Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 488717 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #225 on: October 18, 2018, 08:55:30 AM »
Trained back: No warm ups listed. Sometimes I skipped the warm up.

Mag grip pulldowns 1 x 15 ( I won't list the weight. It's one of those exercise that if you lean back with partials anyone can handle sick weights. I try to stay mainly up right with full extension and full contraction touching my upper chest)
Low V Handle seated pulley lat row 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way in.)
One arm dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 11 95lbs
Hammer pulldown 1 x 11

Dead lift 1 x 6 315lbs
Weighted hyper back extension 1 x 20 25lbs (25lbs plate behind my head)

Ab wheel 1 x 30
Machine ab crunch 1 x 30 100lbs

I believe in form over weight. I don't claim to be a Hercules. Having said that so many are delusional. They do limited ranges of motion with a ton of weight. It's always better in my opinion is a full range of motion with a moderate cadence of rep speed. Pay attention to the negative. For example I'm sure if I did a big lean back with the pulldown and stopped the positive 6 inches from my chest I could increase the weight I use by 50lbs or more. Better to sit up right with a slight lean back while going all the way down and up. Then again weight lifting will never be rocket science. Both intelligent and dopey trainers have gotten good results doing what ever they feel like.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #226 on: October 19, 2018, 12:07:19 PM »
Trained delts and triceps:  Used one set to failure.

Press behind the neck. Warmed up with 115 then 125lbs. Then my shoulder screamed. Nope not doing that again. They use to be a favorite of mine.
Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (cleaned the weight and went all the way down to the clavicles.)
Delt lateral raise 1 x 14 30lbs
Machine laterals 1 x 12 80lbs
Rear delt machine 1 x 11 90lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 11 25lbs (went deep)
single dumbbell two hands 1 x 12 80lbs
Tricep push downs 1 x 15
Rope push downs 1 x 12 90lbs
One arm dumbbell tricep behind head 1 x 12 25lbs

Ab coaster 1 x 35 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 1 x 25 90lbs

I don't understand why I don't understand I'm not a kid. I can't bench with a bar anymore. I can't do the press behind the head. I have to be grateful that for some reason I can punch with my bad shoulder. I can do the military press and also with dumbbells. So I bench with dumbbells. Not a bad thing.

Seriously considering using volume so I can use less intensity so I can run more. I know I can dig it up but a University's exercise physiology wanted to know the calories burned for a high intensity Nautilus circuit. I believe 12 exercises were used with one set to failure. The calories used was under 125 calories if my memory serves me. The equivalent of walking fast for a little over a mile. I would imagine a volume routine would burn a hell of a lot more. If anyone is seriously interested I can cite the study but I would have to dig through my articles.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #227 on: October 19, 2018, 05:56:01 PM »
Exercise does burn calories but it's much more efficient to just eat less.

Exercise for health, strength and fitness.

Manage caloric intake for weight control.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #228 on: October 19, 2018, 06:59:43 PM »
Exercise does burn calories but it's much more efficient to just eat less.

Exercise for health, strength and fitness.

Manage caloric intake for weight control.

I believe exercise causes calories to be burned after the exercise is finished. Some would say this is bro science. I say this because I have lost weight far out of proportion to the calorie count of the exercise. Many have the same empirical experience. I have seen guys lose weight rapidly running 3 miles a day when the caloric cost doesn't equal the math of the amount of weight lost. I think we are way behind in knowledge in exercise science. I often heard a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Using that standard the math doesn't work out for weight loss concerning working out. Ideally of course both diet and exercise should give the best results. You have many swimmers and runners that eat way out of  portion to what they weigh.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #229 on: October 20, 2018, 03:34:57 AM »
I believe exercise causes calories to be burned after the exercise is finished. Some would say this is bro science. I say this because I have lost weight far out of proportion to the calorie count of the exercise. Many have the same empirical experience. I have seen guys lose weight rapidly running 3 miles a day when the caloric cost doesn't equal the math of the amount of weight lost. I think we are way behind in knowledge in exercise science. I often heard a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Using that standard the math doesn't work out for weight loss concerning working out. Ideally of course both diet and exercise should give the best results. You have many swimmers and runners that eat way out of  portion to what they weigh.

Exercise does burn calories but it's much more effective to just eat less.

Keep exercising by all means but you can't outrun a bad diet.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #230 on: October 20, 2018, 04:08:33 AM »
Trained delts and triceps:  Used one set to failure.

Press behind the neck. Warmed up with 115 then 125lbs. Then my shoulder screamed. Nope not doing that again. They use to be a favorite of mine.

It's annoying when people give advices (because we know it all since we've been training for 40 years!) but here's my 2 cents.  

