president, and even in the long campaign that led to it, colleges across the country have struggled to balance free speech with an atmosphere that makes students feel safe and accepted.

Murray’s visit put the campus on edge even before he arrived. Patton made clear she disagreed with his views but welcomed him nevertheless. She offered remarks on stage Thursday, before chaos broke out in the auditorium.

Professors held discussions with students during the week before his visit, and some said students had questions ready to ask Murray during his appearance at Wilson Hall in the McCullough Student Center.

“This is a tragedy,” said Matthew Dickinson, a political science professor, who said Murray will now be considered a martyr rather than an extremely polarizing author.

Murray is best known as the author of “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life” and “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010.” He has theorized that social welfare programs are doomed to hurt those they aim to help, and, most controversially, wrote of ethnic differences in measures of intelligence. The Southern Poverty Law Center describes Murray as a “white nationalist” who believes in the intellectual and moral superiority of white men.

When Murray was unable to speak because of the protesters’ interruptions Thursday night, administrators took him to a video studio in the same building and broadcast the event online.

But some protesters began pulling fire alarms, temporarily shutting off power to the live stream. When Murray finished his speech, he left the building with Allison Stanger, professor of international politics and economics, and other college officials, but was met by a group of protesters who wore bandanas to cover their faces.

College spokesman Bill Burger said he believed they were “outside agitators” who had been barred from the event, rather than Middlebury students. Flanked by security officers, Murray, Stanger and Burger moved toward Burger’s car.

By that point, more than 20 demonstrators had gathered. One threw a stop sign with a heavy concrete base in front of the car Murray was in, and several others rocked, pounded, and jumped on the vehicle. One protester pulled Stanger’s hair and injured her neck. She was taken to a hospital, where she was treated and released.

The turn of events was perhaps most upsetting to those who invited Murray to campus, the student chapter of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank.

Club leaders said they disagree with Murray’s views but wanted him to discuss his 2012 book “Coming Apart,” which explores the white working class in America.

“Free speech shouldn’t just be free for those who are with you,” said Phil Hoxie, a senior from California who studies economics and is a leader in the club. “It should be free for everyone.”

Hoxie and other club members said there is a problem at Middlebury, and they think it’s the same problem that plagues the nation: People are afraid to talk to each other about their differences of opinion.

Students have lost the ability to challenge one another in the classroom, they said, and in some cases are not encouraged to do so by professors.

“Students are afraid to be truthful in the classroom,” said Ivan Valladares, a senior from Brooklyn, N.Y., who is also a club leader.

Patton did not dispute the students’ diagnosis. Colleges must do more to encourage open dialogue,she said.

“We’re trying to find an educational space where people can have the tough conversations, and I think that’s incredibly difficult,” Patton said in an interview with the Globe Saturday afternoon.

“What this episode, I think, has shown, is that it is even harder to do, that in fact the task of a liberal arts education is even harder to do in the 21st century,” Patton said.

Harvey Silverglate, a Cambridge civil liberties attorney, said there’s a difference between the students disrupting Murray’s lecture inside and the individuals who damaged the car.

“I draw a serious line between rioting and other nondisruptive showing of disapproval,” he said. “One hiss and one boo is free speech. Twenty-five hisses and boos in a row is disruption and is illegal.”

Stanger called Thursday the saddest day of her life but said she doesn’t regret the experience. “Please instead consider this as a metaphor for what is wrong with our country,” Stanger wrote on Facebook. “And on that, Charles Murray and I would agree.”

Those attending Charles Murray’s speech on Thursday turned their backs to him.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2017, 05:17:12 PM »
Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley after event called off
Published April 20, 2017

Ann Coulter told Fox News the decision to nix her planned speaking event next week at the University of California, Berkeley, wouldn’t keep her from showing up.

"What are they going to do? Arrest me?" she asked Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. "No, I am definitely giving the speech."


Earlier in the day, the conservative commentator tweeted, "I WILL BE SPEAKING NEXT THURSDAY," calling the move to cancel her planned event on April 27 a ban on free speech. Campus Republicans had invited Coulter to speak at Berkeley on the subject of illegal immigration.

