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25 quality pounds in 6 weeks

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--- Quote from: Disgusted on October 10, 2017, 11:53:47 AM ---Front loading not necessary . Do 200 to 250 mgs EOD. This will keep your blood levels from dropping down till your next shot. Are you running anything else?   Also, post your diet!!

--- End quote ---

really eod?

its slow ass acting decanate with a half life of 15 days, but i can give it a go at eod

200 eod would be 700 per week and 250 eod would be 875 per week, right?

i got test e and i'll run it somewhere btw 125-200 per week, but 200 is max

test sucks dead donkey dicks imho but i guess i gotta run it at trt levels minimum

i also got another 100 tabs of winny @ 10 mg per tab like a dimb fuck so i guess ill just blaat that shit @ 100 a day til i run out of it

Ive discovered that i basically only respond to nor-19s but i dont wanna run tren yet

today i had this, and it will pretty much be my diet with a few different meals from time to time

breakkie: 2 tablespoons of pro powder and coffee with cream and sugar

lunch: a can of tuna in water mixed with vanilla yougurt

snack: chicken breast and more vanilla yougurt

din-din: half a jar of peanut butter and vanilla ice cream with some chocolate sause

training is basically constant tension reps and interrupted sets (per what doc Blakely taught me) and some breakdowns

did legs today which was Blakelys interuppted sets, which is 5 reps, hold near lockout for a count of 10 and then 5 reps again and 10 count hold, repeat 4 times for a total of 20 reps did 4 light sets of it and then 1 series to near failure and on last series did 5, 5, then 3 til failure and force repped 2 extra and that was it

if i compete i will do mens bikini so there is really no sense in building my legs up much as the board shorts will keep em at bay 😂

elbows hurt especailly left one and winny aint helping them any i guess, but ive had the elbow pain now for a good 6 weeks or so, got it from heavy bag work and med ball punches using a 44 pound ball single handedly

Hard punch baby!!!!

started the winny 10 days ago ( so elbow pain was way before it) and started winny @ 20 mg first 2 days then went to 30 mg for next 4 days and then at 40 mg the last 4 days, and today i took 100 mg of it

so shoild i run the deca eod dim?

its deca not npp

i see that Kev only ran 400 mg deca

 KL: It was a simple progression. My very first cycle was just test cyp, one shot a week. I am guessing I was doing 400 milligrams per week. After I won my state show and decided I wanted to turn pro, which I did the following year, I bumped things up a bit. I took the test up to 600 milligrams a week, and added in 400 milligrams of Deca and two Anadrols a day, which is 100 milligrams per day or 700 milligrams per week.

and yates 500 mg

typically also did three eight-week cycles in the off-season, and those would be made up of basics like Deca and D-bol. I would do four weeks at peak dosage, then taper down over the next four weeks before taking four weeks off and repeating. Here is the typical four-week peak off-season cycle:

testosterone – 750 milligrams
Deca – 500 milligrams

and mentzer only ran 200 mg every 10-14 days  :D :D :D


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