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WRESTLEMANIA 40 - Night 1 and Night 2 picks
Night 2 begins......And what a surprise!! I guess we get a McMahon after all at the big one....Stephanie, that is!!
Bagpipes are playing "Scotland the Great", which means world title match kicks things off. Lots of guys with lots of swords, under which McIntyre marches, deck the stage. CM Punk is a guest commentator, which means he may actually interfere.
What in the world are all this silly-looking band, playing Rollins' music? And here comes the world champion, dressed like an owl-looking power ranger on crack.
The fans are cheering somewhat for McIntyre, although they keep singing Rollins' song. WHOA!!! McIntyre hit a Claymore kick right off the bat and almost pulled a Sheamus (circa WM28 vs. Daniel Bryan). Le chop-block levels Rollins, who just took a selfie with a fan, before delivering a duplex. McIntyre kept jaw-jacking with Punk and got Pedigreed outside the ring. When McIntyre returns to the ring, he gets curb-stomped for a near fall. Rollins tries a pedigree but gets back-dropped. Rollins has tape on his back and knee.
We got punches, kicks, headbutts, and a neck-breaker. Then comes a kip-up by the Scottish Warrior. 3-2-1...but the Claymore gets countered into a powerbomb, followed by a pedigree (which hurts Rollins' knee). Then comes another curb stomp, hurting the knee more. But, the delay prevents the three count. Up to the top for the champion....misses the super stomp. McIntyre went for a claymore but misses. A future-shock DDT doesn't quite get the fall!!
McIntyre mocks Punk and goes for the GTS but gets rolled up for a near fall. WHAM!! Another Claymore comes from the challenger but still no three count. Now, it's table-clearing time. Power bomb attempt goes nowhere. McIntyre gets slammed head first into the table. So, he's thinking super-stomp from the Spanish announce table to the American table and CONNECTS. The knee buckles!! But, when Rollins rolls McIntyre into the ring, he gets Claymore but no pinfall. McIntyre is in utter disbelief!! The fans chant, "ONE MORE TIME!!!" The Scottish Warrior delivers and this time, he gets the win!!!
Drew finished HIS story, winning the world title in front of real people, not empty chairs or TV screens in the ThunderDome! Rollins and McIntyre and both crying!! McIntyre hands the belt to his wife and gives her a kiss!! And, now comes the staredown with Punk. McIntyre lays the belt in front of Punk and starts talking smack!! And he's waving the belt in front of Punk and does the crotch chop!!
Punk trips him on the table and knocks him silly with the arm brace and blows a kiss to McIntyre's . OH NO!!!! DAMIAN PRIEST IS FLYING TO THE RING TO CASH THE BRIEFCASE....AND BLASTED MCINTYRE WITH THE CASH. Into the ring, "South of Heaven" chokeslam. NEW WORLD CHAMPION AGAIN!!
Next up, street fight!! Snoop Dogg is special commentator and Bubba Ray Dudley is the guest referee!! Lots of carnage early and the Profits take most of the beatings. Kendo sticks from AOP go upside the Profits' and Ashley's heads. The fans want tables but don't get them early. B-Fab saves Lashley from doom, only to get chucked into the post by Scarlet after bashing B-Fab with a trash can. AOP go for that double power bomb but Lashley makes the save and Ford clears the top rope into AOP and nearly clears the barricade. Lashley get the chair and pound Kross. But, after putting Kross in the hurt-lock, Scarlet nails the Almighty with the kendo stick. But, she gets kicked by B-Fab. And both B-Fab and Scarlet crash through the outside table. Ellering grabs Ashley's leg to help Kross. Kross hits a DDT on a chair.
When Bubba counts to two, Kross take exception and gets speared for his effort, after Bubba dons the taped glasses. Lashley hits a spear and the Street Profits do the "WAZZZUP" headbutt to the nuts. Bubba Ray calls for the table but the gimmick table breaks when they place Kross on it. So, AOP has to play hurt even longer for the Profits to get another table. So, Ford wallops Kross with another kendo stick, before the new table gets set up. Ford hits the big splash; Lashley gets the pin. And that's that!!
AJ Styles and LA Knight. AJ has new music and new muscle. The highlights is an attempted 450 splash by Styles, only to get knees in his gut. When Styles went to the top rope again, he got caught in an avalanche suplex. LA Knight keeps delivering the punishment until he gets caught in a calf crusher. Styles caught Knight with one big move, but when he tries to turn that into the Styles-clash, he got countered. Styles still poured on the offense. But, after another Phenomenal forearm attempt got his hung up on the ropes, Knight hit the BFT for the 1-2-3.
US title match. Paul comes out in a Prime truck. KO and Orton use the same golf cart and spend most of their time beating up Paul. When they finally decide to pound on each other, Paul clotheslines both of them. Le cannonball from Owens drills both Orton and Paul. But, after a swanton got Owens kneed in the back, Paul countered with one of his own AND a splash onto Orton. Paul then uses brass knuckles on both his opponents, but can't pin either one of them. Paul tries another strike with the knucks but get RKOed. He doesn't get the pin but find the knocks. He gives them to the ref and opts to punt Paul. But, the pesky Prime bottle mascot strikes again, pulling Paul from the ring. Orton gets incensed and RKOs this goof on the table. KO gets back to the fray and attempt a pop-up power bomb. But he gets RKOed. Paul takes Orton off the cover and throws him into the post, after Orton reversed the whip to attempt his signature DDT. Paul then hits a frog splash on Owens and gets the pin to keep the US title.