The cancellation marked the latest skirmish in a free-speech fight involving conservative voices on college campuses across the country, including at Berkeley. In February, masked rioters at the school smashed windows, set fires and shut down an appearance by former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Last week, the Berkeley College Republicans said threats of violence forced them to cancel a speech by writer David Horowitz. Writer Charles Murray's appearance at Middlebury saw riots last month, and Heather Mac Donald's speech at Claremont McKenna College was streamed online earlier this month after protesters blocked the door to the venue.


Coulter said Berkeley gave her a long list of conditions before initially approving her speech, and she agreed to them. Still, the school canceled.
"I love Milo, but I'm not Milo. I'm a 12-time New York Times bestselling author," Coulter told "Tucker Carlson Tonight," saying she'd be talking about one of her most recent books. "I called their bluff, and they didn't have another reason to cancel me."

University officials sent the Berkeley College Republicans a letter Tuesday saying officials and campus police had determined they could not ensure the safety of Coulter, audience members or protesters expected at the event.

"We have been unable to find a safe and suitable venue," the letter from Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Stephen Sutton read. "Given current active security threats, it is not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully."

The cancellation also came days after violent fights between far-right and far-left protesters Saturday at a rally supporting President Donald Trump in downtown Berkeley.

University spokesman Dan Mogulof said campus police learned that some of the groups who appeared to be responsible for the violence last weekend and at the Yiannopoulos event "planned to target the appearance of Ann Coulter on campus." Last week, posters went up on campus threatening disruption of the event and chatter on various websites indicated the possibility of planned violence.

In its letter, the university said the students and officials could work together to reschedule the event for a later date. It noted that "most Mondays and Tuesdays in September during the day should work."

The event was being co-organized by a campus group called BridgeCal and the Young America's Foundation, a conservative group that books Coulter's campus speeches. "We have no intention of acceding to these unconstitutional acts," the Young America's Foundation said in a statement. "The Ann Coulter lecture... will go forward."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2017, 07:47:45 PM »
Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley after event called off
Published April 20, 2017

Ann Coulter told Fox News the decision to nix her planned speaking event next week at the University of California, Berkeley, wouldn’t keep her from showing up.

"What are they going to do? Arrest me?" she asked Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. "No, I am definitely giving the speech."


Earlier in the day, the conservative commentator tweeted, "I WILL BE SPEAKING NEXT THURSDAY," calling the move to cancel her planned event on April 27 a ban on free speech. Campus Republicans had invited Coulter to speak at Berkeley on the subject of illegal immigration.

The cancellation marked the latest skirmish in a free-speech fight involving conservative voices on college campuses across the country, including at Berkeley. In February, masked rioters at the school smashed windows, set fires and shut down an appearance by former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Last week, the Berkeley College Republicans said threats of violence forced them to cancel a speech by writer David Horowitz. Writer Charles Murray's appearance at Middlebury saw riots last month, and Heather Mac Donald's speech at Claremont McKenna College was streamed online earlier this month after protesters blocked the door to the venue.


Coulter said Berkeley gave her a long list of conditions before initially approving her speech, and she agreed to them. Still, the school canceled.
"I love Milo, but I'm not Milo. I'm a 12-time New York Times bestselling author," Coulter told "Tucker Carlson Tonight," saying she'd be talking about one of her most recent books. "I called their bluff, and they didn't have another reason to cancel me."

University officials sent the Berkeley College Republicans a letter Tuesday saying officials and campus police had determined they could not ensure the safety of Coulter, audience members or protesters expected at the event.

"We have been unable to find a safe and suitable venue," the letter from Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Stephen Sutton read. "Given current active security threats, it is not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully."

The cancellation also came days after violent fights between far-right and far-left protesters Saturday at a rally supporting President Donald Trump in downtown Berkeley.

University spokesman Dan Mogulof said campus police learned that some of the groups who appeared to be responsible for the violence last weekend and at the Yiannopoulos event "planned to target the appearance of Ann Coulter on campus." Last week, posters went up on campus threatening disruption of the event and chatter on various websites indicated the possibility of planned violence.

In its letter, the university said the students and officials could work together to reschedule the event for a later date. It noted that "most Mondays and Tuesdays in September during the day should work."

