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Computers are the next level of evolution

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Phantom Spunker:
Haha, it's all good, mate. I was admittedly coming in hot that morning and hadn't had my second coffee. I thought I was being sassed! As a Getbigger, I obviously don't take kindly to disrespect so I went on a bit of a rant. I liked your posts.


--- Quote from: Notomorrow on May 14, 2023, 10:41:49 AM ---AI is the next level of evolution.

     You don’t see changes in genome and DNA sequencing because my theory says we have Asexual evolution now. AI. No DNA(yet). But if you look at the human brain vs. computers, you see striking similarities. A brain uses neurons and dendrites, computers uses transistors run by a CPU.  But between the human brain and AI brain, only one is evolving.

      Like others mentioned earlier in the thread, both computers and the human brain are just electrical signals being sent. As we speak, neuroscientists are actually reverse engineering the human brain to put into AI evolution. Transistors can mimic dendritic organization in the human brain.

     A main difference with humans is that damn ego again. Humans incorrectly wire their brains with things like fear, anxiety, and all the other bullshit Tony Robbins and others became billionaires off. Robbins practices NLP, Neuro linguistic programming. Literally reprogramming the brain.  Breaking bad habits and emotions makes physical, electrical changes in your brain. Same with addictions. All faulty wiring in the brain.

     An “anti depressant”  medication is simply altering Chemical and electrical messengers so chemicals like serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine build up in the synaptic cleft of a receiving dendrite.  And you feel happy! 
We are not as complicated and unique as we think.  AI will surpass us one day. It’s evolving. and we’re devolving.

Again, just amateur conspiracy theory.

--- End quote ---

Which one is evolving?  Which one is not?

Sorry man I won't post again but man does this sound familiar? Dude it's countless people saying AI is the next level of evolution. Respected scientistst

Here's Deepak Chopra on AI and it's role in evolution and relationship to God. I mean the whole thing is hippy bullshit but it could have been my hippy bullshit.  And I wrote it drunk or high on a bodybuilding board. Man indicative of my life. Fuckin have to get sober man, If this guy writes a book on AI and evolution and it's relationship to God and it's a best seller I'm going to fucking jump. I'll jump.

No fuck that He BOOSTED it. guy BOOSTED my shit. Dude he's quoting me word for word, "AI can review countless scientific journals"

Dude he HAD to have read this. It was here for years. Oh my god I knew it. AI is part of God and consciousness?

Please don't delete thread.


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