Author Topic: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!  (Read 85422 times)


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2009, 05:36:36 PM »
BLOCK, will you be in attendance at the 2009 MIDWEST REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in palatine next sat the 10th? 1200 W. ALGONQUIN RD.
Naaa, ni ggah! I won't. I know about it, though. Promotional flyers plastered at every single XSport in the entire Chicagoland area. I'll be at Great America that day.

 - Block!


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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2009, 02:38:32 PM »
  Bad memories once again must be re-visited.  When I have time later tonight I will once again post a story about Jeff Johnson.  A cheap, lying, promotor prick asshole NPC judge from Illinois who is second in command to the great Chuck Sanow who does not care about a thing in BB except making a buck and to accomplish his only concern, making $, must put on shit shows to save expenses anywhere and everywhere.
That's the ticket, sbh!  You'll do just fine here at Getbig.

 Read GOSSIPS & OPINIONS when you have time. If you don't understand the cynical, harsh and vulgar spirit of this website then you never will.

 Please re-hash this story for all of the readers here to see.

 - Block!


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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2009, 10:18:52 AM »

 Thanks for rehashing the story for all the viewers here, sbh.

 I didn't know much about Double J but this stroy brings alot of light to his mystique. I am not suprised by it at all. It makes me wonder if he knew that a young Art Atwood has recently won Overall titles.

 In your opinion, sbh... what would it take for the competitors, former competitors and fans of the NPC-IL to regain the trust of their local power-brokers who run shit around here?

 So many people have so many different views on it all but I would like to see what you have to say...

 - Block!


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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2009, 05:03:16 PM »
I must make one correction to my above post.  Art Atwood won the Wisc open super heavies b4 the mid il and not the overall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             As to your Q I will get to that when I have a chance to give it thought, but my immediate reaction is that the people (Most) running BB in IL are a tight click who refuse to accept change and only looking for higher profits which results in poor quality shows.  They also are not objective with judging.  2 examples of what I just stated.                                                                                                                                                       #1  Jeff J takes over as top promoter of the Cont. and the trophies this year are smaller.  Last year they were all the same size.  This year, still nice, but 2nd place and down they were made  smaller.                                                                                                                                                        #2  Mel winning the Illinois.  I personally like Mel from the few times I have spoken to him, but he was not even close to the middleweight and I like size.  The bottom line is the show was over b4 it started. Chuck"s guy and the judges "good old boys" knew it.  The middle went on to place second at the J nat.  Where do think Mel would have placed at th JRs.?   Bottom line Illinois needs to CLEAN HOUSE!  TRUST WILL NEVER BE REGAINED WITH THE "GOOD OLD BOYS" 
You aren't the only person(s) who noticed the trophies got smaller which translates to cutting co$ts. Lots of competitors who run wild in my grand network noticed and weren't happy. It wasn't because of the physical trophies it was because it was a SIGN OF THE TIMES. It already started to spread like a California wild fire that proprietorship of the USA Continental exchanged hands from innovators Rob & Darlene Mayo to Double J and company. The show itself seemed about 25% watered-down compared to the last 3 years.

 Little things that I knew about that out-of-the-box thinking mavericks, The Mayo's, wanted to do with the show was immediately terminated. My gut feeling tell me that the 2010 NPC USA Continental will lose it's allure and lose it's credibility it captured from the forward thinking Mayo's.

 Don't get me wrong, there are alot of POSITIVES that Double J does that Chuck and his crew should be doing such as an updated website (This is 2009 almost 2010) complete with every competitor, placings and a summary report. The Mid-Illinois has it's own website that is updated and current and I believe payment to enter the show is available online. He has host hotels, a Friday night weigh-in, VIP package(s) and more sponsors.

 There is not a single reason on this side of the Milky Way galaxy why the Midwest Ironman and the Illinois State show shouldn't also have their own website or an consistently updated website. In the late 80's, most of the 90's and early 2000's it didn't matter but in 2010 it is just as important as having an actual stage at a show. The competitors now grew up with the Internet and know it's a way of life. Very few old school competitors still enter the local Illinois shows and if they do they probably don't have internet access anyway so they will never complain.

 That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

 - Block.



  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2009, 12:11:40 PM »

 Did anybody catch the whole story about NPC IL competitor, Emily Reyes suing XSport and ultra-dork spandex'd pants with package on display and up his buttcrack Otomix hightop shoe wearing nerd Stoil Stove?