The event was being co-organized by a campus group called BridgeCal and the Young America's Foundation, a conservative group that books Coulter's campus speeches. "We have no intention of acceding to these unconstitutional acts," the Young America's Foundation said in a statement. "The Ann Coulter lecture... will go forward."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

The fat Mexican mayor of Berkeley is a member of Antifa, BAMN, is on both their Facebook pages and is also a Facebook friend of Yvette Felarca who runs BAMN in Berkeley.

The MSM has known this for days, and no press on it.

And now you wonder why the Berkeley police were told to stand own during the Milo riots and only arrest Trump supporters at the last demonstration skirmish

By definition of the law, the Berkeley mayor has committed treason.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2017, 06:23:28 PM »
Liberals are always more violent than others

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2017, 06:28:41 PM »
Liberals are always more violent than others

Which is why the trump rally a few weeks ago a couple of blocks down from house made it fun. The liberal badasses thought they would come in and disrupt our neighborhood quick (and happily) found themselves bloodied up screaming like bitches. Looking forward to the next down here.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2017, 01:31:00 PM »
Portland Anarchists Shut Down Parade After Bragging the Police Can't Control Them (Antifa)
PJ Media ^ | April 27, 2017 | Jeff Reynolds
Posted on 4/27/2017, 4:24:16 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

The annual Avenue of Roses Parade in Portland, Oregon, has been called off after the organizers received specific threats of violence from anarchist groups. An anonymous email included threats that, if the Multnomah County Republican Party was allowed to participate, their members would be forcibly removed by their large band of thugs. The email bragged: "You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely." This is a reference to the riots in Portland in November in which citizens were terrorized and millions of dollars worth of property damage occurred over a period of almost a week.

The email included links to two Facebook events: "Defend Portland from Fascists at the Avenue Of Roses Parade," hosted by Direct Action Alliance, and "Shut down fascism! No nazis in Portland!," hosted by Oregon Students Empowered. Both groups are affiliated with the Antifa movement, which has violently confronted participants in Trump rallies across the nation.

This is the full email to parade organizers:

The Facebook event from Direct Action Alliance reads:

In response, the Multnomah County Republican Party issued a press release along with a letter to the mayor, chief of police, and district attorney of Portland, asking for cooperation to provide sufficient security and investigate the anarchists. The letter to the city said, in part:

This is criminal conduct. The author is threatening, and has already taken overt acts toward organizing the crime of riot: “while participating with five or more other persons the person engages in tumultuous and violent conduct and thereby intentionally or recklessly creates a grave risk of causing public alarm.” ORS 166.015. At the least, what is described is a criminal conspiracy to engage in the crime of disorderly conduct in the second degree: an intentional “
  • bstruct[ion of] vehicular or pedestrian traffic on a public way”. (ORS 166.025(1)(d). Other, even more disturbing threats are appearing on Facebook (copy also enclosed).

Before the GOP could have the requested discussion with organizers and city officials, an announcement was made that the entire event -- parade and carnival -- was canceled. Parade organizers released a simple statement explaining that "following threats of violence during the parade by multiple groups planning to demonstrate at the event, we can no longer guarantee the safety of our community and have made the difficult decision to cancel the parade and carnival."

The cancellation of the parade has caused a firestorm in local media, with widespread condemnation of the anarchists. One comment left on the Multnomah County Republican Party website represented the predominant reaction among a vast number of Portlanders:

I'm a life-long Democrat -- and appalled by the brownshirts threatening violence against you and the Avenue of Roses Parade. This is an attack against free speech, an attack against freedom of association, and nothing less than domestic terrorism, and should be vigorously pursued as such by federal, state and local authorities.

Media accounts differ regarding whether or not Portland Police said they could provide adequate security for the event in light of the threats. The spokesman for PPD, Pete Simpson, told local media: "We were aware of threats to disrupt the Avenue of Roses Parade on Saturday and were prepared to provide a police response appropriate to the needs of the event, which has traditionally been a family-friendly affair." This contradicts an anonymous statement given by someone involved in the parade: "In subsequent discussions with the city, the source said, the Portland Police Bureau made clear that it did not have the resources to provide extra security to the parade."

James Buchal, chair of the Multnomah County GOP, summed up the frustrations of many Republicans and many other Portland citizens by noting that the cancellation of the parade is the latest in a series of appeasements to the anarchists who feel as if they have free rein from city leaders. In a statement to the press, he said:

We are very disappointed at the cancellation of the Parade. Criminals committed to riot and disorder have bullied the parade organizers into causing Oregon moms, dads, kids, and well-meaning community organizations to lose their opportunity to participate in this cherished annual Oregon tradition. We are also angry that, once again, local civic leaders didn't do enough to prevent organized gangs of criminal thugs from running rampant in the City.

