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What kind of tactics are fair in war?

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No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: Beach Bum on December 14, 2006, 12:30:16 PM ---Depends on which side you're on.  We have rules of engagement (e.g., you don't kill noncombatants who pose no threat).  Terrorists do not. 

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Are you sure about that?

Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: Berserker on December 14, 2006, 12:49:51 PM ---Are you sure about that?

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--- Quote from: Berserker on December 14, 2006, 12:49:51 PM ---Are you sure about that?

--- End quote ---

This is very true.  Not that it's always followed by the troops in the fight.  But the senior commanders do.

Dos Equis:
We have prosecuted soldiers who violated the rules of engagement in pretty much every major conflict.  That's one of the differences between "us" and "them." 


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