 It was in the Tribune today. Not that I read the Tribune as I am a self-respected southsider but it was pointed out to me from somebody in The Scene.

 I heard about this story a while back. ALLEGEDLY, Stoil made peep holes in the ceilings of the tanning beds and spied on Emily the way Michael Barret spied on ESPN reporter, Erin Andrews. (Allegedly).

 The Tribune cited Emily's bodybuilding record as being a little bit inaccurate but I'll let that one slide.

 I always thought that Stoil should have been jailed or sued by the outfits he chooses to wear in public and in the gym. Indecent Exposure is still a crime and in 2010 so is wearing the tightest spandex money can buy and cut off T-Michael sweat shirts. Or it should be.

 - Block!


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2009, 06:57:50 PM »
Block,  your Q is very difficult in terms of finding a solution, one may not like it but there is always a solution.  The first thing is to remove Chuck as chairman of NPC in Illinois.  He clearly loves BB but his heart is not at promoting BB in general in Illinois and this is clear given the shows he puts on and his refusal to make changes with the times as you have pointed out.  Illinois finally has a  1st class show in the name of the Continental USA.  This show was the creation of the Mayo's who do have there heart in BB and rewarding the competitors with a first class venue, trophies, MC, guest posers and for the most part fair judging.  Unlike Chuck and Jeff J the Mayo's want to give back to the athletes for the hard work put in and in return make less $, but still make a profit and have a first class show.  They set a new standard and Chuck and Jeff J could not accept this bc all they care about is turning profit.  The Ironic thing is the Cont prob turned a higher profit bc it was stacked and sold out at least b4 this year.  The trophies this year were smaller bc Jeff J wanted to cut expenses.  Next he probably will want to move the show to a lesser venue.  I believe the Cont as it once was is gone unless Jeff J steps back.  The Cont was also moved forward to not  interfere with the Ironman after last year.  The point is the higher powers say just do as you are told.  They do not want quality shows like the Cont bc it makes them look bad.  I believe a new chairman like Rob Mayo or someone who really cares about the competitors would be a great start to better things to come.  Next, I feel if you are training a competitor and being paid by the comp you should be disqualified from judging him or her for the show you trained the person for given the bias and clear conflict of interest.  There are plenty of judges.  I also feel you should not be allowed to judge unless you have competed in the past in at least 3 or more shows.  Further, I feel we need more judges in general as it seems it is the same 5 people at the table and we should mix it up and have 7 judges for a more objective outcome.  THe bottom line is we need change at the top and replace with people who really care and have there heart in it 100%   In  the meantime not go to or compete in IL shows.      Things then will change bc Chuck and JJ will not put shows on at a loss.


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2009, 07:30:13 AM »
Block,  your Q is very difficult in terms of finding a solution, one may not like it but there is always a solution.  The first thing is to remove Chuck as chairman of NPC in Illinois.  He clearly loves BB but his heart is not at promoting BB in general in Illinois and this is clear given the shows he puts on and his refusal to make changes with the times as you have pointed out.  Illinois finally has a  1st class show in the name of the Continental USA.  This show was the creation of the Mayo's who do have there heart in BB and rewarding the competitors with a first class venue, trophies, MC, guest posers and for the most part fair judging.  Unlike Chuck and Jeff J the Mayo's want to give back to the athletes for the hard work put in and in return make less $, but still make a profit and have a first class show.  They set a new standard and Chuck and Jeff J could not accept this bc all they care about is turning profit.  The Ironic thing is the Cont prob turned a higher profit bc it was stacked and sold out at least b4 this year.  The trophies this year were smaller bc Jeff J wanted to cut expenses.  Next he probably will want to move the show to a lesser venue.  I believe the Cont as it once was is gone unless Jeff J steps back.  The Cont was also moved forward to not  interfere with the Ironman after last year.  The point is the higher powers say just do as you are told.  They do not want quality shows like the Cont bc it makes them look bad.  I believe a new chairman like Rob Mayo or someone who really cares about the competitors would be a great start to better things to come.  Next, I feel if you are training a competitor and being paid by the comp you should be disqualified from judging him or her for the show you trained the person for given the bias and clear conflict of interest.  There are plenty of judges.  I also feel you should not be allowed to judge unless you have competed in the past in at least 3 or more shows.  Further, I feel we need more judges in general as it seems it is the same 5 people at the table and we should mix it up and have 7 judges for a more objective outcome.  THe bottom line is we need change at the top and replace with people who really care and have there heart in it 100%   In  the meantime not go to or compete in IL shows.      Things then will change bc Chuck and JJ will not put shows on at a loss.
I like how you pointed out the fact that Double J was probably dispatched to neuter and neutralize the USA Continental as that show, under the control of the fallen Mayo's , as it shed light on the darkness of other shows.