According to the criminal elements, they control the streets of Portland. This is a form of domestic terrorism, and our public officials are not responding appropriately. Worse than doing nothing, their refusal to take appropriate action enables these domestic terrorists to restrict the rights of other Oregonians.

The Multnomah County Republican Party offered to work with Portland Police to ensure adequate security, as they have for many events in the past. Instead, the decision of the parade organizers and the silence from City Hall have deprived the entire city of a family-friendly event. Every Portlander is a victim of the bullying by the anarchists. In an ironic twist, those who preach against so-called fascism are employing fascist tactics to forcibly deny the constitutionally protected rights of members of the community who wanted to participate in this civic event.

Disclaimer: Jeff Reynolds is a member of the Executive Committees of both the Multnomah County GOP and the Oregon GOP.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2017, 01:42:18 PM »
Berkeley Silences Free Speech With a Kick in the Teeth ^ | April 27, 2017 | Todd Starnes
Posted on 4/27/2017, 2:14:39 PM by Kaslin

There is a clear and present danger to conservative students at the University of California Berkeley.

The birthplace of the so-called free speech movement is now the epicenter of a nefarious movement to silence freedom-loving young people.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter had been scheduled to speak today, but she canceled.

Leftwing groups had threatened to silence Ms. Coulter by any means necessary.

But the university refused to guarantee the safety of Ms. Coulter or the students who invited her to speak – the Young America’s Foundation.

I know these students. I know this organization. They are good people – patriots all. They are students who battle with words and ideas – not baseball bats and switchblades.

And contrary to accusations made by some conservatives on Twitter, Young America’s Foundation did not “acquiesce” to the liberal bullies at Berkeley.

It’s important for you to understand the context of what YAF was hoping to accomplish with Ms. Coulter’s planned address.

It was not meant to be some sort of free-for-all in the campus plaza. The event was meant to be a civilized lecture inside some sort of auditorium or lecture hall.

YAF is not in the business of hosting conservative gatherings that resemble professional wrestling shows. They are meant to foster thoughtful and enlightened debate and conversation.

So why – you may ask – did the conservatives not proceed with Ms. Coulter’s speech?

It turns out the university’s police department has a stand down policy – meaning they do not get involved unless there is an imminent loss of life, according to a lawsuit filed by YAF.

In other words – liberals get a free pass to beat the living daylights out of conservative kids so long as the victims still have a pulse.

All the while Berkeley administrators look the other way – while speech liberals disagree with is silenced.

“Berkeley should be ashamed for creating this hostile atmosphere,” YAF president Ron Robinson told the Washington Examiner. “Berkeley made it impossible to hold a lecture due to the lack of assurances for protections from foreseeable violence from unrestrained leftist agitators.”

It would’ve been like throwing red meat to a pack of liberal jackals.

“I had the misfortune of being in a leftist riot as a student, and I wouldn’t want to put my children or anyone else’s children into that situation without assurances that law enforcement would protect them,” Robinson said.

I suppose we should not be all that surprised over the campus uprisings happening across the country. These are the children of the Obama generation – a generation that was taught to silence any speech they disagree with.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” President Obama once said.

That is the legacy of the Obama Administration – if you can’t silence conservatives, just beat the living daylights out of them.

It is the irony of ironies.

The so-called free speech movement started at Berkeley and ended at Berkeley – not so much with a whimper – but with a punch to the face.


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2017, 04:55:14 PM »
I'm going to go buy a gun for the glovebox of my truck this weekend.

I've shot one loaded with 000 buckshot and it is a blast to shoot.

The Taurus Public Defender is less than $400. Probably wouldn't be wise to use that Dragon's breath ammo he used at the end of the video, but that would probably disperse a crowd quickly.  :D

Dragons breath ammo looks like so much fun but you just need a place to shoot it safely due to the fire danger.


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2017, 07:39:58 AM »
MSNBC's Jason Johnson: "You're An Elite If You Don't Have To Depend On The Government"

JASON JOHNSON: You want to talk a elitism right? ... You're an elite if you don't have to depend on the government at some point in your life.

