Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > History - Stories - and Memories
Looking Back - Blasts from the past
Mr. Zimbabwe:
Cool pics so far Tony! This will be a great thread! I remember that NOC show and kinda felt Dorian could have even won it despite the freaky conditioning of Benaziza? Congrats on being MC! I see Beckles, Phil Hill(?), Bob Paris and Robbie Robinson in the back ground.
Had dinner in 1999 with Pete Grymkowski & friends in Venice Beach and he seemed a great guy. He insisted on covering dinner for all 8 of us. I was fresh off the boat from Africa!
Ronnie Rep:
Great thread Tony, keep those pics coming! I trained at the first Golds Gym in Florida for years, Golds Gym in Sunrise Florida! The owner Ken Beley was good friends with Grymko! He told me all kinds of stories about him how he loved to party, said he was a great guy! Never got to meet him though! Saw Grymko in the 1980 Pro Florida Show! He got 4th place he was the biggest guy onstage!
Mr. MB:
You have some GREAT pics....followed your saga on Looking for some new pics from you. BTW why do you ride your chopper on the wrong side of the street....mate?
--- Quote from: Tony Doherty on September 11, 2013, 05:58:52 AM ---Here is a shot from about 1990 with one of my inspirations. Pete Grymkowski. I was just a nobody with a hunger to win and he told me about dreaming big and welcomed me to his world. Gold's Gym Venice. Pete was one of the largest bodybuilders of his era, competing at over 240 pounds. He began his career by winning his hometown title of Mr. Rochester (New York) in 1968. He then went on to win the 1970 AAU Mr. Eastern America, the 1971 AAU Junior Mr. USA and the 1972 AAU Junior Mr. America. In 1977 Grymkowski started competing in the IFBB and took home the Heavy Weight titles at both the Mr. America and Mr. World. After retiring from competition in 1979 Pete was one of a group of partners who bought and then transformed Gold's Gym into the worldwide empire that it is today. He sold the gym chain in 1999 but continues to be active in many areas of sport and business while devoting the majority of time to his family life. Thanks Pete, you will never know how much it meant to me.
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great stuff TD
great happy pants
living the dream! :)
--- Quote from: Tony Doherty on September 11, 2013, 06:15:29 AM ---Phil Hill and Sonny Schmidt backstage at maybe Niagara Falls 1990. Phil Hill was awesome and could really pose, then disappeared from bodybuilding.
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what happened to phil hill
he had some great wheels
look forward to some classic pics from TD!
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