Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk

Negative Remarks ( Read before posting on this board )

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This Board clearly states, " Positive board with no attacks or negative posts for fans of the bodybuilding sport, whether it be professional or amatuer. Discussions, news, info or whatever questions you feel like asking without getting flamed. Keep it positive, clean and bodybuilding oriented only. "

If I, or any of the other Mods, see a Post that doesn't abide by the Rules, it WILL get Deleted. Let's make this a fun, enjoyable Board, fellas. You want to insult someone ... belittle them ... post somewhere else. Thank you.

On another note, if ANY of you have any Ideas or thoughts as to how WE can make this a better Board ... perhaps, a more Popular one, then PLEASE don't hesitate to Post your thoughts and Ideas in this Thread. Once again, thank you for your time.

P.S - I can't speak for the other Mods, but if you have ANY Questions or Concerns please don't hesitate to Contact me ... thank you.  :)

THe problem, as allways is who provokes, and it often starts in another area.
We all know the worst offenders, banning them and all their alter egos would go a long way.


--- Quote from: trab on October 31, 2007, 02:28:35 PM ---THe problem, as allways is who provokes, and it often starts in another area.
We all know the worst offenders, banning them and all their alter egos would go a long way.

--- End quote ---

Ditto,  The race thing has gotten waaay out hand.  About a year ago Ron said he'd take care of it but it's worse then ever now.  It shouldn't matter who it is or how many posts they have.  At this point I've even found myself defending myself using their tactics and that's not what I'm here for.


--- Quote from: Big_Wiggs on October 31, 2007, 04:00:26 PM ---Ditto,  The race thing has gotten waaay out hand.  About a year ago Ron said he'd take care of it but it's worse then ever now.  It shouldn't matter who it is or how many posts they have.  At this point I've even found myself defending myself using their tactics and that's not what I'm here for.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I feel ya..... Some of its pretty offensive...
But I hate a world so sterile that friends cant joke around..

My faimly is mixed but not black, and we've lots of friends of many races, and we all joke about race. Including some who my Govt bombed their home when they were kids.....

The stuff that's clearly meant to hurt and degrade should just get deleted, some gets pretty grey though.

Absolutely agreed, fellas ! Being of Mixed Race myself ( Half-Black, Half-White ) I sometimes cringe going into the Gossip and Opinions Board. Trust me when I say this ... as long as I'm Mod of THIS Board there will be NO Racist Comments allowed here ! NONE ! Regarding your first Post, Trab ... I've already got it under control.  :) By the way, thanks for the Comments, guys ! Much like Ron ( as I've spoken with him many times ), I want to make this a popular Board just like the G & O Board ... just without the negativity of course.  :D


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