There are sick people out there. There are seniors out there who need federally funded cars to take them to and from place, there are people who have student loans. There is cancer research from the NSF that helps people from the entire country.

So if you can say you don't care about the government that must be great, fine for you, if you are that rich, maybe the people in the White House feels that way. But regular people -- Republicans and Democrats realize how stupid this is. I can't wait for them to make this mistake so they get wiped out in 2018 and we can have some competant Democrats and Republicans running this country.

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2017, 03:01:54 PM »
Ann Coulter speech at UC Berkeley canceled, again, amid fears for safety
By Susan Svrluga, William Wan and Elizabeth Dwoskin
April 26, 2017

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter said Wednesday that her planned speech at the University of California at Berkeley this week was canceled amid mounting concerns about potentially violent protests.

Coulter said in an email that the Young America’s Foundation canceled her appearance scheduled for Thursday, ordering her not to go to the Berkeley campus. The university realized that the group “wasn’t serious and dropped ongoing negotiations over a room,” she wrote. “Everyone who should be for free speech has turned tail and run.”

The university sent a message to the campus community Wednesday in the midst of uncertainty over whether, or when, Coulter might come to campus. After the university originally canceled her speech for Thursday and instead invited her to speak there next week, Coulter had vowed to speak anyway; with the university not offering a venue, campus Republican groups had been discussing her possibly appearing on a public plaza, where security would have been challenging.

Though no arrangements could be worked out, Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks emphasized that the university has two nonnegotiable commitments, to free speech and to campus safety.

“This is a University, not a battlefield,” Dirks told the university community. “We must make every effort to hold events at a time and location that maximizes the chances that First Amendment rights can be successfully exercised and that community members can be protected. While our commitment to freedom of speech and expression remains absolute, we have an obligation to heed our police department’s assessment of how best to hold safe and successful events.”

Even with Coulter’s appearance now canceled, campus police said many protesters and activists have still vowed to converge on Berkeley, which authorities fear could spark violence.

Capt. Alex Yao, from the university’s campus police, said, “Based on intel, we believe protesters are still going to come here. There are those individuals and groups who have said they’re going to come here to commit violence.” Yao pointed to numerous public postings online and said his department has also received calls and intelligence gathered from law enforcement partners in the region.

Some groups have said they plan to show up in the morning, Yao said, while others have said they will show up in the afternoon, so police are preparing for possible violence throughout the day. University spokesman Dan Mogulof said the cost of security Thursday will easily figure in the “tens of thousand of dollars.”

Before Coulter’s cancellation, the university was girding for potentially violent protests on campus on Thursday, when she was expected to give a speech, potentially on Sproul Plaza, a sprawling open area known for gatherings and demonstrations.

“We want to be the new free speech movement on campus,” Troy Worden, president of the Berkeley College Republicans, said Wednesday. “The longer goal is institutional reform.”

But Pranav Jandhyala, the founder of the politically moderate Bridges USA, the other student group that invited Coulter to campus, said Wednesday that their goals had been co-opted by outsiders. “People are using our campus community as a battleground,” he said. “This event wasn’t supposed to be about free speech.”

He said he got a concussion during the riots over another controversial speaker in February.

Harmeet Dhillon, the lawyer representing the Berkeley College Republicans and Young America’s Foundation, a national group fighting First Amendment issues on many campuses, said Coulter is entitled to her opinion about what could or should have been done in court, “but it was UC-Berkeley that canceled the speech.”

On Wednesday, Spencer Brown, a spokesman for the Young America’s Foundation, wrote in an email: “We did not capitulate to the Left or abandon Coulter. UC-Berkeley blocked every effort to provide a venue required to sponsor an educational event with Berkeley students. At no time was there ever a space or lecture time confirmed for Ann to speak.”

He wrote that the event was intended to be a lecture, not a stroll to Sproul Plaza, and the university had six weeks to lock in a room but did not do so. “If we had a hall, or even a room, we would have proceeded.”

” … We didn’t run from anything. We stepped up and sued Berkeley and we paid for Ann to give a lecture, not just give a brief speech among violent protesters.”

