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Saddam Hussein is dead according to Al-Arabiya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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--- Quote from: Stark on December 29, 2006, 07:16:53 PM ---nope all news says before dawn...

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Are we going to get to see the pics like we did with his kids? They would make cool avatars :)

Delusional Liberal:

--- Quote from: chaos on December 29, 2006, 07:15:15 PM ---not with 13 different views from 7 different angles... I think the US is putting him into hiding and moving him to Brazil like we did Hitler ;D

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it's an inside job


--- Quote from: danielson on December 29, 2006, 07:17:42 PM ---Are we going to get to see the pics like we did with his kids? They would make cool avatars :)

--- End quote ---

since ogrish does not excist anymore (and liveleace is fuggin gay) hardly soon,

well I hope so, I think it may be the first step into moving forward...however 240 wants to interpret that... :D

yes first german newpaper confirms... SADAM IS DEAD ;D


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