 It's like if you have been at a job for a long time and kind of set in your ways then your compnay hires a 'new guy' and the new guy is very enthusiastic, gung ho, brings forth new ideas and is very peppy and quick on their feet. What happens is that the older employees take threat and take offense and feel compelled to neuter & neutralize the new guy for shedding light on you and the other employee's darkness.

 7 judges at the table is a MUST. There are so many qualified people around these parts. It's still always the same faces show after show. I don't object to Ernest B judging majority of the shows as Ernest B is fair and square. Not A SQUARE...but square.

 If anything constantly rotating judges will create new trust and faith into the network. I honestly don't believe that there is an underground meeting behind closed-locked doors with Chuck saying... "Okay, no matter what we have to have this guy/girl win and this guy/girl take 2nd..." .

 Chuck has 2 major criterias when he judges and that he asks out of his judges. 1. Be in shape.  2. Know how to pose.

  I would like to see the day where to be a competitive bodybuilder in Chicagoland is COOL, again. I would like to see the day where we are the elite again and everybody who is anybody in any given gym KNOWS when the Ironman is and knows when the Illinois is. I would like to see friendly rivalry unlike Mike Costa and Brian Smith. I would like to see an era where Illinois is spoken about the way California is and the way it is in NJ or NYC.

 We should be movie stars with muscle at our respective gyms. We should be gods instead of an inconvenience. I think Illinois and bodybuilders in this great state can acheive that status one day. In Time.

 - Block!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2009, 02:35:34 PM »

Do you remember a competitor, from last years IRONMAN or the year before, im pretty sure it was last years IRONMAN. A guy in the Superheavys who competed LITERALLY OUT OF SHAPE, meaning this guy looked like he didnt even work out. Looked like he just started lifting for only a few months and decided to do a show. I couldnt believe my eyes!! Do you remember this? or anyone else remember? I have no idea what the guys name is.

"Bodybuilding causes envy and jealousy and hatred from those who dont bodybuild".....


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2009, 03:06:42 PM »
These are all very good points and ideas which I believe can be put in motion given the right enviroment.  I personally have nothing against Chuck because to be honest with you, it's not entirely his fault that IL is in the dumps.

I understand that he is busy but he seriously has let some real bad seeds germinate under his nose.  I am also aware of what happens when you ignore a probelm for too long.  It just keeps growing until one day when you actually want to fix it you realize that it is too late.

It's kind of like having a big growth forming on your foot.  You ignore it and ignore until one day you can't walk so you are forced to use a wheel chair.  Then it takes over your entire leg and moves to your midsection.  Now it is so damn big that you have to excrete your waste through a tube.  It gets to a point where you are bed ridden and are being fed through a tube.  Now you decide you should have it removed so you don't die.

Guess what?  You can no longer have it removed because the operation will kill you.  It's too damn bad that you just didn't have it taken care of earlier when it was only a minor inconvenience.  

Chuck has too much going on under his nose and around him and he knows that he can't do much to change it now without major work and restructuring.  You can't just implement a new system of government over night just like the IL scene can't be rebuilt instantly.  

This stuff will take a lot of work and time, two things of which Chuck has no energy for or any of.

I think that we just have to stay active in implementing new ideas and blood into this scene either by direct action or show of force (ie. no fans no money).  Because in my oppinion, booting Chuck out will not solve our problems here.

On a side note:  The Mike and Brian pissing match was completely and utterly stupid and childish.  Who in their right mind makes an account on a forum to trash talk another competitor who is talking smack about them?  Who really gives a fuck?  A bigger man just ignores it and moves on.  If you spent your entire life argueing or bitching about someone or to someone because they hurt your feelings, you would have a sad, sad life my friend.  There are much more important things than proving your manhood or standing by your competition record on some stupid forum.  Give me a fuckin break!


