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Books and booze

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--- Quote from: CalvinH on October 04, 2009, 10:52:02 PM ---Should make a tough Monday morning :'(

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patron, grey goose, and coors??? was there watermelon and fried chicken involved also?


Coors light was during the football games.{told mysel that I wouldn't get drunk ::)}
then made the switch later in the night to Grey Goose with 7up and shots of Patron.

The Showstoppa:

--- Quote from: CalvinH on October 05, 2009, 12:46:21 PM ---Coors light was during the football games.{told mysel that I wouldn't get drunk ::)}
then made the switch later in the night to Grey Goose with 7up and shots of Patron.

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WTF?  You drink the good shit first and then move down.  Are you from Cleveland or something?  ;D


--- Quote from: The Showstoppa on October 05, 2009, 01:25:14 PM ---WTF?  You drink the good shit first and then move down.  Are you from Cleveland or something?  ;D

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The Valley is much like Cleveland.


--- Quote from: BerzerkFury on October 05, 2009, 01:35:09 PM ---The Valley is much like Cleveland.

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Haha.I wouldn't talk.your idea of an expensive beer is Keystone Light!!! :D


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