Author Topic: my final half decent workout.  (Read 4896 times)


  • Getbig V
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my final half decent workout.
« on: June 11, 2022, 11:16:59 AM »
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( 67 years old --5 ft 8-- 185 lbs. start 12 sets of bodymasters lat pulldowns 100-160 lbs 10-20 reps various grips. 5 sets of hammer strength seated rows 90-220 lbs 8-20 reps. 6 sets of 10reps one arm rows 70 lb dbs . 100 total reps of chinups took 7 sets to get them. end of back. next 6 sets of seated bench press on machine 100-220 lbs 20-6 reps. 1 set of 8 negatives with 270 lbs. 6 sets of hammer strength seated presses 90-220 lbs  20-6 reps. 12 sets of 30 reps of floor dips on parallel bars [pushups]. end of chest. 12 sets of biceps 12 sets of triceps various curls extensions and pressdowns end of arms. 300 crunches. 5 sets of 120 lbs on laying hack squat.  1 mile on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the exercise bike. would swim a mile at night. did this every friday for over a year. other two training days were a combination of this workout split in two.  now my training is minimal. :-[ :-[ :-[


  • Getbig V
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2022, 12:14:09 PM »
Heckuva workout, Funk.

Better to have good memories than not.

By the way, Bhanky says "you ain't sh*t".


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2022, 12:29:49 PM »
Heckuva workout, Funk.

Better to have good memories than not.

By the way, Bhanky says "you ain't sh*t".
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D never really thought I was , just a guy that enjoyed training with weights , maybe just a little too much. :D


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2022, 06:19:51 PM »
Funk what`s preventing you from training these days if I may ask?


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2022, 05:55:30 AM »
Funk what`s preventing you from training these days if I may ask?
   of course you can ask. just the accumulation of injuries down through the years numerous hip replacements, the open heart surgery, and the latest was the rotator cuff tear. my current routine is pretty pathetic. 20 minutes on the exercise bike. 5 sets lat pulldowns 20 reps with 80 lbs. 3 sets of  20 reps cable rows 50 lbs . 10 sets of db curls 20 reps w  15 lb dbs. 10 sets of 20 reps. tricep pressdowns 70 lbs . nothing to write home about. but at 70 years old i guess i should be happy to do anything. a good number of my friends are no longer with us.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2022, 07:29:02 AM »
   of course you can ask. just the accumulation of injuries down through the years numerous hip replacements, the open heart surgery, and the latest was the rotator cuff tear. my current routine is pretty pathetic. 20 minutes on the exercise bike. 5 sets lat pulldowns 20 reps with 80 lbs. 3 sets of  20 reps cable rows 50 lbs . 10 sets of db curls 20 reps w  15 lb dbs. 10 sets of 20 reps. tricep pressdowns 70 lbs . nothing to write home about. but at 70 years old i guess i should be happy to do anything. a good number of my friends are no longer with us.
That truly sucks my friend.....I have a few medical maladies to deal with myself but presently, and I hope it stays that way, I can still workout hard but I`m limited cuz I`m at home with very basic equipment.
Hang in there, be careful,  and do what you can as often as you can taking recuperation into account of course.

Good luck bud, and stay positive no matter what the odds.....there`s always several things or more than you can improve on even if it takes a while longer than it did previously.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2022, 04:23:49 PM »
I agree with Wes.Do what you can as often as you feel you can and stay positive.A little is better than none.Best wishes


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2022, 08:44:42 AM »
thanks, that's what keeps me going. ;D


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2022, 09:34:38 PM »
Stick with it Funk.....things will improve over time bud.

Stay strong.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2022, 02:12:21 PM »
Never Stop Lifting!


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2023, 07:39:01 AM »
live long enough and you get to experience all the good things  life has to offer.  a year after my rotator cuff tear, I was sitting around this saturday morning like any day and my appendix decided to burst, well  here I am again down for another couple of months before I can return to the iron asylum.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2023, 12:47:29 PM »
Get well, Funk.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2023, 03:31:23 PM »
Do what you can with your limitations and forget the rest. Don't get caught up with what you hear others do. I'm sure you have been in gyms as much as I have to see the delusional lifting. Short range of motion to handle the heavy weights is the norm.  Just compare what you have done in the past to what you can do now. Naturally for you and for me it's a lot less but continue the good fight. I don't claim I'm a bodybuilder.  If anyone wants a label I just say I'm into fitness. No one would confuse me with a drug using bodybuilder. I do feel okay reference my age with my shirt off on the beach.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2023, 03:43:58 PM »
Get well, Funk.
  thank you IN, just something else to overcome I guess.


