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Does God exist? Only half of Americans say a definite yes

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I think there have always been more Atheist than reported in years past. The article does point that out. While it's a whole lot more acceptable now, I still think people shy away from the label for fear of being judged or ostracized. Probably similar for Agnostics. And I know people who attend church who are atheist or agnostics, but they live in communities where Church is a social function, a place to network and not participating can impact your livelihood. Also, some non-believers have believers in their family and so they will join them. My son is a non believer but goes to church with his wife and kids so that they can have a shot at making up their own minds, and since it is a non-denominational church, he says the messages are positive and can be applied to anyone's life. Be kind to others, Be honest, be a good person. Don't dwell on mistakes from the past etc.

I think as we evolve, make strides in science, have less children indoctrinated into religion, the numbers will continue to change. 

Humble Narcissist:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on June 11, 2023, 11:25:59 PM ---I think there have always been more Atheist than reported in years past. The article does point that out. While it's a whole lot more acceptable now, I still think people shy away from the label for fear of being judged or ostracized. Probably similar for Agnostics. And I know people who attend church who are atheist or agnostics, but they live in communities where Church is a social function, a place to network and not participating can impact your livelihood. Also, some non-believers have believers in their family and so they will join them. My son is a non believer but goes to church with his wife and kids so that they can have a shot at making up their own minds, and since it is a non-denominational church, he says the messages are positive and can be applied to anyone's life. Be kind to others, Be honest, be a good person. Don't dwell on mistakes from the past etc.

I think as we evolve, make strides in science, have less children indoctrinated into religion, the numbers will continue to change.

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All very true.

Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: Humble Narcissist on June 04, 2023, 12:52:35 AM ---When I was a kid all of my friends went to church. Now, none of them do.

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I’ve always seen an age gap among religious people.  Growing up, a lot of us went to church because our parents made us go.  When kids become young adults, they often stop going.  Then come back when they get older.  Still true today.  I’m one of the few who never stopped going.  ‘

There are times when I question God’s existence.  But a number of things keep me grounded, including seeing the effects of answered prayer in my life and the magic of everything we see (our bodies, animals, the environment, etc.).  It’s all too perfect to be here by accident.  I’m definitely a believer in intelligent design, which leads to a belief in God. 

But I always respect anyone who doesn’t share my beliefs.  That’s why some of my good friends are atheists, including one of my key employees.  ‘

I do, however, mock atheists who spend their lives obsessing over something they don’t believe exists.  I have no problem slapping those folks around.   ;D


--- Quote from: Dos Equis on June 12, 2023, 12:08:32 PM ---I’ve always seen an age gap among religious people.  Growing up, a lot of us went to church because our parents made us go.  When kids become young adults, they often stop going.  Then come back when they get older.  Still true today.  I’m one of the few who never stopped going.  ‘

There are times when I question God’s existence.  But a number of things keep me grounded, including seeing the effects of answered prayer in my life and the magic of everything we see (our bodies, animals, the environment, etc.).  It’s all too perfect to be here by accident.  I’m definitely a believer in intelligent design, which leads to a belief in God. 

But I always respect anyone who doesn’t share my beliefs.  That’s why some of my good friends are atheists, including one of my key employees.  ‘

I do, however, mock atheists who spend their lives obsessing over something they don’t believe exists.  I have no problem slapping those folks around.   ;D

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I respect your right to your belief as well. I also am not a fan of rabid atheists antagonizing believers. I do however understand why some atheists have organized for political purposes. Just a look at history is all one needs to understand it. 

Dos Equis:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on June 12, 2023, 08:55:34 PM ---I respect your right to your belief as well. I also am not a fan of rabid atheists antagonizing believers. I do however understand why some atheists have organized for political purposes. Just a look at history is all one needs to understand it.

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History doesn't show atheists as some persecuted minority. 

Atheist activists are crazy.  Protesting and complaining about something they don't believe exists.  Debating the Bible.  Filing lawsuits over having to look at religious symbols.  I could never see myself complaining about (or suffering emotional distress from looking at) Santa Claus. 


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