Cody Rhodes has a cool outfit with a skull on it, which he hands to his wife, Brandi.
A high school orchestra plays Roman Reigns to the ring. "Bloodline Rules" means no DQ nor countout.
As usual, it's kendo sticks and an early table attempt. After exchanging beatings they go outside the ring after Rhodes puts on the figure four leglock, smashing another Prime hydration station in process. After suplexing Reigns into an outside announce booth from the kickoff show, Rhodes batters Reigns to the ring, only to get powerbombed when he tries a disaster kick.
Two suplexes and a choke on the ropes, Reigns tells Rhodes he's going to sent his challenger to Hollywood "with the rest of them!"
After applying another unique choke hold, Reigns sees Rhodes escape with two elbows. But the champ counters...with a PERFECT-PLEX?? Indeed, he does but no three count. Now, they kick each other in the face (Rhodes, ala HBK; and Reigns ala Hulk Hogan), ending with a double clothesline. "Boo, YAY!!" punches....Rhodes get the upper hand. Off the ropes, and here comes a powerslam. Next comes the disaster kick, for a near-fall!!
Rhodes with a Cody-Cutter...OOPS!! Caught!! Guillotine applied and Reigns his Rhodes with his own finisher....and gets two. Reigns tells Heyman that Rhodes' finishing move sucks and he just wants to rub it in his face. A missed superman punch, now comes the Dusty punches. But, Reigns goes outside. And, Rhodes wants to use the announce table ......but he gets a nut-shot for his trouble. A powerbomb through the table sets Rhodes up for an in-ring Superman punch for a near-fall.
Of course, Reigns does the scream, goes for the spear, and it gets countered by a mere kick, followed by a Cody-cutter. Cross-Rhodes attempt but Reigns escapes. He goes for a Rock-Bottom but Rhodes does an arm drag, ducks a clothesline and SPEARS Reigns.....but no three count just yet.
Now comes the Cross-Rhodes. He hits one but Jimmy Uso kicks the challenger. He helps Reigns hit a Superman punch. Then the music hits and Jey Uso comes to even the score. Jimmy meets him up the ramp but Jey kicks Jimmy and then spears him off the ramp into a table below. Reigns witnesses the carnage and gets rolled up for a near fall. Off the ropes, Reigns hits his spear....but no cigar. After beefing with the ref, Reigns applies the guillotine but Rhodes rams him into the buckles until he finally runs him out of the ring. WHAM!! Rhodes hits a SPEAR through the barricade.
Why does Rhodes keep trying to hit his move three times!! After two Cross-Rhodes, here comes Solo....spike and all. No three count but beatdown time. Reigns is going for the spear with the spike but Rhodes kicked out.
OH NO!!! CENA COMES TO THE RING!!!! And the beating is on for Solo. And an AA for Reigns. CENA AAs Solo through the announce table!! NOW COMES THE ROCK!! Cena looks worried but off comes the shirt and it's eyeing the crowd time? OOPS!! Rock bottom and off comes the belt!! WHAT!! The Shield music hits!!!! Seth Rollins arrives with a chair but Reigns punches him, Superman style!!
GOOD GRIEF!!! THIS IS NUTS!! The lights go out!! And it's UNDERTAKER....behind the Rock, in his street clothes. ROCK gets chokeslammed!! Lights go out and 'Taker is gone!! Reigns returns with a chair but he sees Rollins and WHACK!!! Now, yet another scream, a missed spear. This time, he hits all three Cross-Rhodes attempts AND GETS THE WIN!!!
Samantha Irvin is so choked up, she can barely make the announcement!! Wife joins the new champion. Sami Zayn, KO, Randy Orton, Jey Uso, LA Knight and John Cena are all celebrating. Meanwhile, Rock, Reigns, and the Wiseman limp back to the locker room.
Now, CM Punk and Rhodes' family show up. And the new champ gives the belt to his mother. Rhodes has a microphone and asked for Bruce "Brother Love" Prichard and Triple H to hit the ring. Helmsley raises Rhodes' hand; Orton and Zayn hoist him up again. Rhodes hugs Michael Cole and shakes hands with Pat McAfee and Corey Graves. And finally he shakes hands with Seth Rollins.
Grape Ape:
It was a cool match.
Taker being the WM Final Boss was cool.
But folks calling it the greatest ever need to STFU.
--- Quote from: Grape Ape on April 08, 2024, 10:35:53 AM ---It was a cool match.
Taker being the WM Final Boss was cool.
--- End quote ---
People thought Austin might make the save. I don't think ANYBODY saw Taker coming!!
And, how many people heard that Shield music and thought Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley was coming with Seth Rollins to the ring?
--- Quote from: Grape Ape on April 08, 2024, 10:35:53 AM ---
But folks calling it the greatest ever need to STFU.
--- End quote ---
Every WrestleMania is the "greatest ever" or (in the case of WM 38) the "most STUUUUU-PENDOUS!!!" of all time.
I'm bummed a bit, because they did McIntyre dirty (with Priest doing the cash in; they couldn't wait until the Raw after 'Mania, ala Dolph Ziggler?). And, I was hoping against hope that Reigns will retain. For some reason, I see Rhodes being the Ultimate Warrior to Reigns' Hulk Hogan, WM 6 style.
Ok, you won the belt; you beat the top guy in the business.....NOW WHAT?? They're expecting Rhodes to carry an entire "new era" and I don't think he can. They are trying to white-wash Vince McMahon away as much as they can. But, they had to pay some homage to him, which is why Stephanie came to the ring on night 2 and talked about being an 8-year-old girl, watching WM1 from the front row.
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