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This is for Bhank.

Listen buddy,
I think you are a nice guy. I recognize it because I am a nice guy. But, you are wrong. I was wrong in connection with the world lock-downs during the Covid pandemic. Honestly, most of us don't even know what all transpired during those years.
We are also being lied to as to the state of the Russian military, while they are advancing in Ukraine. Additionally, I know another thing that is a fact. The Ukrainians have been given much more military material than published by the Western media along with the physical presence of NATO troops in Ukraine (don't have the numbers). After all this, the Ukrainians are still losing the war...
So, just be smart and observe. Don't comment, if you are not sure.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Josh Dox Thread
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 11:30:23 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Skeletor on Today at 11:27:16 AM »
Oh look he is so excited I acknowledged him he made another video about me. What kind of man sits around in his basement apartment making video after video about another man?

Why does he think I care about his schedule? The funny part is he thinks pointing a camera at me is going to protect him.

I am going to be nice I don't want to be accused of sucker punching a fat old man with parkinsons. If you see me put the camera down and put your hands up. I am not going to argue with you on film like you seem to think I am going to crack you on sight put your hands up and try to defend yourself.

I get it inside a casino with security and a camera you think you can safely approach me you are wrong. I know Cops and security respond quick in Vegas it won't be quick enough for you. Put away your camera pump up your reeboks and be ready to go.

Honestly I wish you luck you are going to need it. No hard feelings you have set this up for some reason you know you are sick and it is time to be put down and you have selected me. I will grant your wish.

Of course you know it, you tried to act tough in Vegas and they arrived to beat your ass quicker than you could wolf down some nice French toast.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: DEA moves to reschedule cannabis
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 11:25:28 AM »
Edibles.  Look into them.

Also suppositories
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Josh Dox Thread
« Last post by Soul Crusher on Today at 11:17:15 AM »
Josh can threaten me all he wants don't care. However threatening women and children and harassing people offline is a different thing. If he wanted to be a man he could have confronted me like a man anytime I would gladly beat him down. But he wants to threaten to stab and shoot women and children yeah I don't think so. Time for another involuntary commitment put him back on his meds.

You should consider some meds yourself for your many ailments and psychotic delusions. 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Fucking Pajeets - How low can you go?
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 11:12:45 AM »

Indians are great and all, but can we talk about Haitians for a second? I was behind one at the grocery store this morning. Slowest people on earth mentally, physically and behind the wheel of an uninsured vehicle. After her groceries were done being scanned, she must’ve forgot that she had to pay the cashier. She reached for her purse after 10 awkward seconds of not knowing how to do everyday things and then went through all 20 or so cards individually. The entire ordeal took 3 extra minutes while the only line in the store backed up to 5 people who were just trying to go to work. I wouldn’t expect anything else from a country with an average IQ of 67. Oh, and she was also 250 pounds.

Yeah but I can't jack off to that unless you describe the titonas dude!  >:(


That'll do...
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Taffin on Today at 11:06:50 AM »
Just so Brian knows, do you use that stuff pre or post encounter?


That way my BF lasts longer  ;)

Numbs the cawk too. Would not recommend

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by NarcissisticDeity on Today at 11:06:16 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Joey Swoll fugged up!
« Last post by BB on Today at 10:59:00 AM »
BB, was this Vince’s first kill? Pass the antivenom please!

Keith "Only Me" Jones was the first I remember, back in '11. He almost got Vince B by pointing his site to NAMBLA, but Vince survived. Then came Derek. Keith died in January, Derek in December, maybe Vince buckles down on his killing and spell casting during the Winter months.....

And stone cold

:-\  ;D.
Do you eat whilst you're sleeping? Think about it for a moment what conditions they might be trying to replicate ....

If you need a clue..break/fast is typically the first meal of the day
who cares about how my body is when I’m sleeping? I could care less. I want to know what happens when I eat carbs-like a stack of pancakes and drink orange juice. That is much more important to know how my body handles the sugars. I ate and drank prior to blood work and everything was fine. It makes no difference. Why are we not testing our bodies under normal every day situations?
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