He said the group would move ahead with the lawsuit to protect students’ and conservative speakers’ First Amendment rights. “Conservatives shouldn’t be relegated to speaking outside under the threat of violence when numerous liberal speakers are given venues at any time they wish.”

On Wednesday, former Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos said he is planning to hold a week-long series of rallies and events at UC-Berkeley in fall to protest the university’s recent actions.

Berkeley has been at the center of a bitter fight over free speech, pitting protesters from the far-left and the far-right galvanized by President Trump’s election in November. Some protesters are demanding that controversial speakers not be given a platform, while others insist that blocking them violates their right to free speech. While confrontations over speakers are nothing new on college campuses, the anger has spun into riots in some places, leaving universities and police trying to balance safety and First Amendment rights.

Over the past two days and even the last hours before Coulter canceled her planned appearance, groups from both ends of the political spectrum appeared to be gearing up for a massive confrontation on campus. Anarchists and antifascists planned protests.

So did other groups: “We have amassed an army and are ready to protect her,” said Gavin McInnes, founder of a conservative group called Proud Boys, which he has described as a pro-Western fraternity for men who “refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”

Oath Keepers, a national militia group made up of former military and law enforcement officers, posted a call-out for members to converge on Berkeley for a “new mission” to protect Coulter and her speech.

“We now have a green light on this operation and we call on you to step up with us and help us once again defend free speech,” wrote the founder Steward Rhodes in a Facebook post on Wednesday. The group had turned up at a rally that grew violent earlier this month at a public park in Berkeley, as the conservatives brawled with anarchists and antifascists trying to shut the event down.

Rhodes’s message to Oath Keepers members provided maps, logistics, and orders to bring as much gear as possible in anticipation of violence: helmets, mask and goggles in case of tear gas, fire-resistant gloves, body armor and steel-toe boots if possible.

Kyle Chapman — a San Francisco Bay-area man who became a hero to many conservatives after a video went viral of him at a Berkeley rally breaking a wooden sign post over the head of a protester — also announced in recent days that he was forming a group called Alt-Knights to “defend our right wing brethren when police and government fail to do so. This organization is for those that possess the Warrior Spirit. The weak or timid need not apply.”

Three times this year, protesters wearing masks have turned demonstrations about speech into dangerous mob confrontations at Berkeley, with injuries, fires and massive property damage.

In February, swarms of Black Bloc protesters bent on disruption swept into the crowd of students demonstrating against Yiannopoulos, then a writer for Breitbart, and within minutes broke windows and set fire to a propane tank. University officials, acting on police advice, canceled his speech because they did not feel they could ensure his or the community’s safety.

At Berkeley, the site of countless protests and the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement of the 1960s, the level of extremism was unprecedented. But canceling Yiannopoulos’s speech angered many who believe conservative opinions are being smothered at the nation’s college campuses.

In a tweet, Trump raised the threat of pulling federal funding from the university.

Following the initial Coulter speech cancellation, student groups on Monday filed a lawsuit against university officials, contending that the school was stifling free speech, particularly for conservative students whose views are rejected by many on the liberal campus.

“It is deeply depressing and contrary to our nation’s best traditions to see violence used to silence speech with which some, or even many, may disagree,” said Will Creeley, senior vice president for legal and public advocacy at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. He said he worries that there is more of the same to come, with campuses serving as a sort of stage for these debates.

“People feel increasingly not only polarized, but also desperate. There’s a dangerous romanticization of violence — that there’s a moral imperative to take physical action to prevent speakers on campus that some find disagreeable. … There’s a sense that these speakers are not only voicing unpopular opinions but also doing some kind of physical or psychic harm to students on campus. There’s a conflation of spoken words and physical violence that I think is very dangerous and is being used, in some quarters, to justify this kind of reaction we’ve seen.”

Dirks, Berkeley’s chancellor, said Tuesday that because of the visibility of the clashes in recent months, and because of Berkeley’s iconic status — he said “everyone loves to be able to talk about how we’re the center of the ‘un-free speech movement’ ” — university officials are concerned that they have become an unwilling symbol.

“We feel like speakers are targeting us, precisely to provoke violent confrontations with a political purpose in mind,” Dirks said.

Jandhyala, the student who founded Bridges USA to fight polarization and spark dialogue between politically opposing groups, said that’s why his group invited Coulter.

Instead the whole affair has only polarized everyone involved further.

