Author Topic: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more  (Read 155797 times)


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2008, 05:13:22 AM »
Ok, i restarted this program.

It seems that when i'm not doing any bouncing there's A LOT less soreness.
Now, i did it again with a bit of bouncing after normal failure and the soreness is back.

So, summer is coming and i was wearing shorts. I saw my calves in the reflection of a window. Not too shabby. Size hasn't changed that much, but they look more dense and cut. Good motivation to train them even harder.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2008, 06:59:00 AM »
Ok, i restarted this program.

It seems that when i'm not doing any bouncing there's A LOT less soreness.
Now, i did it again with a bit of bouncing after normal failure and the soreness is back.

So, summer is coming and i was wearing shorts. I saw my calves in the reflection of a window. Not too shabby. Size hasn't changed that much, but they look more dense and cut. Good motivation to train them even harder.

Good for you doing it to, calves feeling better,im startig to see some more size, not lots by any means yet, but i think persistance and consistency is the key with this.

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2008, 10:26:59 PM »
dont know if this is much help but...

i did a lot of different intensity techniques for my crappy calves to help them grow and nothing seemed to be really effective. drop sets, 21, rest pause, HIT, straight up low reps, straight up high reps, straight up moderate sets, etc. there was nothing that worked really effectively.

then, i started doing leg curls with my toes pointed perfectly straight and not arching my back at all, and my calves grew a noticeable amount in a short period of time, something thats never happened before.

if you dont already do leg curls this way, try it.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2008, 04:59:18 PM »
I honestly don't know why so many people complain about their calves
they are just like any other muscle
for me they respond like any other muscles
and I have great calves with just a bit of work, nothing crazy, my calves are also alot stronger than other people int he gym
people do seated calf raises with a 25 plate while I have 6 45lb plates and repping it out, same with the standing calf raises
the damn machine doesn't have enough weight for me in the stack  >:(
I can rep out 60 with the 500 pounds that is on there
I'm gonna have to borrow Dorian Yate's calf raise machine  ;D


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2008, 11:28:26 AM »
Your an idiot  ::)


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2008, 12:45:29 AM »
Constantly running into problems with my calves as well..

My calves are there and solid from athletics all my life, but I want a little balloon on them to stand out a bit more. Maybe an inch or 1.5 inches?

My problem lies in how often and really how intense to work my calves. I used to lift them everyday 4-5 sets varying from slow reps to faster ones (always full range of motion, stretch to peak), and didn't have noticeable results. Then I tried just doing them on my lower body workout days (Twice a week) and goin 8-10 sets of various calf exercises and I still haven't seen results.

Just wanted opinions on what to try next? I have had those workouts where the next 3 days it's hard to walk because your calves are so torn but for some reason I feel like that is too sore, where I've overworked my calves. Yes, I know that is the point for some muscles, but only to a degree. If I sat down for 30 minutes and tried to get up and walk, it just wouldn't work without walking on my toes everywhere lol.

I'm thinking about focusing more on single calf raises rather than doing them together and really focusing on the contraction of each individually, however I don't want them to become unbalanced either.

Anyways, enough rambling, anything that's really workin for people right now??

The Freakshow

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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #56 on: October 31, 2008, 01:53:42 PM »
Constantly running into problems with my calves as well..

My calves are there and solid from athletics all my life, but I want a little balloon on them to stand out a bit more. Maybe an inch or 1.5 inches?

My problem lies in how often and really how intense to work my calves. I used to lift them everyday 4-5 sets varying from slow reps to faster ones (always full range of motion, stretch to peak), and didn't have noticeable results. Then I tried just doing them on my lower body workout days (Twice a week) and goin 8-10 sets of various calf exercises and I still haven't seen results.

Just wanted opinions on what to try next? I have had those workouts where the next 3 days it's hard to walk because your calves are so torn but for some reason I feel like that is too sore, where I've overworked my calves. Yes, I know that is the point for some muscles, but only to a degree. If I sat down for 30 minutes and tried to get up and walk, it just wouldn't work without walking on my toes everywhere lol.

I'm thinking about focusing more on single calf raises rather than doing them together and really focusing on the contraction of each individually, however I don't want them to become unbalanced either.

Anyways, enough rambling, anything that's really workin for people right now??

I always recommend that you train Calves just like you train any other muscle for growth.

- 6-10 reps to Failure.
- 8-10 Sets max (since this is a small bodypart).
- Allow a minumum of 3-4 days of rest before training them again.

Make sure the the reps are slow, complete and deliberate (no bouncing).


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2008, 06:06:26 PM »
im gonna try this cats routine.  my calves are not as big as id like.  they are about 16 inches.  i  am 6 foot tall, so they look small, and they should be the same size as my arms which are 18 inches so i have to catch them up.  i undersand about the high reps.  as a kid, i was into skateboarding for a few years, and to this day, my right calf  (leg i pushed with)is about 1 inch bigger than my left, all from the high repititions of skatng.  and u know, i never remembered my right calf getting sore or tired all those years.  so there definely is something to be said about going into the high rep range.  im gonna try this routine and do a good 5-8 minute set for each leg. ill keep all updated.  and lets keep this thread going.



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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2008, 04:25:25 PM »
I Train my Calves every other workout and have had tremendous gains.

I use a giant set of Standing Calf Raises, seated Calf Raises and bodyweight calf raises.