Regarding bench pressing and behind neck presses (or any movement you that you have trouble with from previous injury).

Start really light.  Just the bar or no weight on a machine.

Do your 8-10 reps or whatever.

Add weight VERY gradually over several weeks and months to allow your muscles and connective tissues to strengthen and gain flexibility.  Add only a few pounds at a time.


Week 1 and 2 - Empty bar
Week 3 and 4 - Empty bar + 2.5 to 5 lbs.
Week 5 and 6 - Empty bar + 5 to 10 lbs

Warm up gradually.  Add weight during warmup sets in jumps of no more than 10% of your max.  If your max is 250 in the squat then add weight each warmup set no more than 25 lbs.  Even less if needed.  Yes, you will need to do more warmup sets.  

The introduction of a new movement to a routine requires a period of adaptation to prevent injury.  When you get older this seems to be even more important.  If you haven't done behind neck presses in a year, start very light.

My elbow problem resulted from doing an exercise I hadn't done in years using heavy weight.  Result: injury!  The connective tissue couldn't handle it.  What I should have done is used light weight for a week or two before going heavier.  Dumb!
Regarding diet and exercise in general...

It's easier to skip the second helping of fried chicken or the second beer than have to spend an hour or two on the treadmill walking it off.  You can still spend an hour on the treadmill if you want to (because you just really love the treadmill or you are addicted to the endorphin rush) and then you'll lose weight if that's your goal.  Or you could rest, recover and read a book.  Growth only occurs during rest right?

Excessive exercise doesn't significantly increase your life span.  It can improve your quality of life (as long as you enjoy exercising) but you have to weigh that against the time you spend exercising that you could be doing other things you may also enjoy.  If you love exercising then do that.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #231 on: October 20, 2018, 01:03:27 PM »
Ken Cooper the researcher into Aerobic exercise said regarding health and life expectancy it's a bell curve. Exercise improves health and life expectancy but too much doesn't. He once said anyone who runs more than three miles a day is going it for something other than health.

My personal views is that it decreases risk factors and improves health. It's not a cure all.  While I believe both strength and cardio training is important no one can deny the health benefits of cardio. Just thinking of a few.

1. Decreases blood fat as in triglycerides.
2. Lowers visceral fat responsible for metabolic diseases and heart disease
3. Lowers subcutaneous fat.
4. Lowers your resting heart rate showing you made your heart muscle stronger.
5. Increases High density lipids the ones you want high
6. Increases red blood cells
7. Lowers blood pressure in many
8. Lowers blood sugar
9. Makes your arteries more flexible
10. Increases bone density with running and walking

I could add to that list. Maybe I will make a list for strength training. The most important factor will always be genetics. We all know someone that lived to be 85 but were sickly and weak for 30 years. That's not some thing to aim for.

IroNat you are right. You can't out work a bad diet. I have to stop typing. Going out for dinner at this outrageously good family Italian restaurant. I'll diet Monday.  ;D


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #232 on: October 22, 2018, 11:40:56 AM »
Took the whole weekend off. Beginning to think I'm a binge drinker. This whole weekend was a drink fest. Parties and an overnight casino trip.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #233 on: October 22, 2018, 01:04:49 PM »
Took the whole weekend off. Beginning to think I'm a binge drinker. This whole weekend was a drink fest. Parties and an overnight casino trip.

Nowadays everything has a name, a "condition".

In the old days you just went out and got blasted on the weekends.  Now it's called "binge" drinking.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #234 on: October 22, 2018, 05:31:16 PM »
Nowadays everything has a name, a "condition".

In the old days you just went out and got blasted on the weekends.  Now it's called "binge" drinking.

So true.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #235 on: October 23, 2018, 09:28:24 AM »
Trained Back and chest: I wasn't going to change things up this week but truth be told I drank like a fish this weekend. Just going to stick with what I'm was doing last week. Surprisingly I had a good workout today. Maybe because I didn't run for almost a week.  I do lose some strength when I run too much.

Did four exercises for back and chest respectively. Two work sets per exercise to close to failure. After doing 8 exercises I did some deadlifts. Prefatigued I only used 300lbs for two sets of four. Finished with one rep of 320lbs. I bet fresh I could get up to around 400lbs. No big achievement but considering my age and that I lift for fitness not specializing in power lifting I'm good with that.

