August 04 2022
Shoulders + Arms:Kettlebell Lateral Raise - 4 sets {drop-set to complete failure after hitting failure on the first set}
Kettlebell Bent-Over Laterals - 4 sets {Same scenario as above}
Tri-Set:{Kettlebell Front Raise - 1 set
{Kettlebell Front Raise Drop-Set - 1 set
{Seated DB Press - 1 set
Still can hardly raise my arms.....I love it.
Super-Set # 1:{Ez-Bar Curls - 4 sets
{Ez-Bar Seated French Press - 4 sets
Super-Set # 2:{Seated Hammer Curls - 3 sets
{Lying DB Extensions - 3 sets
Great fucking workout......very intense,great pump and burn.....getting much stronger also.
I really screwed myself by training legs the other day with that guy I met in Planet Fitness,no way was I gonna` let him out train me....I do not see myself recovering fast enough to do legs again until next year........I AM FUCKING INTENSELY SORE.
I just keep repeating to myself,...."You never knocked me down never knocked me down.........OUCH !!
Looks like tomorrow will be abs,neck,and forearms which I intentionally saved cuz I`m hobbled like James Caan in "Misery" and knew I had screwed the pooch on this one.
Just got another 8+1/2 dozen eggs again for 5 bucks......gave him 25 dollars and told him when I`m done eating them I`ll pick up the next was cool cuz I was carrying a Luger while wearing a trench coat and a fedora as we made the deal.......also it had rained so it was a bit foggy.
Meal # 1: Pre-Workout:
1 scoop of whey in water
3 cups of coffee
Meal # 2: Post-Workout:
1 scoop of whey in water
1 cup dry oats mixed into shake
1 banana
Meal # 3:
chicken + rice
green beans
Meal # 4:
chicken + rice
green beans
Meal # 5:
chicken breast with salad with low fat dressing Crystal-Lite