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$355-$363+ MILLION Dollars! 3 year ban!

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--- Quote from: IroNat on February 16, 2024, 03:27:55 PM ---3-year ban from Getbig?

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Well, we can hope.

Well the orange toddler has racked up a total of $438,000,000.00* in judgements against him because he can't stop lying or just keep his mouth shut in general with these civil fraud and defamation suits. 

*And that is not counting the $100,000,000.00 in interest that the judge said he will be responsible for going back years. 

I think it is safe to assume he won't be making the Forbes list again this year.   :'(

Looks like you Trumpturds are going to have to start working second jobs to pay his bills.

I’m a nobody, and when I fill out a PFS with my bank they never send anyone to appraise any of my properties. Shit, my shop/yard is assessed with the city at $810,000 and when I listed it less than a year ago I had 3 offers in 24 hour with one being above asking at $1.4 million. I rejected the offers but anyway, my real estate agent said “hey, this is real, if the bank ever jerks you around you have real value here based on these offers”. I got no appraisal but end of the year when I renewed my LOC, I put the value to $1.4 on that piece of property and it significantly increased my net worth. I assume Trump did the same shit and didn’t think anything of it. He’s made all of his payments, and didn’t hurt anybody. What happens now if he has to pay 20% of his money and most likely all of his cash to these judgements? Shit, he can file bankruptcy and not pay any of it and probably keep his property. Now someone gets “hurt” because they forced his hand.


--- Quote from: Grape Ape on February 16, 2024, 12:37:36 PM ---Dude, you're smart enough to know this is absolutely preposterous, and will end up making more a farce out of our judicial system.

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You're not wrong very often G but I think you've missed the ballpark on this.


--- Quote from: Irongrip400 on February 16, 2024, 04:59:16 PM ---I’m a nobody, and when I fill out a PFS with my bank they never send anyone to appraise any of my properties. Shit, my shop/yard is assessed with the city at $810,000 and when I listed it less than a year ago I had 3 offers in 24 hour with one being above asking at $1.4 million. I rejected the offers but anyway, my real estate agent said “hey, this is real, if the bank ever jerks you around you have real value here based on these offers”. I got no appraisal but end of the year when I renewed my LOC, I put the value to $1.4 on that piece of property and it significantly increased my net worth. I assume Trump did the same shit and didn’t think anything of it. He’s made all of his payments, and didn’t hurt anybody. What happens now if he has to pay 20% of his money and most likely all of his cash to these judgements? Shit, he can file bankruptcy and not pay any of it and probably keep his property. Now someone gets “hurt” because they forced his hand.

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No, what he did was fraudulently increased claiming the size of the apartment.  Saying it was much much bigger than it actually was.  While your increase could easily be justified, there is no way to explain where the imaginary size increase came from.


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