  • Getbig V
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2023, 03:45:22 PM »
Do what you can with your limitations and forget the rest. Don't get caught up with what you hear others do. I'm sure you have been in gyms as much as I have to see the delusional lifting. Short range of motion to handle the heavy weights is the norm.  Just compare what you have done in the past to what you can do now. Naturally for you and for me it's a lot less but continue the good fight. I don't claim I'm a bodybuilder.  If anyone wants a label I just say I'm into fitness. No one would confuse me with a drug using bodybuilder. I do feel okay reference my age with my shirt off on the beach.
   best advice for any lifter at any stage of the game, especially the beginning and ending. ;D


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2023, 05:36:09 PM »
live long enough and you get to experience all the good things  life has to offer.  a year after my rotator cuff tear, I was sitting around this saturday morning like any day and my appendix decided to burst, well  here I am again down for another couple of months before I can return to the iron asylum.

Prioritize getting well - Health 1st.
You'll get back to where you were lifting / training wise
Remember stimulate not annihilate

One step at a time.
Get well & Best wishes.


  • Getbig V
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2023, 06:34:08 AM »

Prioritize getting well - Health 1st.
You'll get back to where you were lifting / training wise
Remember stimulate not annihilate

One step at a time.
Get well & Best wishes.
thank you. right now I have no choice.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2023, 09:57:28 AM »
thank you. right now I have no choice.

That will change - you know that.
Keep positive.


  • Getbig V
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2023, 07:15:09 PM »
Set backs can hurt the mind more than the body.  Hope you get well soon and are clicking on at least 7 of the 8 cylinders. That's the most we can hope for as we age.

 I try to find inspiration from other aging athletes. One was a 73 year old guy in the gym where I use to train.  He wasn't big but really in amazing shape. His voice was clear and strong. I was shocked how hard he worked out and some of the weights used for his maybe 160lbs body was impressive. Another personal inspiration is a road runner club I joined. One runner is around 67 if my memory serves me. He can run sub 6 minute miles for a 5K.  Equally impressive times for a marathon.  I know we all have our own individual circumstances and limitations in life. I still draw inspiration from guys like those I mentioned even if I can't come close to matching them at this stage of my life.

Try to stay positive in light of your health set backs and your aging. Again do what you can do and fuck the rest. What I mean by that if you can't bench anymore and it was a favorite exercise to hell with it. Do decline dumbbell presses. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk try riding a bike or rowing. Exhaust every alternative to limitations. The best part about lifting is that the weight choices are adjustable. Sometimes new goals are mentally satisfying. Meaning instead of always pushing the weight limits for 6 to 12 reps  now try 15 to 25 reps as a new norm. Untried parameters could lead to new personal records due to never tried training protocols.

Get well and I'm rooting for you. Sorry for unsolicited advice. Just know I mean no malice and my intentions are well meaning.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2023, 03:47:15 AM »
Your routine is pretty good and healthy, the most important thing is consistency, the more you are loyal towards your goal the more you’ll be able to gain more.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2023, 06:11:55 PM »
Having my own setbacks has made me more sensitive to your situation. Again, do what you can do and forget the rest. Heart surgery, hip surgery and shoulder tears are more than enough to justify what ever you deem a workout.  The fact that your training at all is amazing.  I heard from a friend who is 83 that told me he walked around the block for exercise. I have to give him much respect because for him to do that is the same effort as a young man lifting heavy weights for 2 hours.


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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2024, 01:29:09 PM »
Having my own setbacks has made me more sensitive to your situation. Again, do what you can do and forget the rest. Heart surgery, hip surgery and shoulder tears are more than enough to justify what ever you deem a workout.  The fact that your training at all is amazing.  I heard from a friend who is 83 that told me he walked around the block for exercise. I have to give him much respect because for him to do that is the same effort as a young man lifting heavy weights for 2 hours.
  this is a sad story from two years ago. a friend of my kid's hadn't exercised for years. he posted on facebook that he just started exercising ,and he felt good but a little sore after his first workout. the next day his heart exploded and he died. guy had a wife and two kids . he was under 40 years old.

Gym Rat

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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2024, 08:23:12 AM »
Funk, hopefully you are doing better and able to lightly train...


  • Getbig III
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Re: my final half decent workout.
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2024, 04:15:57 PM »
Keep at Funk! Listen to OldTimer too. He has the best advice for everything and he's spot on in this thread.