I was on facebook and found a guy I competed against in power lifting around 1977.  He has never stopped competing.  He's about 5 years older than me so he's about 65. He puts up some good numbers for a light weight. I quickly lost interest in power lifting but he has never lost interest. He was the NJ State champ as a light weight. Back then if memory serves me no one used cheat shirts and squat suits.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #236 on: October 24, 2018, 07:25:52 AM »
You're lifting some good numbers.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #237 on: October 24, 2018, 12:50:03 PM »
Ran 5 miles today excluding a quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down so 5.5 miles. I ran slow but I'm happy I got it in. Did some heavy bag work after. Each mile I ran faster than the last. My damn music player broke. Running facing a wall listening to the commercial gym house music was awful.  The guy set up the TV's way above eye level if you're on the treadmills. They are set up for the bikes and ellipticals in the rear.



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #238 on: October 25, 2018, 07:37:38 PM »
Leg day:  My legs were sore from running five miles the day before.

Dumbbell squats 12 x 12 85lbs in each hand with straps (Again upright back and sinking it taking the ass all the way down. I don't deadlift the weight)
Stiff leg deadlift 1 x 6 205lbs
Glute kick back machine 2 x 12 80lbs (One of the hardest exercises going)
Leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curls 2 x 12 100lbs
Body weight squats free hand. 1 x 50 ( deep and moderate cadence. Really good pump. I think these are a fantastic finisher)

Standing calf machine 2 x 12 180lbs ( I hesitate putting weight down with machines because every machine is different. 180lbs in this commercial gym is heavy. In my home gym I have two standing calf machines. One I use 325lbs and the other 145lbs is heavy. So pick a weight 180, 325 or 145.
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs (beginning to think I can do a better movement meaning better range of motion if I use less weight. Might use 10lbs less next time.)

4 way neck machine 2x20. (Not sure but I think this might be an early Nautilus machine. It's repainted white. No markings on the machine but it has the Nautilus cam)

Ab coaster 1 x 37 60lbs.
Ab crunch 2 x 22 100lbs

Came home and had a vegetable protein shake. Whey protein makes my stomach do flips. I don't know if this vegetable protein is really doing me any good. I guess I feel it can't be bad for me. LOL. Really thinking about using volume soon. Tomorrow I hope to do a double session of running and lifting. Famous last words. I hate doing a double. I have the day off from work. Maybe I will run early and at noon lift. I have to be insane.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #239 on: October 26, 2018, 05:47:17 PM »
Trained Delts and arms:

Trained hard with the weights then went right onto the treadmill for a three mile run.  Followed it with two beers and two glasses of wine. Unknown to me I opened an expensive bottle of wine and got yelled at for what seemed like five minutes by the wife. Should have stayed with beer. How do I know what's good wine and what is common fair?  Well, I enjoyed it until I got told off. I was watching old reruns of Frazier on netflix eating popcorn drinking that damn wine.

Military press 2 x 8 115 (Cleaned the weight and went all the way down. Didn't lean back to incline it.)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 2 x 10 80lbs
Rear delt machine 2 x 10 90lbs. (Too much weight. I wasn't pleased with the strictness or cadence)
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 15 90lbs

Weighted dips 2 x 10 25lbs. (deep)
Two arms one dumbbell tricep extension behind head 2 x 10 80lbs
Tricep pushdowns 2 x 10
One arm dumbbell extensions 2 x 10 (elbow hurt. These are out)

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Scott curl 2 x 10
Arnold concentration curls 2 x 12
Machine curl 1 x 10

Forearm wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10

I got on the treadmill and ran three miles at 6.0MPH, 6.3 MPH, and 6.7 MPH. I did a quarter mile at the end at around a 7:40 mile pace. Cooled down for a quarter mile at a fast walk.

After treadmill I did one set of straight leg hanging leg raise for 1 x 25. Knee ins off a bench 1 x 25.  

Tomorrow after work I will do absolutely nothing physical. Nope, not replacing the bottle of wine either.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #240 on: October 27, 2018, 06:27:37 AM »
it took someone on this board to make my stubborn ass change a long process of figuribg my stomach issues,i read what you went through ,i wast dying inside but felt crappy every day around my meals due to protein powder i was us8ng for yrs and yrs same one but it wasnt digesting anymore well ,i would make shakes,mix it in greek yogurt you name it .it took months to figure out,


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #241 on: October 27, 2018, 06:34:08 AM »
Talking about wine, have a whole bunch of bottles of wine that received as gifts over the years.

Some of these were over 20 years old.  Finally went to drink some and they had gone bad.  Stored on their sides but still they went bad.

So the moral of the story is "don't save wine, drink it".


