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stand down order...

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--- Quote from: 240 is Back on December 14, 2006, 09:30:24 PM ---Yes, that is standard procedure for hijacked planes which pose a threat to buildings.  Especially after planes 1 and 2 hit the towers.  The order would have been absolute shootdowns, without question.

wasting my time here I see.

and the info i quote is from the 911 commission report you illiterate non-researchers. 

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:P ;D


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on December 14, 2006, 09:30:24 PM ---Yes, that is standard procedure for hijacked planes which pose a threat to buildings.  Especially after planes 1 and 2 hit the towers.  The order would have been absolute shootdowns, without question.

wasting my time here I see.

and the info i quote is from the 911 commission report you illiterate non-researchers. 

--- End quote ---

so your getting your info from the 911 commision report? is this the same report you claim is invalid? the same report you say is full of lies? and if this report is good enough for you to get your info from, why are you demanding another investigation?


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