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2009, 05:58:48 PM »

 I'm with you on that, Pablo...

 In regards to who registers to post on a forum to argue online with a rival, hahaha...

 I register to post under fake names to start fights. Didn't you know that? In fact, ANYTHING that has ever been written on the world wide web that has ever insulted anybody was 100% written by me.

 - Block!


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2009, 12:24:49 PM »
Wow!  What the fuck?  Seriously! 

I don't post for a while and everything just dies?  C'mon now guys.  Fuck this shit!

I have been crazy busy with school lately so I haven't been able to really spend too much time on the boards. 

YO SBH570:  I sent you a PM on MD.


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2009, 02:22:01 PM »
Wow!  What the fuck?  Seriously! 

I don't post for a while and everything just dies?  C'mon now guys.  Fuck this shit!

I have been crazy busy with school lately so I haven't been able to really spend too much time on the boards. 

YO SBH570:  I sent you a PM on MD.

BigPab got your message and had some things shout out.                                                                             Did anybody other than myself notice USA gym boycotted attending the CONT. some members did compete.  Chuck was not there or his henchmen.   A clear attempt to further down grade the show.  I still only know of one person doing the Ironman and the irony is I am helping him with his prep.  I advised him not to do that show but he said he was to far into it which you would not know by looking at him lol.  HE is making improvements, but has a way to go.  My problem is I had all intentions in not going and still prob will not.  Unlike the Cont., the Ironman always one 2 cross over from open to novice which deprives a comp of a trophy.  Lets face it, you should not be allowed to compete in both to gather more trophies.  Master cross overs are completely different and can not be compared.  Basically, Chuck just wants more $.  Anyone have any info on people they know are doing the Ironman?


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 2009, 02:39:17 PM »
BigPab got your message and had some things shout out.                                                                             Did anybody other than myself notice USA gym boycotted attending the CONT. some members did compete.  Chuck was not there or his henchmen.   A clear attempt to further down grade the show.  I still only know of one person doing the Ironman and the irony is I am helping him with his prep.  I advised him not to do that show but he said he was to far into it which you would not know by looking at him lol.  HE is making improvements, but has a way to go.  My problem is I had all intentions in not going and still prob will not.  Unlike the Cont., the Ironman always one 2 cross over from open to novice which deprives a comp of a trophy.  Lets face it, you should not be allowed to compete in both to gather more trophies.  Master cross overs are completely different and can not be compared.  Basically, Chuck just wants more $.  Anyone have any info on people they know are doing the Ironman?
One of the guys who posts here is doing it. He goes by the handle... 'Luv2Hurt'. I know a chick who will compete in bodybuilding (probably will be the only female competitor) and that's pretty much it.

 I'll still go to it because I believe in supporting bodybuilding from the local level.

 I agree with the crossovers. I remember at one of the Rockford shows I saw this wild looking blonde who looked like she was straight out of an L7 video compete in...

 Figure. Open.
 Figure. Masters.
 Bodybuilding. Open.
 Bodybuilding. Masters.

 That's ridiculous. Pick one. Open and Masters I will accept but entirely different divisions I will not.

 I'll go to both shows, of course in between go to XSport-Elston to train and then to Sally's to eat and at the nightshow I'll be the asshole who will prepetually have a beer in his hand staggering around making a complete asshole of himself.

 - Block!


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2009, 03:24:13 PM »
BigPab got your message and had some things shout out.                                                                             Did anybody other than myself notice USA gym boycotted attending the CONT. some members did compete.  Chuck was not there or his henchmen.   A clear attempt to further down grade the show.  I still only know of one person doing the Ironman and the irony is I am helping him with his prep.  I advised him not to do that show but he said he was to far into it which you would not know by looking at him lol.  HE is making improvements, but has a way to go.  My problem is I had all intentions in not going and still prob will not.  Unlike the Cont., the Ironman always one 2 cross over from open to novice which deprives a comp of a trophy.  Lets face it, you should not be allowed to compete in both to gather more trophies.  Master cross overs are completely different and can not be compared.  Basically, Chuck just wants more $.  Anyone have any info on people they know are doing the Ironman?

