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Books and booze
After dinner on Thanksgiving I'll be pouring Metallica's Blackened batch 102 Bourbon for the distinguished gentleman in my family.
....They have surprisingly good Bourbon and Rye. Much better then any other liquor that I've tried that has someone's famous name attached to it.
Grape Ape:
--- Quote from: CalvinH on November 27, 2024, 06:04:34 AM ---After dinner on Thanksgiving I'll be pouring Metallica's Blackened batch 102 Bourbon for the distinguished gentleman in my family.
....They have surprisingly good Bourbon and Rye. Much better then any other liquor that I've tried that has someone's famous name attached to it.
--- End quote ---
Amazing this exists, considering James' struggles with alcohol and addiction.
I found a bottle of Elijah Craig 18 year for list price :o 8)
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