Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 525767 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2050 on: May 29, 2023, 08:24:30 AM »
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.
Welcome back Oldtimer!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2051 on: May 29, 2023, 11:13:34 AM »


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2052 on: May 29, 2023, 11:35:48 AM »
Trying to figure out the best way for me and my life style to combine lifting with running.  I come up with schemes and plans then do the same old stuff.  Still on my one set to failure Yates style for now. I think the best thing for me considering my oldest son wants me to do some charity type 5K road races with him is to do whole body routines. I really enjoy variety in training and a whole body routine won't allow that unless you train for a long time. I read Reeves did three exercises per body part and three sets each. His whole body routine must have taken well over two hours. Grimek did one or two exercises per bodypart I believe and that's more reasonable. Well for now it's the same old bs. As usual no warm up sets listed. For the most part I'm through trying to get stronger. I just want to slow the decline. I think what I use to do in my in my younger years and even though I deny it I'm aging.

Chest and biceps:

Incline DB press 1 x 10
Decline DB press 1 x 10
Flat fly 1 x15
Push ups 1 x max

EZ curl 1 x 15
Alternate curl 1 x 10
Dumbbell drag curls 1 x 12
Dumbbell scott curl 1 x 12

Forearm curls 1 x 30
Reverse forearm extensions 1 x 20

Incline sit ups 1 x 30
Incline leg raises 1 x 17
Ivanko gripper 2 x 20

Rested for about an hour then hit the trail running 2 miles at a 9.25 mile pace. Slow but I felt it. Saw two small snakes on the trail.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2053 on: May 30, 2023, 01:47:30 PM »
Leg day:

Leg press 1x15. (Relatively light.  Trying to protect my knee)
Machine squats 1x11
Stiff dead 1x8
Kick back machine 1x 11
Leg extension 1x25
Standing leg curl 1x 14

Hanging leg raise1x 28
Hip ups 1x 35

Standing calf 1x 20
Seated calf 1x 20
Tibealis work 1x20

Four way neck: one set each side for 30 reps.

Hate the fact that I had to go lighter on the leg press. I went slow to make the weight feel heavier.  Tomorrow is a cardio day and no lifting day.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2054 on: May 31, 2023, 12:55:35 PM »
Day off: Ran 3.39 miles at a slow 10:00 pace. Legs were sore from leg day yesterday.  Came back from the run and hit the bag for a couple of rounds. Feeling exhausted.  Giving up drinking for a couple of weeks.  Just want to see how I feel physically without it. 

Tomorrow is back day with very limited cardio after. I'm 171 at 5'8" as I type.  I want to lose 5lbs more.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2055 on: June 01, 2023, 01:44:39 PM »
Back day: No warm ups shown. Yates type workout with one set to failure.

Power cleans 5 x 3 reps, then finished with 1 x 1

Wide grip pulldowns with a supinated MAG bar 1 x 11
Seated cable row 1 x 14
Dumbbell row with knee on a bench 1 x 12
Narrow grip pulldowns with a supinated MAG bar 1 x 11

Weighted back hyper extension 1 x 20 (I use an old school horizontal bench. Much better than the new 45 degree ones)
Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab pulley crunches 1 x 50

Too tired to do cardio after. Maybe because I was a little tired from cleaning the pool prior to the weight workout. I will do it tomorrow after delts and triceps.  After this back day I floated in the pool for an hour.  Can't believe how dark I got, lol.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2056 on: June 02, 2023, 02:57:06 AM »
Good stuff Rich.....sorry to hear about the fuckhead who harrassed you..........freakin asshole!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2057 on: June 02, 2023, 04:03:21 AM »
Good stuff Rich.....sorry to hear about the fuckhead who harrassed you..........freakin asshole!!

Changed all my passwords for everything and blocked where I could. It ended. I'm also protected by Daniel's law in NJ. It removed much of my personal information from the internet. If it starts again with getbig references I'm gone. This site isn't worth it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2058 on: June 02, 2023, 03:52:45 PM »
Delt and triceps day:  As usual for this training week no warm up sets shown. For example of warm up sets I use two for military pressing. One for dumbbell delt laterals and none for rear delt laterals, face pulls and barbell shrugs cause the other exercises warmed me up and I'm ready to go.

