Author Topic: Obama : NASA No Longer "National" or "Space", Muslim Aeronautics and Stimulus Ad  (Read 7270 times)


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&feature=related  [/youtube]


Soul Crusher

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I like Lou Dobbs - good clip. 

Like he - this is embarassing. 


  • Getbig IV
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where was Obama really born?


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Hahaha, science and Islam go together like oil and water.


  • Getbig IV
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Hahaha, science and Islam go together like oil and water.

A whole religion based on one man's dream...Hahah


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al-Jazeera Told of NASA's 'Muslim Mission' Before Congress.

NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
July 9, 2010

Lawmakers across Capitol Hill, both Democrats and Republicans, were surprised to learn recently that the Obama administration has made reaching out to Muslim nations a top priority for the space agency NASA.

They will probably be more surprised to learn that administration officials told the Middle East news organization Al Jazeera about it before they told Congress.

Rep. Pete Olson, the ranking Republican on the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, got a call from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on June 28, the day the White House released its new long-term plan for the space program. "He ran down some of the things from the president's new space policy, and mentioned outreach to Muslims," Olson recalls. "That stunned me. I didn't believe it."

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the Democrat who chairs the subcommittee (and is also married to astronaut Mark Kelly), got a briefing from Bolden the same day, according to a spokesman.

As it happens, Bolden's calls to Giffords and Olson came several days after Bolden discussed the Muslim initiative with Al Jazeera. According to a NASA spokesman, Bolden sat down with Al Jazeera's Imran Garda on June 17, during a stop in Doha, Qatar. Bolden's Mideast trip, which was timed to mark the first anniversary of President Obama's June 2009 Muslim outreach speech, was devoted to pursuing "a new beginning of the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world."

During the interview, Bolden told Al Jazeera that the "foremost" mission he had been given by Obama was "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."

The Al Jazeera interview did not air until June 30, after the Obama space plan was released and Bolden briefed members of Congress. But there's no question Al Jazeera got the word first.

Although few, if any, lawmakers knew it, Bolden had previewed the idea even earlier. In a February 2010 blog item, the Orlando Sentinel reported that Bolden told a group of engineering students Obama had asked him "to find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries."

"We now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners," Bolden said, according to the Sentinel. "We really like Indonesia because the State Department, the Department of Education [and] other agencies in the U.S. are reaching out to Indonesia as the largest Muslim nation in the world. We would love to establish partners there."

Bolden might find some resistance to his plans on Capitol Hill. Olson is confident the public will disapprove of the whole Muslim outreach venture -- if they hear about it. (So far, the story has gone unreported by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the nightly newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC.) Republicans need to "make sure the American people knows what's out there," Olson says. "When the American people hear this, I'm comfortable that people are going to think, 'That's not what I want my money spent on.' "

It's unlikely majority Democrats would crack down on NASA, but the space agency could be in for some serious questions if Republicans win the House of Representatives this November. "If we get the majority, then we'll have a say," Olson says. "We can de-fund things, and this would be a prime candidate in my mind."

Bolden has not commented on the controversy. As for the White House, a spokesman says President Obama wants NASA "to engage with the world's best scientists as we work together to push the boundaries of exploration." That doesn't sound much like Bolden's description of the initiative, which foresees the U.S. working with Muslim nations that don't have the scientific know-how for manned space flight. What advanced technology do they have that the United States doesn't?

For space veterans, the controversy is an indication of how far the Obama administration has strayed from NASA's original mission, first laid out in the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. "NASA was chartered ... to develop the arts and sciences of flight in the atmosphere and in space and to go where those technologies will allow us to go," says Mike Griffin, who headed the space agency from 2005 until 2009.

The Space Act has guided NASA well for more than 50 years, Griffin says, and now, "I think the president should be required to go back and read it."


George Whorewell

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The next Obama directive is going to have all Federal agencies dedicate themselves to converting the American population to Islam.

Soul Crusher

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Cue in 240 to blame palin and equivocate to some obscure thing Bush did 8 years ago.

BF's article is truly sickening.  Its not surprising since I know obama is a communist sleeper cell intent on collapsing the nation, but still shocking. 


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Great quote from the comments section of this article: If Islam has contributed so much and they are so smart and innovative then how come the people living in Islamic countries are living in abject squalor, just one step above the Neanderthals? All the claims that Islam contributed anything or invented anything is just propaganda. Look at how their people still live and make your own decision on whether there is any truth in their claims of great accomplishments.