My man Nino Siciliano is competing in the Open Lightweight and Masters.  This dude is crazy ripped and dense.  He usually competes as a Welterweight or Middleweight but he is doing his damndest to come in tight and ripped as fuck!

He already won the open middle weight and I think he may have won the overall at the Ironman as well.  He told me he's doing it because he is pissed about his 6th place finish at the Masters Nationals a couple months ago where he really should have been 4th or 5th.

He has never won the Masters at the Ironman either so he figured what the Hell!


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2009, 03:35:50 PM »
I saw that Chuck and most of the others were not at the Continental.  Don't know what's up with that.

I do intend on going to the Ironman however.  I still want to take Chuck up on his offer and hope to catch him for at least a second after the show.  If anything he needs to know that I am not someone just sitting behind a screen name and I feel that my ideas and suggestions can greatly improve (or at least set the balls in motion) the state of IL bodybuilding.

I am not your normal competitor and while I would like it if my name is not tarnished by the powers that be, I don't care too much.  Bodybuilding is great and I love it but it's not my whole life.  I have much higher aspirations like NASA baby!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2009, 03:42:37 PM »
One of the guys who posts here is doing it. He goes by the handle... 'Luv2Hurt'. I know a chick who will compete in bodybuilding (probably will be the only female competitor) and that's pretty much it.

 I'll still go to it because I believe in supporting bodybuilding from the local level.

 I agree with the crossovers. I remember at one of the Rockford shows I saw this wild looking blonde who looked like she was straight out of an L7 video compete in...

 Figure. Open.
 Figure. Masters.
 Bodybuilding. Open.
 Bodybuilding. Masters.

 That's ridiculous. Pick one. Open and Masters I will accept but entirely different divisions I will not.

 I'll go to both shows, of course in between go to XSport-Elston to train and then to Sally's to eat and at the nightshow I'll be the asshole who will prepetually have a beer in his hand staggering around making a complete asshole of himself.

 - Block!
;D ;D ;D You were hammered at the 07 Ironman. How much they charge for a beer, 5$?? When does this shindig take place and who will be the guest poser??


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #41 on: October 14, 2009, 03:46:33 PM »
I saw that Chuck and most of the others were not at the Continental.  Don't know what's up with that.

I do intend on going to the Ironman however.  I still want to take Chuck up on his offer and hope to catch him for at least a second after the show.  If anything he needs to know that I am not someone just sitting behind a screen name and I feel that my ideas and suggestions can greatly improve (or at least set the balls in motion) the state of IL bodybuilding.

I am not your normal competitor and while I would like it if my name is not tarnished by the powers that be, I don't care too much.  Bodybuilding is great and I love it but it's not my whole life.  I have much higher aspirations like NASA baby!
I'm glad to see you have your head on your shoulders and your feet on the ground, BP300. I knew you did but it pleases me to be reminded of that.

 It's funny because in no way, shape or form do I ever intend on taking bodybuilding past anything more than maybe a Jr. Nationals at best. I do this because it is still fun for me. Nothing more.

 By the way... our names are totally tarnished and always will be but I don't care. If what you tell me about 'the prez' is true then I say a Ha Ha Ha - a - Ho Ho Ho and a couple of Tra La La's.

 I rather have taken a stand and spoken up for the MAJORITY(the whole actually) and been labled a punk loud-mouth than be like everybody els. EVERYBODY els...100% every single person who attends or competes at these shows. A-L-L. ALL of them... putting on a smile and fake positive attitude or stay totally silent and neutral. A nig gah like me has never been that way.

 ...but I keep on rockin' and keep on rockin...

 Look for my homey Tim Smith to compete at the Ironman as well as friend of Blockhead, Carrie Avila.

 - Block!


  • Toms
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2009, 03:51:52 PM »
;D ;D ;D You were hammered at the 07 Ironman. How much they charge for a beer, 5$?? When does this shindig take place and who will be the guest poser??
I hate to admit but you are right. It was shameful. Sometimes I have no shame or no couth. Not only did I blow endless amounts of cash on that Polish beer but people kept buying rounds for me. Next thing you know I was staggering around like a hobo trying to spit game at fitness sluts and talk rubbish with anybody who will listen.

 Sad part is that I will probably do the same again this year.