Military press 1 x 8
Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 12
Rear delt laterals 1 x 14
Face pulls 1 x 19
barbell shrugs 1 x 14

Tricep V bar pushdowns 1 x 19
Seated leaning back on a scott bench EZ bar tricep extensions 1 x 8 (went too heavy on this and I couldn't as deep as I wanted)
close grip bench 1 x 8 (I use an ez curl bar. It puts my hands in a great position for this narrow grip benching.  The only problem is with a normal bar I have safety racks and they don't work with the short ez bar. I leave the collars off so I can dump it if needed.)
dips 1 x 15 (going deep enough to rip out my shoulders, lol)

crunches 1 x 40 (used an ab pad for a greater range of motion)
pulley crunches 1 x 60

Rested about 45 minutes then warmed up on a treadmill for a quarter mile. Headed out the door running to the trail by my house for 2 miles.  It was approximately 85 degrees and pure sun.  Ran without a shirt and came home leaving a puddle of sweat where ever I stood in the house.  Bet I lost a pound or more of water.  Disappointed with the time I ran but doing it after the lifting so I was a little shot with all those sets to failure.

I'm the lightest I have been in many years. A little disturbing to get on the scale and see the numbers so low.  I found a great free app for recording the food you eat is the Lose It app. Look for the Orange scale when looking for it. Simple to use for non tech people like me. You might need a food scale for some food but for the majority you don't. It also has an amazing amount of brands in it. So if you are eating Mr. Moe's mash potatoes (Made the brand up) it probably has it in there and you pick  the quantity like a cup or cup and a half. When you first get it they will ask your weight and your goal.  Use it for a week without cheating or going over the calories they allot and they will tell you right down to the day when you hit your goal. My initial goal was 174. When I hit that and stayed around there for a long time I decided to go to 167lbs. I started the app again weighing 171. The app tells me without cheating I will hit 167lbs  on July 2nd. If I hit that I will go to a new goal. Are their predictions accurate? Somewhat because of other factors. The app is very generous with working out credit. Plug in your lifting and cardio then you can eat more still hitting the caloric goal for the day.  When I get in a lifting session then a good cardio session it sure makes the day of eating so much more tolerable.  It has also taught me quantity. I can now pour an ounce of chips in a bowl for 140 calories if I want a treat without a food scale. Right now I have only one pair of jeans that fits tight. The rest have the baggy ass jean look that old men have when they put on jeans. The bad part of calorie restriction is I sometimes feel tired and exhausted but that could be something else going on with me, lol. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2059 on: June 03, 2023, 10:20:55 AM »
Cardio day: Used the treadmill. It's windy as hell here and looks like rain.

Intervals 8 x 440 yards or once around a track.

Lap #1- 3.8 MPH
Lap #2-6.3 MPH or 9:31 minute mile pace
Lap #3-3.8 MPH
Lap #4-6.7MPH or 9:14 Pace
Lap #5-3.8 MPH
Lap #6-6.7 MPH or 8:57 Pace
Lap #7-3.8 MPH
Lap #8-6.9 MPH or 8:42
Lap #9-3.8 MPH
Lap #10-7.1 MPH or 8:27 Pace
Lap #11-3.8 MPH
LAP #12 -7.3 mph or 8:13 Pace
Lap #13-3.8 MPH
Lap#14-7.5MPH or 8:00 Pace
Lap #15-3.8 MPH
Lap#16-7.7 MPH or 7:48 Pace
Lap #17-3.8 MPH

Notes: Felt pretty good.  Usually do heavy bag work after a pure cardio day but letting a sore shoulder settle down. I hate following a diet. I have an insane appetite and I like to eat. Before I retired the guys at work use to say they never seen a guy eat as much as I do.  Now I'm eating like a bird. Weight is 169lbs today. Breakfast was a half a cup of oatmeal made in water today with one teaspoon of sugar. Two eggs cooked in olive oil. Glass of skim milk and a banana. This interval workout left me in negative calories so far for the day.  Eating lunch as I type. Eating a Marie Callender's chicken pot pie that's 600 calories. Now I'm in positive calorie intake. Later a conservative dinner and a little snacking. I still should have an outstanding day calorie wise.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2060 on: June 04, 2023, 01:32:06 PM »
Hit the trail by my house for 3.4 miles. Ran at a 9:38 minute mile pace.  Trying to decide whether to switch things up reference the weight room for next week or do the same old? 