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #242 on: October 27, 2018, 11:14:48 AM »
it took someone on this board to make my stubborn ass change a long process of figuribg my stomach issues,i read what you went through ,i wast dying inside but felt crappy every day around my meals due to protein powder i was us8ng for yrs and yrs same one but it wasnt digesting anymore well ,i would make shakes,mix it in greek yogurt you name it .it took months to figure out,

Lactose tolerances change. It tends to get worst with people when they age.  What you could tolerate years ago could be a problem today.  Having whey protein with greek yogurt would be an absolute nightmare for me.  It also might have to do with the cultures used in greek yogurt. For awhile I could find lactose free yogurt but now I can't find it anymore. To get a yogurt fix I sometimes buy soy yogurt. I know the estrogen thing but eating it a couple times a week isn't going to make any difference. Their is also Almond yogurt but it has little protein.

Sometimes I feel protein supplements are a waste but I have been told by every bodybuilding magazine since I was a kid that it's necessary for optimal gains. I still feel it's not needed but I have a doubt so I use something. I switched to vegetable protein powder. I'm sure it's not as good as whey but then again what a rip off in price whey is. They cheese making companies use to throw that in the trash and now they charge a crazy amount for the cheese by product. Use eggs from Costco or Bj's.  The vegetable protein I use is the Vega brand available in Costco. Orgain is good too.  

I was having so much horrible stomach issues and I saw many Gastro doctors. My wife cured me when after six months of pain my wife noticed on vacation it went away and I wasn't eating any milk products. Regarding milk every decent supermarket like Shop Rite in Jersey sells lactose free milk.  It even has a slight sweet taste that makes it better tasting than regular milk.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #243 on: October 27, 2018, 03:56:14 PM »
i noticed when i was away too at the shorei felt less bloated full uneven,i can drink already mad3one just not my own powdered creations,i bought hiden valley organic milk protein shakes they were $ee for 4 but 26 grs protein each and all organic 5 ingrediants total,thats what did it for me yo7 ever see the list of ingrediants in these jugs and some shakes from store like boost or ensure shakes m6 god they all have 30 gram shakes now but are loaded with crap.i am totally eating food i prepare with little crap added .


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #244 on: October 29, 2018, 02:14:46 PM »
I haven't changed my workouts yet.  Just wanted to do the usual. Trained back and chest. Had a good workout. Very busy weekend. Hope to have a good training week.  Tomorrow is a running day. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #245 on: October 30, 2018, 06:19:32 PM »
I went to a park to run today and it was closed for fertilizing the fields. When to the gym and went on the treadmill.

Walked a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH.
First mile 5.5 MPH about 11:00 minute mile
Second mile 5.7 about a 10:30 minute mile
Third mile 6.0 MPH about a 10:00 minute mile
Forth mile 6.3 MPH about a 9:30 minute mile
Fifth mile 6.7 MPH about a 8:57 minute mile (finished the last quarter mile in about 8.0 MPH about a 7:30 minute mile
Cool down walk quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

Hit the heavy bag for two three minute miles. I did this workout in the morning and now after work my abs were sore. I think it was a combo of running and hitting the back.

Tomorrow is leg day.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #246 on: October 31, 2018, 11:05:58 AM »
Leg Day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs ( upright back and sinking butt. Used straps for grip. Did not deadlift the dumbbells)
Stiff leg dead 1 x 6 205 lbs ( all the way down)
Kick back machine 2 x 12 80lbs (Said it before. One of the best and hardest machines going)
leg extensions 2 x 12 150lbs
leg curl 2 x 12 110lbs
free hand body weight squats 1 x 50 (deep and very moderate cadence. No Cross fit nonsense where they cheat the movement going fast and shallow to beat the clock.)

Body weight with knee locked on single leg calf raise 3 x 13 then two leg for 50 reps
Seated calf raise 2 x 15 90lbs.

4 way neck machine 2 x 15

Talked to a girl that owns a karate dojo. She was deadlifting 285lbs. She weights only about 130lbs.  Incredible body. Turns out she lives a couple of blocks from me. I watch her working out and one of the few women that truly trains hard. We were talking about running. I would run with her but that wouldn't sit well with the wife.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #247 on: October 31, 2018, 11:12:04 AM »
I would run with her but that wouldn't sit well with the wife.

Nope. Not a good idea.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #248 on: November 01, 2018, 10:31:26 AM »
Ran five mile in the park today. It's one lap per mile.  Ran a slow pace but happy I got in.  Getting a little pissed off at some people.  A woman had her one dog all the way over to the left across the path and the other to the right. Completely cutting off the path.

 It seems every woman walking is wearing those panty hose type yoga pants.  Every lap I have something to look forward to. I went to the gym and pounded the heavy bag. The five miles really takes a little stink off the punches due to fatigue.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #249 on: November 01, 2018, 10:49:04 AM »
Those panty hose pants have a few runs in them.