 - Block!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2009, 04:49:26 PM »
I hate to admit but you are right. It was shameful. Sometimes I have no shame or no couth. Not only did I blow endless amounts of cash on that Polish beer but people kept buying rounds for me. Next thing you know I was staggering around like a hobo trying to spit game at fitness sluts and talk rubbish with anybody who will listen.

Sad part is that I will probably do the same again this year.

 - Block!
;D ;D ;D I think ill join ya


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2009, 06:24:00 PM »
I saw that Chuck and most of the others were not at the Continental.  Don't know what's up with that.

I do intend on going to the Ironman however.  I still want to take Chuck up on his offer and hope to catch him for at least a second after the show.  If anything he needs to know that I am not someone just sitting behind a screen name and I feel that my ideas and suggestions can greatly improve (or at least set the balls in motion) the state of IL bodybuilding.

I am not your normal competitor and while I would like it if my name is not tarnished by the powers that be, I don't care too much.  Bodybuilding is great and I love it but it's not my whole life.  I have much higher aspirations like NASA baby!


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2009, 07:38:22 PM »
rBigPabloo glad to see you have higher aspirations in life.  Like you, I realized BB could only be a hobby and became a lawyer, which by the way was hell to practice when I got ready for my last few shows.  I hope I am wrong but I believe Chuck will not give you the time of day and feel everyone must not compete or attend IL npc shows.  That is the only solution bc they will quit when revenues are negative.  Chuck has many friends and will always draw some comp. but that number is dropping fast.  Please do not forget that there was to be a meeting and suddenly Mel stepped in and low and behold no meeting.  I am old school and prob started to compete b4 you were born or at least in diapers.  I can tell you this there way more shows with high quality BBs coming out of IL in the days that proce.  Chuck only cares about making $.  Ask him if he files with the IRS with his shows.  I assume he does not considering he only takes cash.  Please  tell others to not go to any IL bb shows .  BB all over even though not main stream laughs at us  and things needs to be changed and will not with your support by going to the show .  The east coast and west coast are so far ahead.  MIKE L even was fired from MD.  Like our chairman said go elsewhere if you are not happy.  So if you go to Il contests you must be happy.  It seems everyone complains. but accepts things.  I say stop complaining and shut up if you still go to IL shows.  Change will not come if you compete or attend IL shows.  END OF QUESTION.  THERE ARE PLENTY OF QUALITY SHOWS TO COMPETE IN NOT IN  ILLNOIS.  One last thing, it appears those who post with complaints with IL BB still kiss ass and are afraid to let it lose bc in my opinion.. feel they may still do an IL show.  The bottom line there are 5 people who seem to judge ande run every show and in my opinion are a tight click who do not want change and control to an extent many outcomes to close shows.


  • Toms
  • Getbig V
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2009, 09:08:48 AM »


 You are a very outspoken man. I respect that. I admire how you have the tenacity and testicular fortitude to call it a DUCK if it walks and quacks like one. I can see your passion through your teachings and I only pray more people like you stand up and get more hands on involved with the NPC of Chicagoland (Illinois).

 What would America be if nobody spoke up and voiced their opinions? If there were no government watchdog groups? It would be Zombieland.

 Now let me go on record and say that Chuck always been nice to me and I don't have ill opinions towards anybody in The Scene (except this wannabee diet/drug guru who sells fake gear, wears tight camoflauge thermals and can't even place in a novice class) but I believe any and every entity that yeilds control needs to be challenged.

 What people like you, BigPablo and myself do is very American. It makes me toss and turn at night when every single competitor and spectator say more vile things about the Illinois-Chicagoland bodybuilding scene and the NPC but all play dumb when push comes to shove. We simply criticize the obvious but then again I'm the type of cowboy that sends e-mails to the Chicago Sun Times and various legislators demanding explanations or voicing opinions. I think Pablo does the same.

 I never been the type of guy to PLAY THE GAME and TURN HIS HEAD. I can't. I won't. Why more people don't unite is beyond me.

 I wondered if the release of Mike Liberatore from MD had to do with him being associated with Palumbo and not the new schmoe guru Oscar Arden. I also wondered if it was because Liberatore, even though Italian, is not a part of the East Coast scene. Steve Blechman (proprietor of MD) likes himself Italian men and that East Coast sitck.