On a different topic I've been reading and viewing a lot of videos on plyometric exercises. If you regularly include stuff like forms of the Olympic lifts you getting plenty of speed strength exercise. If you regularly include sprint workouts that fulfills that important attribute of power training. Power lifting is not power training. Being a good athlete includes having explosive power.  Squatting 600lbs  but not being able to sprint or jump shows a lack of power. It shows good strength but not good power. Power is how fast you can unleash strength. I hope to include some power plyometric moves to my workout. One that I do fairly regular is hitting the heavy bag which is an explosive movement. I touched on the topic a few posts back reference calf training. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2061 on: June 05, 2023, 11:50:22 AM »
Trained chest and bicep today. Still doing the Yates one set to failure protocol.  Strength is still good while losing weight so that’s a plus.  I ran a little over two miles after. Diet is on point for eight days so far.  Now at work exhausted, lol. 

Incline dumbbell press 1x 10
Decline dumbbells press 1x10
Flat flies 1x15
Push ups 1x max. (All the way down)

Ez bar curl 1x15
Alternative dumbbell curl 1x10
Dumbbell drag curl 1x 12
Concentration curl 1x14

Wrist curl 1x 30
Wrist extension 1x20
Ivanko gripper 2x20

Incline sit-ups 1x30
Incline leg raise 1x 17

Ran a little over two miles on a trail by my house.  Didn’t see a soul there.

Anyone else have this phenomenon regarding fat loss? I seem to lose fat first in my face and thighs. Abs and chest is the last thing to get lean. Just weird how fat isn't distributed evenly. My skin is paper thin in my bicep and tricep area while It's definitely not in my abs and chest. My face right now is looking a little gaunt and I hate how that looks but I still got a way to go to lose fat in other areas. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2062 on: June 06, 2023, 04:58:30 PM »
Leg day: Same old Yates type stuff with one set to failure. Again no warms ups shown.

Leg press 1 x 15 (Went a little heavier with the bad hip and knee. Felt okay for 14 reps and the 15th felt grinding.)
Dumbbell squat 1 x 13
Stiff dead 1 x 10
Machine glute kick back 1 x 13
leg extension 1 x 25
seated leg curl 1 x 17

Hanging leg raise 1 x 30 ( slightly bent legs)
Hip ups lying on a mat 1 x 33 (Lay on back and point feet to ceiling. Raise the hips high pushing the feet toward the ceiling)

Standing calf 1 x 20 (Use a higher weight than I have ever used before. Felt really heavy. Surprise, it hurt my knee slightly)
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibalis work 1 x 22

Four way neck 1 x 30 a side

Tomorrow I hope for a long run on the boardwalk.

 Ate great today except for dinner. I was starving and wanted something fast getting Chinese food. Figuring out the calories it was over 600. WTF! I fucked up. I guess I will fast the rest of the night without a snack. Working out prior to work is great because after work I'm shot. Use to be able to do it back in the day but getting it over first thing means I have nothing to do after work.

Seems to be the same pattern. My alarm goes off and I hobble down the stairs with arthritic joints. Takes me a while to warm up and get everything lubricated. I did two warm up sets for the leg press then I'm fully awake and ready to go. I heard people say they have to be in a gym with other people working out to get them motivated but I never operated that way. I always found working out at home or in the gym to be almost the same. Maybe in a commercial gym I might take less time between sets but that's conjecture.

Thinking about eliminating all classic weight room calf work. Plyometrics seem to be way better than weight work to make them more functional for running, sprinting and jumping.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2063 on: June 07, 2023, 08:40:54 AM »
I was planning on a long run for today but I felt exhausted. I went for a short two miles. Thought I was going slow but pleased with the time in general for the shape I'm in now.

 I ran in a different location than from my usual cinder trail in the woods by my house. I ran in a park that has a one mile asphalt path around the park. Met a monster from my commercial gym times before covid.  The kid walks for cardio. I don't know if he's a user but a possibility he's a natural because it seems his condition and size is always roughly the same. If anyone has the base to become a bodybuilding champ it's him. About 5"10" 230lbs of very lean muscle.  His walking is a great option to burn fat and get lean. If someone told me fast walking was a great way to lose fat in my younger days I would have said, I don't do pussy workouts. It took me till I was in my 60's to realize how the fat came off with fast dedicated walking.

