Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > History - Stories - and Memories
Steve Reeves- the man
Regarding Reeves he looked amazing at 15 training. Most of the big names looks like hell once they stop juicing. Reeves was in shape most of his life until his health unexpectedly failed him. Even in World War II in the Pacific Islands he was nick named the Shape. Was he juicing during the war? In his own words in his book he says he's against steroids so I will take him at his word.
--- Quote from: oldtimer1 on October 15, 2023, 03:00:09 PM ---It's funny he trained back in the day at Gold's but he never competed once that I can remember. He said he never trained lower body. He liked to run distance and sprints for legs. He said he trained 9 sets a body part in general with three exercises so 3 sets and three exercises. Arnold tried to get him to compete but he had no interest.
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amazing physique for any age
--- Quote from: oldtimer1 on October 15, 2023, 03:05:41 PM ---Regarding Reeves he looked amazing at 15 training. Most of the big names looks like hell once they stop juicing. Reeves was in shape most of his life until his health unexpectedly failed him. Even in World War II in the Pacific Islands he was nick named the Shape. Was he juicing during the war? In his own words in his book he says he's against steroids so I will take him at his word.
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yes i spoke a few times to George Helmer on the phone who ran his publicity & books
he said he was a natty but no one will know for sure
--- Quote from: Donny on September 14, 2023, 05:33:31 AM ---
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In his book he mentions this as the largest his arms ever got, around 18 which look huge here. Great shape and shoulder width.
--- Quote from: TheShape. on January 15, 2024, 05:17:38 PM ---In his book he mentions this as the largest his arms ever got, around 18 which look huge here. Great shape and shoulder width.
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I have his book building the Classic Physique & itīs a great read, infact one of the best books iīve read on Natural training.
Itīs amazing how he got in shape for films as he wrote he never trained all year round.
some people say he was on the juice but i donīt believe it looking at his physique.
His incline curls were special in that he fixed a bar onto the incline bench so that when he curled his arms were motionless like using an arm blaster but on an incline, also he used an off set grip.
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