Workout A
1...BB hack squats 3x8-12
2...BB shrugs. Close grip, elbows against the body. 3x8-12
Do both in the Rest-Pause style. 10-12 seconds between individual reps. Add plates each set
Workout B
1...DB Front raise. alternate right & left arms. Slight bend at elbow, bringing DB just above the top my head level, straight in front. 2x6-9 reps
2...DB lateral raise. Alternate right and left arms to the sides. Slight bend at the elbow. Bring DB just above the top of my head level. In line with body. 2x6-9
3...DB side pull up. Alternate right & left arms. DB at the side, hammer grip, pull the DB straight up alongside the body (not out). Won't travel very far, but don't worry it's a very effective movement for the lateral and posterior delts, along with the upper traps. Can work up to some impressive poundage after a while. 2x6-9
4....Dips. weighted. 2-3 seconds dead stop at bottom of each rep. 3x6-9
Workout A can be done on Monday. Workout B on Wednesday Workout A on Friday. Next Monday I would do workout B. Wednesday workout A. And Friday workout B.
Alternate each week. Though I can't always workout on a set day, so have to make adjustments due to my job. .
I don't do a lot of sets, except when on a program like 10x10's ( great training system, but not to be done on a regular bases). Might find that the older you get in training, the less number of sets, per exercise, you need to make continual gains. Giving recovering a greater chance, a very important element for anyone. And avoiding unneeded injury's.
Good Luck.