Hit the heavy bag for a couple of rounds after. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2064 on: June 08, 2023, 09:29:11 AM »
Back day:  Feeling a little weak from all the cardio. Being at this low bodyweight can do that. For me when cardio goes up my lifting goes down. The reverse is also true. Trying to find that balance. Good at everything but master of nothing applies. No warm up sets shown.

Wide M.A.G supinated grip pulldown 1 x 12
Seated cable rows with a V type handle 1 x 14
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 1 x 12
Narrow M.A.G. supinated grip pulldown 1 x 11

Deadlift 1 x 6 reps  (Used a low weight of 275lbs but I felt it. Running is sapping my strength. I went very slow on the negative to make the light weight feel heavy.  That's not a bad training strategy for me. Instead of making a heavy weight lighter through various techniques it's always better to make a light weight heavier. Think about higher reps, slower cadence, slow negative and a full range of motion.

Weighted lower back extensions 1 x 21 (had to gut out that 21st rep, lol.) Always thought these and stiff deads bullet proof the back.  The back extension bench gets the contracted range of motion and the stiff gets the stretch. 

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
pulley crunches 1 x 50

Damn it's smoky in NJ.  Smells like it's a big back yard fire pit is burning somewhere. It smells nice but the sun is blotted out making it colder than it should be. Everyone is complaining about their eyes and throat but I feel nothing. Even went for a run yesterday and felt nothing. The pool is crystal clear clean and I can't go in because it's cold!

Going to the movies with my wife so I can hear her talk through the previews. It's a wonder no one has told her to shut up. Got to love her.  The only person on earth that talks  every time she exhales. She should go to the movie in a black neighborhood. Then the whole place can talk to the screen together. "Careful he's behind the tree!" "That gotta hurt."  "You just chose the movie because you read she shows her boobies."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2065 on: June 08, 2023, 06:53:30 PM »
Is it safe to come back?  I'm sure nobody cares but I left because of harassing emails. No one knows my email here except two people.  One day I noticed an email and it was threatening. It mentioned getbig and how he had all my passwords and my cloud account. As proof he sent me a picture of my wife and a famous MMA champ. I was shocked. My social media accounts are not open to the public. He started showing me the contents of my emails which further shocked me.  He claimed if you don't believe my capabilities here's proof. He showed me family pictures of members here.  Did he just lift them from facebook and Instagram?  I don't know. I had to leave when my brother in law a really decent human who is a psychiatrist starting getting harassing  phone calls to his office mentioning get big. The guy is a saint of a doctor that has helped so many people.
 That's when I stopped posting here. Some of the email accounts the person said he had the passwords were mine and some he claimed were mine weren't. I started to think is Josh capable of this?  What did I do to piss him off? If I did anything I really don't mean to offend. I did some soul searching and I thought it's either my conservative politics posts or my anti steroid stance.  I just found it amazing that someone could be so obsessed with me.

I will give this another try. If it doesn't work out I will never ever sign on again. Got that Josh if it's you. If I offended you say the word and I will be gone.

I have been training hard. I'm nearly 65.  I don't use any drugs or even hormone replacement. The closest I got is using clomid 7 years ago. I use zero anything. I think I spelled clomid right. Another Doc told me some studies show an increase in brain cancer so I stopped after maybe a month of using it and I never returned.

Regarding training I'm not using heavy weights anymore. My joints are protesting. Going to use light weights with a full range of motion with a slow cadence.  I thought I would use high reps but I came to the conclusion that reps in the traditional 6 to12 can work if short rests between sets are used.  I'm not in anyway a bodybuilder. I'm just into fitness. I use bodyweight, weights and cardio to achieve that. Still doing boxing drills though I haven't been in the ring for almost 40 years.

You can laugh at my body. I do. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm much leaner now then when this picture was taken 6 months ago. I think I'm not a complete mess nearing 65.  Like I said I'm leaner now. Maybe I will put up an updated picture but I'm afraid knowing this site I will be mocked, lol.

That's wild, i've never heard Josh talk about you, so no idea who did that.

There was a guy on here, Neurotoxin, who used to do this to conservative posters, but not sure he's around anymore.

And FYI, it's crazy easy to steal your passwords and account data, you can pay a hacker $100 to steal all kinds of stuff. It's really easy if you don't have the right computer/internet protection.

Glad you are back, i'm not a fan of your anti-steroid posts, but i respect your opinion.

Keep pushing weights OT. You look great.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2066 on: June 08, 2023, 07:32:54 PM »
That's wild, i've never heard Josh talk about you, so no idea who did that.

