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Jaejonna says he's a nig ga!!!!!!!!
Count Grishnackh:
--- Quote from: dan18 on January 30, 2007, 01:34:06 PM ---At least he fucks woman
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brutal envy from a true sausage king hahahahahahaha
I like bitches with fat asses ....I will take a video ho over a Ford Model bitch ...hahahah Im not a N*gg*, I just have those tendencies...
the shadow:
--- Quote from: BerzerkFury on January 30, 2007, 02:56:06 PM ---It's a well known fact JaeJonna is doing everything in his power to be black. I heard he likes to roll around the mud outside his house.
--- End quote --- the way awesome signature
i dont know what you white boys call that but i call that ass
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