 Bodybuilders I know from NY, CT, NH and Nj always tell me that Illinois sucks and I need to move. One female bodybuilder I know who moved to Florida recently tells me and my girl tales of how the bodybuilding community is so supportive and united there. Everybody is friends with everybody and everybody helps eachother. She tells us how at the local shows everyone feels like family as if it is one big family reunion.

 She pointed out that in Chicagoland there really is no bodybuilding community. She seen it more clear after spending a year out in The Sunshine State. Around our parts the bodybuilding community is broken up in sets. It's very Clan-sih and very cliquey. Most people hate eachother and everyone seems to be at war with others. Everyone is accused to flipping fake gear, everyone tries to sleep with everyone's guy or girl (or both) and everybody is jealous of everyone els. For the most part...

 At shows? It's still segregated. There is tension in the air and everyone there has beef with everyone els. Every XSport has it's bodybuilding gang and that gang hates the gang of bodybuilders who train at Niles or Arlington-South. Bodybuilders migrate to different gyms NOT to mix it up and feel new and different equipment but because they got into it with this clan of bodybuilders now they can't train there anymore. It's all so sad and pathetic.

 The attitudes of bodybuilders around Chiagoland is vulgar but attitude reflects leadership. I can write a book about the Fag gots, Schmoes, Fake Gear Dealers, Drug Abusers, Whore Mongers (  :-[ ) , G4P Superstars, The Lost and Delusional, Crybabies, Drama Queens, Mutts, Bottom Feeders and Groupies, Flakes, Ass Kissers, Low Lives and Freaks.

 I'm sure that's every community of course but GOTTDAMN is it cancerous in Chicagoland.

 - Block!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2009, 11:50:31 AM »


 You are a very outspoken man. I respect that. I admire how you have the tenacity and testicular fortitude to call it a DUCK if it walks and quacks like one. I can see your passion through your teachings and I only pray more people like you stand up and get more hands on involved with the NPC of Chicagoland (Illinois).

 What would America be if nobody spoke up and voiced their opinions? If there were no government watchdog groups? It would be Zombieland.

 Now let me go on record and say that Chuck always been nice to me and I don't have ill opinions towards anybody in The Scene (except this wannabee diet/drug guru who sells fake gear, wears tight camoflauge thermals and can't even place in a novice class) but I believe any and every entity that yeilds control needs to be challenged.

 What people like you, BigPablo and myself do is very American. It makes me toss and turn at night when every single competitor and spectator say more vile things about the Illinois-Chicagoland bodybuilding scene and the NPC but all play dumb when push comes to shove. We simply criticize the obvious but then again I'm the type of cowboy that sends e-mails to the Chicago Sun Times and various legislators demanding explanations or voicing opinions. I think Pablo does the same.

 I never been the type of guy to PLAY THE GAME and TURN HIS HEAD. I can't. I won't. Why more people don't unite is beyond me.

 I wondered if the release of Mike Liberatore from MD had to do with him being associated with Palumbo and not the new schmoe guru Oscar Arden. I also wondered if it was because Liberatore, even though Italian, is not a part of the East Coast scene. Steve Blechman (proprietor of MD) likes himself Italian men and that East Coast sitck.

 Bodybuilders I know from NY, CT, NH and Nj always tell me that Illinois sucks and I need to move. One female bodybuilder I know who moved to Florida recently tells me and my girl tales of how the bodybuilding community is so supportive and united there. Everybody is friends with everybody and everybody helps eachother. She tells us how at the local shows everyone feels like family as if it is one big family reunion.

 She pointed out that in Chicagoland there really is no bodybuilding community. She seen it more clear after spending a year out in The Sunshine State. Around our parts the bodybuilding community is broken up in sets. It's very Clan-sih and very cliquey. Most people hate eachother and everyone seems to be at war with others. Everyone is accused to flipping fake gear, everyone tries to sleep with everyone's guy or girl (or both) and everybody is jealous of everyone els. For the most part...

 At shows? It's still segregated. There is tension in the air and everyone there has beef with everyone els. Every XSport has it's bodybuilding gang and that gang hates the gang of bodybuilders who train at Niles or Arlington-South. Bodybuilders migrate to different gyms NOT to mix it up and feel new and different equipment but because they got into it with this clan of bodybuilders now they can't train there anymore. It's all so sad and pathetic.