There was a guy on here, Neurotoxin, who used to do this to conservative posters, but not sure he's around anymore.

And FYI, it's crazy easy to steal your passwords and account data, you can pay a hacker $100 to steal all kinds of stuff. It's really easy if you don't have the right computer/internet protection.

Glad you are back, i'm not a fan of your anti-steroid posts, but i respect your opinion.

Keep pushing weights OT. You look great.

Thanks, I will hang around for a bit.  For around $10 bucks you can get a person's phone, emails, house address and relatives information too. Yes, hackers for pay can get you pass words. In NJ a judge had a person that felt wronged by her court decision came to her house where he shot and killed her son. Now NJ has Daniel's law protecting  for certain professions like mine. I'm covered by it now. Of course nothing is perfect.

I post here for fun and it's a nice diversion.  A couple of people like Wes I have known for many years even before I joined this site. The site also makes me laugh with the insanity. I think anyone that posts on this site has to have a screw loose including me. If I feel this site endangers my family or it becomes an aggravation I will walk away. No big deal and an easy decision.

 I have been lifting for close to 50 years. I started as a young teenager. If anyone doesn't have any potential for muscles it's me. I always was the skinniest kid in school. I weighed 118lbs as a freshman in high school at 5'8". I just enjoy the training aspect. As a kid Weider use to be headquartered in the city I grew up in.  They use to give me stacks of expired magazines when I was around eight years old. That warped my mind thinking I wanted muscles, lol. The insanity continues to the present. Sometimes I think if I wasn't exposed to this I probably would have ended up a body weight exercise guy with running. When my wife then girlfriend found my stacks of bodybuilding magazines in college she thought it was bizarre. She said her four brothers were into football and baseball. None ever in her life time spoke of or mentioned bodybuilding. This bodybuilding is a strange sub culture of a sport. 



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2067 on: June 09, 2023, 08:06:50 AM »
Delt and triceps:  No warm up shown.

Dumbbell press 1 x 10 (I do these standing.)
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 19
Rear dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
rope pulls 1 x19
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14

V bar tricep push downs 1 x 20
Single dumbbell two hands sitting leaning back against a scott bench 1 x 13
Narrow bench 1 x 9
Dips 1 x 15 (always dug deep)

Crunches with an ab mat for a greater range of motion 1 x 40
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Getting ready for to head to a park for a two mile run.  Last week I got five cardio sessions. Hope for the same this week.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2068 on: June 09, 2023, 10:53:58 AM »
Nice, OT.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2069 on: June 10, 2023, 03:52:36 PM »


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2070 on: June 10, 2023, 04:45:42 PM »
Cardio day: 

I haven't run far for a long time. I run on a trail that use to have an active railroad line from the 1920's or so. People from NYC and North Jersey used to come to the town I live in now for stuff like fishing,  hunting, horse back riding and the fancy huge hotel that was here that had big bands, dancing and a huge fancy restaurant. The hotel structure is gigantic and seemed to be made with poured concrete.  That hotel was turned into a massive nursing home now. The tracks were ripped up and the county put down cinder to make a nice biking/walking trail. It's very under utilized and many sections are very isolated. Common for me to not to see a soul for miles sometimes. My turn around is railroad bridge over small river that the local kids use to jump off of in the summer.

Had some crazy encounters there. One time there was two maybe 12 year old girls walking a pit bull. As I was running by the dog was dragging them toward me. Obviously wanted to get at me. I said, "Hold the dog." I kept running and that was the end of the incident.  I hit my turn around point maybe a mile down and came back.  There was a twenty something guy maybe six feet all with blond hair blading his body toward me. He was hiding something in his hand behind his back leg. "What did you say to those girls?"  I told him, "Hold the dog. I thought he was going to get loose and come after me."  He kept getting closer hiding something behind his leg. Was it a knife, gun or a billy? I have no clue. Suddenly he backed off. Did he think I threatened the girls? 