Well said.

Better spend millions of dollars we don't have to make them feel good about their non-existent contributions to science.

Soul Crusher

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Funny that all of the anti-christian posters like straw, lurker, kc, danny, and others who scream about sepearation of church and state are silent on this since its their messiah doing it.  

Hypocrites, cowards, and phonies.  


  • Getbig V
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Funny that all of the anti-christian posters like straw, lurker, kc, danny, and others who scream about sepearation of church and state are silent on this since its their messiah doing it.  

Hypocrites, cowards, and phonies.  

Of course not. It's only a problem when it involves Christians or Jews.

Soul Crusher

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How anyone can support this admn on any level whatsoever is beyond me. 

Every day is a new outrage like this. 

240 is Back

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religion has no place in space exploration.

personally, i'd keep it out of everything else govt-related too. 

Believe what you wanna believe, worship where you'd like.  But treat it like any other interest or hobby in which people choose to partake.

Soul Crusher

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Lurker, straw, kC, and Danny wont go near this as their messiah shows himself for the kenyan communist muslim we all knew he was.   

Soul Crusher

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White House denies NASA remark on Muslim outreach

WASHINGTON – The White House is contradicting the NASA administrator's claim that President Barack Obama assigned him to reach out to Muslims on science matters.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden recently told Al-Jazeera network that one of the charges Obama gave him was "to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and engineering."

Some conservative activists criticized the remarks.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that such activities are not among Bolden's assigned tasks. He said administration officials have spoken with NASA about the matter.

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________________________ ____________________

And who believes Obama on this?    Probably 240, Danny, KC, Straw, mons, Blacken, etc.   ::)  ::)  ::)

Dos Equis

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The next Obama directive is going to have all Federal agencies dedicate themselves to converting the American population to Islam.

I heard a report this morning that Obama is trying to eliminate use of the phrase "radical Islam." 


  • Getbig V
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White House denies NASA remark on Muslim outreach

WASHINGTON – The White House is contradicting the NASA administrator's claim that President Barack Obama assigned him to reach out to Muslims on science matters.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden recently told Al-Jazeera network that one of the charges Obama gave him was "to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and engineering."

Some conservative activists criticized the remarks.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that such activities are not among Bolden's assigned tasks. He said administration officials have spoken with NASA about the matter.

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________________________ ____________________

And who believes Obama on this?    Probably 240, Danny, KC, Straw, mons, Blacken, etc.   ::)  ::)  ::)

Love the back-pedaling.

I heard a report this morning that Obama is trying to eliminate use of the phrase "radical Islam." 

Already been done by both the govt. and the MSM. You'll be hard-pressed to find the word "Islam" in any article describing terrorist attacks. al-Shabaab, the Somali terrorist organization most likely responsible for the bombings that killed 64+ yesterday, is constantly referred to as a "youth group".  ::)


  • Getbig V
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I heard a report this morning that Obama is trying to eliminate use of the phrase "radical Islam." 

Well, they should.
That's simple 7th grade English: avoid redundancy.

Soul Crusher

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  • Getbig V
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Dude, seriously...
Stop bumping this stuff.

I stopped posting in Political because it was killing my blood pressure!
I can't look at these threads anymore!!


Soul Crusher

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Dude, seriously...
Stop bumping this stuff.

I stopped posting in Political because it was killing my blood pressure!
I can't look at these threads anymore!!



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Captain Equipoise

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This president is a fucking traitor to the United States of America, I'm absolutely floored by this.. what's the first thing the muslim's will do, send up a suicide bomber in the rocket and blow it as soon as it reaches 20,000 feet to proclaim their victory against the western way of thinking, I can honestly see this happening.. shit I wouldn't want to be one of the U.S astronaut's on that mission.

Soul Crusher

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This president is a fucking traitor to the United States of America, I'm absolutely floored by this.. what's the first thing the muslim's will do, send up a suicide bomber in the rocket and blow it as soon as it reaches 20,000 feet to proclaim their victory against the western way of thinking, I can honestly see this happening.. shit I wouldn't want to be one of the U.S astronaut's on that mission.

This is from last year.   It's disgusting that Obama tried throwing bolden und the bus.