 The attitudes of bodybuilders around Chiagoland is vulgar but attitude reflects leadership. I can write a book about the Fag gots, Schmoes, Fake Gear Dealers, Drug Abusers, Whore Mongers (  :-[ ) , G4P Superstars, The Lost and Delusional, Crybabies, Drama Queens, Mutts, Bottom Feeders and Groupies, Flakes, Ass Kissers, Low Lives and Freaks.

 I'm sure that's every community of course but GOTTDAMN is it cancerous in Chicagoland.

 - Block!
aint that the TRUF!!! preach it REVEREND BLOCK!! ;D ;D


  • Getbig I
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2009, 12:23:16 PM »
Block,  Speaking of fake gear, do you know of any lab in the Chicago area that will test gear?   Also, have you ever felt that you were COMPLETELY FUCKED ( NOT EVEN LUBING THE POLE BEFORE SHOVING IT UP YOUR ASS)  at a BB show?


  • Toms
  • Getbig V
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Re: The OFFICIAL IL Bodybuilding Stomping Ground!
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2009, 01:09:26 PM »
Block,  Speaking of fake gear, do you know of any lab in the Chicago area that will test gear?   Also, have you ever felt that you were COMPLETELY FUCKED ( NOT EVEN LUBING THE POLE BEFORE SHOVING IT UP YOUR ASS)  at a BB show?
Umm... no. I can find out though. Quick story...

 This chick I know who is a bodybuilder who does quite well once got a bottle of PRIMOBOLAN from this one queef who dubs himself as some expert nutritional drug guru but in reality he's a wannabee in a tight Graphic T or camoflauge shirts who can't even place in a weak Novice Middleweight lineup.

 Anyway after a little bit of time she got suspiscous and sent it out of state and had it tested. Turned out to be just oil with trace elements of testosterone-enanthate. No Primobolan.

 I know William Llyewellan will test compounds for you for a price. He's out of Jupiter, Florida and is the author of 'ANABOLICS 2009'.  You just need to send him a tiny tiny amount so it can't be classified as sending contraband through the mail. Like... traces of a dianabol tab. Maybe a little drop of an oil based compound.

 Be careful where you get your gear from around here. Lots of jobless superstars around here who will LOVE to take your money for a placebo.

 HA! Another story...

 About a year ago I bought some anadrol tabs off of a guy who everybody knows in The Scene. He's a decent hearted guy... popular among the laides. Is very well exposed (no pun intended) but he, like ALL competitive bodybuilders, you know... flip a little gear to their homeys.

 So I gave him...I don't know maybe $100 for 50 tabs and when I got home I looked at them and they were the British Dragons. Green Octagon tabs with the little dragon engraving. BD went out of buisness 5 years ago and don't even manufacture anymore. These looked kind of mint to me. I felt nothing from them. You know when you use anadrol. You get hungry, stronger and your skin gets oily and the back of your neck breaks out. I felt more off of some broke ass 'pre-workout' drink we see flooding the market today.

 I wasn't angry at him because I honestly don't think he knows and if he did in no way would he flip them to anybody. As much of a D-O-G as he is I know he isn't a snake or a crook. He's a good kid. I acutally consider him a friend and real down O.G.

 Have I ever felt screwed? No.

 I lost to Jason David by a single point at the 2009 Illinois State. Heavyweight class. I thought I was more conditioned and have overall better structure and had better color but he was a tad bit more muscular than I was and at the end of the day it's bodyBUILDING so I was comfortable with it.

 I always got what I deserved.

 If I ever were to experience what you experience what you did with Double J or anything close to it I would in a pursuit of madness relentlessy plaster it over every single bodybuilding media I can find and never let it go. I would be like Andy Dufraine from 'The Shawshank Redemption'. I would endlessly write a letter until I get a real response. I would organize a real revolution and start some drama. True Story!

 Most people felt they have been screwed over by NPC-IL judges. I've seen some bad calls but I also seen things like Maurice Black who is a HUGE USA Gym supporter and crony not win the 2008 Illinois State when he was clearly better than the middleweight winner, Lorenzo Pate.

 I've seen Figure Bunnies who are under the TEAM MVP banner win because they were clearly better and I've seen them lose.

 That's all neither here nor there... I never gripe about the judging too much because it's not a perfect system and could never be. I am more concerned about the promotion and quality of the shows.

 - Block!