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Amnesty Coming to a Town Near You

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Soul Crusher:
Obama trying to send this country into a civil war and chaos.   


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on November 12, 2014, 05:30:15 PM ---Impeach his punk ass.   NOW.  

shit, public support was behind impeachment months ago.  Now we all sit around and complain and whine.  He said it months ago, this was coming.  But nooooooooooooo we can't impeach.  

I'm seriously pissed about amnesty, but the only GOP solution is to run another RINO in 2016, who can't reverse this, even if he/she wins?

Unreal.  Obama sucks but he's a lib, you knew it was coming and nobody is surprised today.

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You not only voted for him but convinced your "whole family" to vote for him, in addition to you knee-padding for him non-stop for the last 6 years makes your above outrage meaningless as you are partly responsible for this.

You helped hire him Rob, so if you are truly outraged, then go look in the mirror for someone to blame.

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on November 04, 2008, 07:31:10 AM ---My whole family - all Republicans - are voting Obama.  i'm driving them to the station later - buying everyone dinner - making it a real family event.

--- End quote ---

Soul Crusher:
"Look, I believe it is an impeachable offense," Krauthammer told Kelly.

"If the circumstances were different, if we were at the beginning of a presidency, if we hadn't had years when the Congress has been supine and unresponsive at other grabs of their authority by the executive--like Obama unilaterally changing Obamacare after it was passed about 30 times with no response from the Congress--the same as Obama essentially re-writing some of the drug laws.

"This idea of prosecutorial discretion is really a travesty. It is intended for extreme cases. For a case where you want to show mercy for an individual or two where it's unusual incident, unusual circumstances and you say, okay, we're going to give this person a pass. It was never intended to abolish a whole class of people subject to a law and to essentially abolish whole sections of a law. And that's exactly what's happening here."

240 is Back:

--- Quote from: Soul Crusher on November 14, 2014, 04:15:22 AM ---"Look, I believe it is an impeachable offense," Krauthammer told Kelly.

"If the circumstances were different, if we were at the beginning of a presidency, if we hadn't had years when the Congress has been supine and unresponsive at other grabs of their authority by the executive--like Obama unilaterally changing Obamacare after it was passed about 30 times with no response from the Congress--the same as Obama essentially re-writing some of the drug laws.

"This idea of prosecutorial discretion is really a travesty. It is intended for extreme cases. For a case where you want to show mercy for an individual or two where it's unusual incident, unusual circumstances and you say, okay, we're going to give this person a pass. It was never intended to abolish a whole class of people subject to a law and to essentially abolish whole sections of a law. And that's exactly what's happening here."

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Very wise words from Krauthammer.

Look, RINOs, it's not going to be easy to change positions, but it is completely acceptable.  Reince Preibus, Mcconnell, Boehnner - They're all ESTABLISHMENT republicans.  This whole "impeachment is off the table" went out the window long ago.   The BASE of the repub party wants obama out.  Many in congress/senate want it too.

Suddenly, it's becoming OKAY to support impeachment.  It's OKAY to abandon the moderate/RINOs that brainwashed you into thinking it's off the table.   Krauthammer taking this position is HUGE.  Come on RINOs, come jump on the idea - it makes sense - Obama is 46% into his term... He can do PLENTY of damage still.  Put him on defense, and even if there's only a 1% chance impeachment works, that's a 1% chance you stop his evil agenda.

Soul Crusher:
Georgia Democrat compares Obama's executive amnesty to Emancipation Proclamation (Hurl!!!)
Examiner ^  | November 13, 2014 | Joe Newby

Posted on ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2014‎ ‎9‎:‎37‎:‎05‎ ‎AM by BradtotheBone

During a media gathering on President Obama's plan to grant executive amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, Rep. Hank Johnson, the Georgia Democrat who once wondered if Guam would tip over from overpopulation, compared the plan to the Emancipation Proclamation, the Daily Caller reported Thursday. According to Bloomberg's Dave Weigel, Johnson also "speculated about which of its defenders would star in a movie adaptation of the struggle."

But the comparison is hardly fitting, since the Emancipation Proclamation -- signed nearly 152 years ago by the nation's first Republican president -- did not free all the slaves, but only those in the Confederacy. Moreover, Johnson's claim falsely assumes that illegal immigrants are bought and sold the same way slaves were in the years prior to the Civil War.

Johnson was not the only Democrat to make an over-the-top statement at the meeting, Alex Griswold said. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, the Texas Democrat once dubbed the 'Congressional boss from Hell," said, “We will circle the president on fire. We will be on fire for rightness and justice.”

Democrats, Weigel said, did all they could to encourage Obama to "go big" on amnesty. Republicans, meanwhile, had nothing new to add.

"We'll not be shutting the government down, threatening to default on the national debt," said incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., despite some talk Republicans would use every means available -- including a partial shutdown -- to stop Obama's executive action. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, refused to rule out a shutdown on Thursday and said House Republicans would “fight the president tooth and nail.” Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., suggested using impeachment as a way to stop executive amnesty.

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