The Berkeley College Republicans, who were organizing the event alongside his, are no longer talking to him, he said. The threat of violence and protests looms over the campus as far-right and far-left groups are talking about showing up Thursday.

“I’m disappointed in the College Republicans, in the university, and Ann Coulter, who at some point in the middle of this just started trying to capitalize on the situation.”

Jandhyala said as late as Wednesday morning just before Coulter canceled her appearance, his group was still working on securing an off-campus venue and had identified several possibilities where her talk would have been live-streamed and where she could talk with a smaller crowd of students. But Jandhyala said Coulter’s team and the Berkeley College Republicans never responded to their proposal.

“It started to become more about provocation than being committed to this idea of free dialogue,” he said. “We were worried about the fact that she was going to come to speak and turn this campus more into a battleground than anything.”

. . . .

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2017, 01:50:34 PM »
ICYMI: Former Professor Arrested For Bludgeoning Pro-Trump Supporters Last Month
Matt Vespa Matt Vespa |Posted: May 27, 2017

In April, pro-Trump demonstrators gathered near Civic Center Park in Berkeley, California to hold a “Patriot Day” rally. Clashes between Pro-Trump and anti-Trump “Antifa” protesters broke out. One person, Eric Clanton, a former professor, decided to use a U-shaped bike lock to assault three people. One of the reported attacks was captured on video, which is featured below (Warning: some strong language). An investigation was conducted and Mr. Clanton was arrested earlier this week (via East Bay Times):

A former Diablo Valley College professor was arrested Wednesday in connection with the use of a bike lock in the beating of three people during a rally for President Donald Trump last month, police said Thursday.

Eric Clanton remained in custody in lieu of $200,000 bail at Berkeley Jail on Thursday and is scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Friday at Oakland’s Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse. He was arrested on three counts of suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon that isn’t a firearm and assault causing great bodily injury.

In a statement Thursday, police acknowledged that video of the incident, captured by onlookers and posted on social media, helped them identify Clanton as the suspect behind “several violent assaults” that happened April 15 during the demonstration at Civic Center Park on Martin Luther King Jr. Way.

Homicide detectives handled the investigation because of the seriousness of the assaults, police said. Investigators served warrants Wednesday at unspecified addresses in San Leandro and Oakland, the latter of which is where authorities took Clanton into custody.

He surrendered without incident, police said.

On Friday afternoon, Mr. Clanton pleaded not guilty to the charges.


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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2017, 02:01:06 PM »
ICYMI: Former Professor Arrested For Bludgeoning Pro-Trump Supporters Last Month
Matt Vespa Matt Vespa |Posted: May 27, 2017

In April, pro-Trump demonstrators gathered near Civic Center Park in Berkeley, California to hold a “Patriot Day” rally. Clashes between Pro-Trump and anti-Trump “Antifa” protesters broke out. One person, Eric Clanton, a former professor, decided to use a U-shaped bike lock to assault three people. One of the reported attacks was captured on video, which is featured below (Warning: some strong language). An investigation was conducted and Mr. Clanton was arrested earlier this week (via East Bay Times):

A former Diablo Valley College professor was arrested Wednesday in connection with the use of a bike lock in the beating of three people during a rally for President Donald Trump last month, police said Thursday.

Eric Clanton remained in custody in lieu of $200,000 bail at Berkeley Jail on Thursday and is scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Friday at Oakland’s Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse. He was arrested on three counts of suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon that isn’t a firearm and assault causing great bodily injury.

In a statement Thursday, police acknowledged that video of the incident, captured by onlookers and posted on social media, helped them identify Clanton as the suspect behind “several violent assaults” that happened April 15 during the demonstration at Civic Center Park on Martin Luther King Jr. Way.

Homicide detectives handled the investigation because of the seriousness of the assaults, police said. Investigators served warrants Wednesday at unspecified addresses in San Leandro and Oakland, the latter of which is where authorities took Clanton into custody.

He surrendered without incident, police said.

On Friday afternoon, Mr. Clanton pleaded not guilty to the charges.

So glad to see that they caught that man.

I read he's facing 40 years in prison.  :o

Dos Equis

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #46 on: May 29, 2017, 02:08:08 PM »
So glad to see that they caught that man.

