Getbig Female Info Boards > Womens Physique, Bodybuilding, Wellness and Training
The more things change
Have to share a letter I just read, in a old mag
Dear Doris,
Where the Hell is womens bodybuilding going? Why do they even
bother calling it Women's , 99% look like guys?
I just read that Georgia Fudge donsn't like being so muscular. Women are sexy! Men are muscular! Lets show people the difference. ..............what the hell is going on here STEROIDS!
.....Ladies you are all getting carried away.
At the gym where I train the men are jealous because Combes's and Elliot's arms are bigger than theirs....the only reason "Real People " had Commbes on is that she looked like a guy.
I'm sorry Doris - I really love womens bodybuilding.......don't let this fantastic sport turn into a FREAK SHOW. BODYBUILDING IS FEMININE.....
Name withheld
From "SPA News" letter to the editor (Doris B.) 2&3/82.
Imagine Georgia Fudge ..HUGE !!!!!
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