Getbig Female Info Boards > Womens Physique, Bodybuilding, Wellness and Training
what are your best lifts?
leg press?
The Squadfather:
hahahaha, monster schmoe.
--- Quote from: The Squadfather on December 05, 2006, 07:35:30 AM ---hahahaha, monster schmoe.
--- End quote ---
HAHAHAHAHA that made me laugh out loud. :D
Squat = 250 lbs. (Done with proper powerlifting form, knee wraps on, no squat suit. I currently squat 165 to 185 lbs. for multiple reps...still proper powerlifting form, minus the knee wraps.)
Bench = 120 lbs. (I'm stronger with bench now but don't max out anymore.)
Leg press = 585 lbs. for multiple reps (I just did 495 lbs. for sets of 15 on Saturday.)
I weigh 115 lbs. in the off season right now but have done these lifts at a weight of 110 lbs. and less.
Wasssup, JODI-JOJO-JodiJo!
Hey did you know THE BEAT can squat 225 for about 12 reps? I saw her squat 320lbs for 3reps. She ever tell you that?
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