I read he's facing 40 years in prison.  :o



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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #47 on: May 29, 2017, 03:06:35 PM »
So glad to see that they caught that man.

I read he's facing 40 years in prison.  :o

Hopefully more "antifa" criminals will be identified and arrested.

Dos Equis

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #48 on: June 14, 2017, 04:24:51 PM »
Scalise shooter: Dead gunman ID'd as Trump-hating building inspector from Illinois
By Kathleen Joyce
Published June 14, 2017
The man who opened fire on a Congressional baseball practice Wednesday, seriously wounding a top Republican lawmaker and four others was an avowed Bernie Sanders supporter who despised President Trump, according to what appears to have been his Facebook page.

James T. Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill., who was gunned down by police to end the shooting at Simpson Field in Alexandria, Va., appears to have maintained two Facebook pages, each replete with profane anti-Trump posts and glowing praise for Sanders.

Related Image
hodgkinson split1Expand / Collapse
Sanders, whose failed presidential campaign Hodgkinson is believed to have been a volunteer with, called the shooting a "despicable act."

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Texas Rep. Roger Williams’ congressional aide Zack Barth, Tyson Foods director of government relations Matt Mika and two Capitol police officers were also injured in the incident. Hodgkinson was shot by Capitol Police and died from his injuries.


A number of anti-Trump Facebook posts, taken down Wednesday by the social media giant, were published to the page that appears to be Hodgkinson's just two days before the shooting. One said, “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason.” Another said, “Make America Great Again, Resign!”

Hodgkinson appears to have posted an editorial cartoon on the page that depicted Scalise behind a podium, addressing a group of hooded Ku Klux Klansmen. Hodgkinson wrote in the post: "Here's a Republic that should lose his job, but they gave him a raise."

Fox News can confirm that Hodgkinson apparently sent politically-charged letters to the editor of the Belleville News-Democrat, which published a few of them. One letter that Hodgkinson wrote in 2011 stated: "It's time for the Republican congressmen to grow up. Maybe if they weren't so full of hate, they could see what they are doing to this country - selling it to the Chinese just so they can keep more of the millions."


Hodgkinson’s brother, Michael, told The New York Times his brother was not pleased with the current political climate.

“I know he wasn’t happy with the way things were going, the election results and stuff,” Michael Hodgkinson told The New York Times.

Hodgkinson was a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors, the head of the office told Fox News. He dropped out in 2015. Hodgkinson owned a home-inspection business but did not renew his license in 2016.

A Facebook spokesperson told Fox News the pages were taken down after the shooting for violating that company's community standards.

Dos Equis

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Re: Liberal Violence and Fascism
« Reply #49 on: June 14, 2017, 07:14:12 PM »
Remember the Professor Who Said Republicans Should be Executed?
By Todd Starnes
JUNE 14, 2017

It was a bad day for America. It was an ugly day.

A former Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer who hated President Trump opened fire on Republicans during baseball practice Wednesday. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is in critical condition. Two incredibly brave Capitol Police officers were also injured along with a House aide.

Rep. Mark Walker told NBC News it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible."

Rep. Rodney Davis blamed what he called "political rhetorical terrorism.

"This political discourse has led to gunfire," the Illinois Republican, said.

What I'm about to say is politically incorrect, but it needs to be said.

Our great nation is teetering on the brink of political anarchy. And the blame lies with Hollywood and public universities and left-wing activists.

Their hateful rhetoric over the past year -- their quest to remove President Trump from office - has now given birth to bloodshed.

This time at the hands of a man who hated President Trump - a man who wanted to kill as many Republicans as he could.

Good people gunned down because of their political affilaition.

Make no mistake - the man who pulled the trigger bears the responsibility for the bloodshed.

But we would be foolish if we did not address the festering anti-Trump cancer that has infected the left.

What about the D-list comedian who beheaded the president or the taxpayer-funded production called, "Killing Republicans" or the Shakespearean drama where Caesar was depicted as President Trump?

What about the high school teacher who made a bet on whether the president would be assassinated or the one who pretended to execute the president inside her classroom?

Or  how about the professor who said Republicans must be executed and the president must hang? Or the other professor who said House Republicans should be lined up and shot?

On Wednesday - those professors nearly got their wish - when a baseball field came perilously close to becoming a killing field.

We can be better than that, America. We must be better than that.