We both know you automatically take offense to anything I post. Having said that, no, I spend no time converting people to my non belief. I am concerned with remaining silent which allows the far right to push their religious agenda in courts which affects me. I will speak up on those occasions. I believe everyone has the right to believe what they want religion wise, as long as it doesn't impact me. That hasn't been the case so remaining silent is misinterpreted by the religious as we agree... we don't
on a personal note. I would not actively try and talk someone out of their belief in a god or gods. I was there. I understand it. But if faced with the argument, or subject matter, I won't remain silent.
Its actually not weird... there is a popular bumper sticker out there that says "Atheist-Someone who has actually read the bible"... it's popular for a reason.
You have never said anything that offended me, so stop being dishonest. Again.
Saying you speak up about religion when “the far right” pushes their religious views in courts that affect you, completely contradicts the fact you are active on a public religious message board that has zero to do with the courts, government regulation, etc. You’re here because for some strange reason you like to talk about things you don’t believe in.
And you’re not facing any kind of court or government-imposed oppression for being an atheist. Nobody cares that you don’t believe in God or the Bible.
The bumper sticker is so popular I’ve never heard of or seen it. Lol Regardless, it should say: “Atheist: Someone who has actually read and does not understand the Bible.”