15 Reps each, 3 sets. Takes about 15 mins but is very effective.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2009, 05:31:42 PM »
I tried these last night, geez I pushed myself farther than usual on calves and they are screaming today.  I bought a dip belt and I use it for donkeys (sorry no dudes on my back) sometimes which always tears them up too.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #60 on: January 22, 2009, 02:13:46 PM »
My calves are starting to improve - but I do have access to Dorian Yates's calf raise machine which holds 1000lbs of weight with bars on the side to add plates if you want to. I'm up to sets with 850lbs and I've found training them hard and heavy for about four or five sets per exercise is starting to pay dividends.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #61 on: January 22, 2009, 03:03:48 PM »
My calves are starting to improve - but I do have access to Dorian Yates's calf raise machine which holds 1000lbs of weight with bars on the side to add plates if you want to. I'm up to sets with 850lbs and I've found training them hard and heavy for about four or five sets per exercise is starting to pay dividends.
you can't be getting any kind of ROM with that type of weight, do you go all the way up on your toes?


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #62 on: January 23, 2009, 01:10:01 PM »
you can't be getting any kind of ROM with that type of weight, do you go all the way up on your toes?

I trained calves today.

And you're right - my range of motion suffers from about four or five reps in with 850 on the stack. I simply could't get the squeeze at the top held long enough to feel as though I was making it count. I did two sets with the 850 and got 8 sloppy reps on each set in total. I dropped the weight to 700 and it improved slightly and I finally had to drop it to 600 and cranked out 12 strict reps with that. Calves are still sore now but I'm concerned that I'm not doing enough reps in a set - not many people seem to get their calves to respond to low reps unless they're genetically gifted. Which I'm not.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #63 on: January 28, 2009, 09:55:06 AM »
I honestly don't know why so many people complain about their calves
they are just like any other muscle
for me they respond like any other muscles
and I have great calves with just a bit of work, nothing crazy, my calves are also alot stronger than other people int he gym
people do seated calf raises with a 25 plate while I have 6 45lb plates and repping it out, same with the standing calf raises
the damn machine doesn't have enough weight for me in the stack  >:(
I can rep out 60 with the 500 pounds that is on there
I'm gonna have to borrow Dorian Yate's calf raise machine  ;D

Oh brother, that would snap broomstick legs in half.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #64 on: February 17, 2009, 10:04:54 AM »
Been doing this alot, it hurts lol.

It isn't the mountains ah

jon cole

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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2009, 02:47:05 PM »
i gain weight my calves grow.
i lose weight my calves decrease.


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2009, 04:43:21 AM »
Ever noticed how the tubby-tubbies can walk around day in and day out. Their calves aren't defined, but they sure are big. If the fatty is fairly active, you can understand the theory that the calves don't need as much rest as everyone seems to think.

I know the intricate bones of the feet sure can use a rest from time to time.

I like to run on a steep inclined treadmill. Heal to toe. Then I limp to the calf press machine and rep out til I cry.

Then I do it again. After that, I wall around the gym like a ballerina on my tippy-toes with my calves fully contracted.

When I'm done with that, I do towel stretches with a partner for the tibialis on the front side of the shin.

THe calves will stay sore for two days... maybe three, but I hit em again on stairs with singles and bodyweight until they start on fire.

I stretch the hell out of em between sets. Heel all the way to the floor and a straight leg, bend the body forward. You can feel the fibers pulling apart.

wild willie

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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #67 on: August 05, 2009, 09:34:51 AM »
IMHO......the key to developing oustanding calves is to find an exercise that works for YOU!!!!! this is the most important factor......does the exercise work well for you seem to respond to this exercise.......for me.....i love the cybex rotary calf apparatus......the best exercise for me personally.......i perform 6 sets.....3 times a week and my development has surprised me......then after following this routine for a few months.....i leave my calves alone......let them fully recover and then return to the aforementioned calf routine.

sometimes i will go back to the seated calf raise.....or even the donkey calf machine......but only for a change of pace

without a doubt the cybex rotary is my favorite exercise for calf training.

6 sets.....20-25 reps......2 minutes rest inbetween sets.....i train the calf workout takes me 20 minutes.......i also try to strectch the calves on the back of an incline press platform (where a spotter stands).


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #68 on: January 06, 2010, 10:52:44 PM »
My name is calfzilla so obviously have big calves. 


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2010, 10:57:39 PM »
Great fem-calves:

JOIN HDPhysiques!!!!


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2010, 10:25:53 AM »
Decided to lay off it for a while, incorporating the uni lateral calf raises, but doing 3x12 holding Db in one hand. Then doing smith bb cal press.

It isn't the mountains ah


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2010, 10:32:55 PM »
This is a cool program ;D

I use several of these methods myself, and they do work well sometimes.

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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #72 on: September 01, 2010, 09:14:25 AM »
I finally figured out the calves ain't growing no matter what. All genetic, I'm afraid.

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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #73 on: February 21, 2011, 12:56:13 PM »
I finally figured out the calves ain't growing no matter what. All genetic, I'm afraid.

Yes, but you can still get the most out of your genetics. And most people don't :-\


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Re: The Calves Thread: the mtwain protocol for growth and more
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2011, 04:23:03 PM »
can someone please try to explain it clearly

my english suck, and I really don't understand the protocol at all  :-\