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Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?
Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY
Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait. BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D
Cool quiz.
Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Entrepeneur (The Pioneer)
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type: The Inventor
Myers-Briggs Classification: ENTP
Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type: The Originator
You are generally intellectually fast, astute, creative, alert, insightful, adaptable and very well informed. If you have had a privileged education these attributes are dramatically enhanced. As a consequence you may be perceived as “gifted” or extraordinary when you display your abilities. Above all else you believe in invention and have a phenomenal ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions. You tend to know that you are smarter and more able and this stimulates you to debate and you may try to be “one-up” on other people. Be aware that this can make your family, friends and colleagues insecure and irritated. You love new ideas and concepts and commit yourself to new projects with enthusiasm and energy. However, your questing and undisciplined mind may well lose interest if the endeavour becomes too “detail” focused. This makes you a great starter-initiator but a poor completer-finisher. In addition, you may also ignore mundane and routine aspects of your life such as remembering to pay your bills on time. You are often so bored and irritated by routine that you will do something differently even if you know that another way is more effective. This trait can lead to enormous inventiveness and sometimes spectacular failures. In fact, boredom is your enemy! This doesn’t mean that you are often bored – quite the contrary. You know a thousand ways to keep your agile mind active but if you are forced by circumstances into a routine you can become despondent and even depressed as the fire inside you goes out. You are a rare, valuable and often unappreciated personality and need to remember to nurture your strengths.
--- Quote from: SAMSON123 on October 29, 2010, 09:45:29 AM ---Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY
Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait. BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D
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I found it to be a pretty good test considering is gave only 2 options for each question and only asked a couple dozen or so questions.
I do believe tests like this can reveal character and personality to a point. I found this interesting at the bottom of the page:
--- Quote ---Disclaimer:
This quiz or test is designed as a broad guide to your personality. It is not a scientifically accredited personality test and is designed merely to stimulate an interest in this subject. We fully subscribe to the generally held belief that tests of this nature are rarely more than 75% accurate. This quiz should not be seen or used as a replacement for a professionally administered psychometric testing. accepts no liability for the impact or consequences that may occur as a result of you undertaking this quiz.
--- End quote ---
So what i don't see is how this relates to the Illuminati?
Also, most people I believe don't know themselves very well. They are a victim to their perceptions, emotions and beliefs whether accurate or not.
therefore, If the Illuminati administered this test they may know some people better then d so would any other organization who administers tests like this.
So, so what?
BTW the "no fly list" is a simple inconvenience and was mainly put up as propaganda device to make people feel safe. I posted a thread a couple years ago showing how beat it easily.
I'm feeling a little nekkid right now. {blush} :-[
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: SAMSON123 on October 29, 2010, 09:45:29 AM ---Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY
Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait. BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D
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besides for a few small things it was pretty darn accurate and some of the things were freaky accurate like this:
"In particular, you can become deeply stimulated by theories and abstract ideas which you may actively try to prove or disprove in order that you can truly understand them." And the part about staying up til 3am working on a project WTF, I started looking around my work area for hidden cameras :D
lol at related.
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