Another time a different loose pit bull started chasing me as I ran coming at full speed. I was sweating getting attacked. When he got close he looked so happy just to run with me.  We ran for awhile and it almost looked like he was smiling at me.  I heard his owner in the distance calling his name and he turned around running toward him

My last dog encounter had me really pissed off. I'm thinking people just let their dogs out of their house because they are too lazy to walk them and they end up on the trail. An old man coming at me said, "There's a loose vicious dog." pointing in the direction I was running. I didn't see anything so I kept running. Suddenly the big junk yard type dog materialized. It had me cornered against a guide rail and it seemed to be getting up it's courage to attack barking and growling. I spoke to the dog in soft tones hoping it would see I wasn't a threat. I thought I was going to get bit fighting the dog when suddenly he saw another loose dog and ran full speed to that dog off the trail. If you want to know I love dogs and have them my whole life.

Other incidents too involving some shady people but I won't bore you with the details. Like I said it's very isolated. Every once in awhile I see a woman running or walking the trail and sometimes I fear for their safety. On the other hand I met so many friendly regulars walking and running the trail. We wave at each other never knowing each other's name. One old man I call Johnny Unitas because he always has his jersey on while walking. He gets a kick that a "young" guy like me knows the quarter back. Again it's so isolated in places. For awhile I made sure I was armed but even carrying a small firearm running is a pain.

To get back to the workout. I did a long one for me. I ran 4.76 miles after a quarter mile warm up run that I won't count. Felt like slowing to a crawl at times but I persevered keeping up my speed.  So spent.  After the granddaughter came by and we went into the pool. Freezing and I was glad to be in only up to my waist.  She wouldn't stop asking me to do a cannon ball. Here I was in a freezing pool doing a cannon ball after all that running. I know it will be an early bed night tonight.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2071 on: June 11, 2023, 09:23:33 AM »
Cardio day: Warmed up with quarter mile slug run.  Then ran two miles hard. Humid today and sweating buckets typing this. A little disappointed with the time but glad I got the run in. Tomorrow it's back to the weight room.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2072 on: June 12, 2023, 10:33:05 AM »
Back and chest day: Doing two work sets per exercise this week. Getting a little weak from doing cardio five days a week. It’s a trade off. If you want a good gas tank some absolute strength will suffer.

Wide pull-down wit a supinated MAG bar 2x10 (felt a little weak doing these)
Seated lat pull with a V handle 2x12
Dumbbell last row with a knee on the bench 2x10
Close grip pull-down with a MAG supinate handle 2x10

Incline dumbbell press 2x8
Decline dumbbell press 2x 8
Flat dumbbell fly 2x10
Push ups 2x max (one set was with perfect push up handles)

Dead lifts 2x 4 (Weak with these too. Too much cardio. Tweaked my calf too.)
Weighted hyper extension 2x 15

Ab wheel 1x 30
Pulley crunch 1x50


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2073 on: June 13, 2023, 09:24:13 AM »
 Cardio day: Ran 2.0 miles. Then hit the heavy bag.  Actually think I’m looking younger with the weight loss. Maybe I’m delusional, lol.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #2074 on: June 14, 2023, 11:41:55 AM »
Dreaded Leg day:  Since I have been doing five days of cardio a week my legs are a little weak.  Lowered my leg press weight by 40lbs.  Still can't go really deep with out hip pain. I really use to over do the depth but maybe my old joints can't take it anymore.  Still going deeper than the overwhelming majority in the gym. Shallow leg presses seem to be done to ego lift a massive amount of plates.

Doing two sets to failure. The first maybe I could do two more reps and the second is failure. If I truly did the first set at failure the second set would have less reps. Typing the reps from memory. Sometimes they are estimates.

Reference stiff leg deads, I have always done them round back like John Grimek.  I know the current thought is to keep a flat back and stretch the leg biceps.  I think both are good.  Going to lighten the weight next time I think and do flat back stiff deads. I want to see if it's a better option. Round back stretches the lower back muscles and I bet the flat back emphasizes the hamstrings more. 

Leg Press 2 x 12
Machine squat 1 x 10
Dumbbell squats 1 x 12
Stiff dead off a block 2 x 6
Kick back glute machine 2 x 12 (hurt my knees for some reason today.)
Leg extensions 2 x 20
Seated leg curls 2 x 15

Hanging leg raises 1 x 30
Hip ups 1 x 33

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15

Four ways neck machine: Two giant sets working the four sides.  After the neck machine I did isometric holds and twists.

Immediately after I did yard work of mowing, weed wacking and blowing. Can I count this as exercise, lol? Side note. I have a Toro mower that has been working on the first, second or third pull for 30 years. I have never changed the oil. One year I left it out all winter and it was buried in snow a couple of times. I probably jinxed it by typing this.