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Computers are the next level of evolution

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--- Quote from: Notomorrow on March 30, 2023, 11:20:27 PM --- It will be a negotiation between government and these tech oligarchs as to who controls AI when it's unleashed. We don't have capitalism in the United States, we have government sponsored capitalism. Especially with computers. Alan Turing and others were studying AI in the 50s, but government had to put the big bucks into research and development, usually in the name of defense. Same with the internet and most other tech developments. The R and D has to be connected to government, especially in controlling the regulations. 

The tech oligarchs are so powerful that they are merging with government. It's becoming one ruling class, the ultra rich are becoming indistinguishable from government. In fact many are in government.

But it is quite clear that they all  recognize the power of AI.  And they are all scrambling to be in the circle of government/oligarchs that own and control it.  It's all consistent with my theories.

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He stole it word for word

Some of my posts are gone. I had a whole thing on language, etc. Maybe I got drunk and deleted them, He took it word for word.,Defends%20Digital%20Twin%20From%20Critics&text=Deepak%20Chopra%20isn't%20turning,next%20step%20in%20human%20evolution.

Deepak's executive assistant is listed as Frank Pulice. I just want to rule him out but a Frank Pulice competed in the NPC Southern Classic in 2017. 

I'm not saying it's you Frank, but some really weird shit is going on. It's just too close.  Somebody Google "Frank Pulice Deepak Chopra"

Executive assistant to Deepak and apparently a bodybuilder. Again I'm not making accusations but it's just too close.

A lot of my posts are gone. Stuff he's quoting word for word

Any attorney contact me.

It's way too close, especially the god/spirituality stuff and AI. And his assistant is a bodybuilder? He got paid MILLIONS for his "unique" ideas on AI and evolution


--- Quote from: Notomorrow on May 24, 2023, 03:57:33 PM ---     As far as finding publications that “echo” my thoughts there won’t be many because my theory is original thought. I’m proud of that. Original thoughts are becoming rare these days in the era of reproduction.  But claiming that computers and AI are a natural part of evolution anywhere in the Universe and in fact how intellectual evolution ends is a unique and distinct premise.

--- End quote ---


Los Angeles Times
May 1 1998

Newport Beach Therapist Sues Self-Help Guru Chopra

A former Newport Beach psychotherapist has filed a $100-million lawsuit against Deepak Chopra, alleging that the noted author and self-help guru plagiarized her copyrighted manuscript in his best-selling book, “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.”

“It was devastating,” Rose Parvin, 48, said Thursday. “When I saw his book, I literally threw up from feeling devastated.”

Chopra could not be reached for comment on the lawsuit, filed this week in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.

Parvin said she sent galleys of her original manuscript, titled “Pattern Change Programming, Creating Your Own Destiny,” to Chopra for review in 1994.

An 800-page manuscript that she had copyrighted and later self-published, the book was based on an original philosophy, she said, and “new psychology” that she had developed over 15 years. While she had never met Chopra and was not familiar with his work, Parvin said, she hoped that he might mention her work in print.


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