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PBW: "10 Weeks Till The Olympia" - Hany Rambod (Listen Now)
PBW Announcement - Episode #229
10 Weeks Till The Olympia! - Who's In? Who's Out? Who's Gaining Steam? (Replay Now Available)
Insider Reports Include: Cutler/Heath Advisor Hany Rambod
As we move inside of 10 weeks till the 2011 Mr. Olympia the contenders are entering the most critical weeks of their contest prep, reports are beginning to come in from the various camps, and Jay Cuter has his eye on Sandow Trophy #5. Tune in this week for some early Olympia scoop with appearances by Cutler/Heath advisor Hany Rambod, along with an updated list of athletes who have chosen to forego this years event...some of the names may surprise you! Also this Week: A Report from the NPC Team Universe in New Jersey. -- Presented by MuscleTech, "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly" Episode #229 airs Monday at 8pm ET.
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Presented by MuscleTech and brought to you by and Flex Magazine.
Additional sponsors include Xenadrine, Six Star Muscle, MAP, and BodySpace!
PBW: The Official radio show of Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend.
The presenting sponsor of the annual "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships" in Tampa, FL
and a proud supporter of the NPC' USA Championships
240 is Back:
Is Hany working with Cutler AND Heath for this show? Or just Cutler?
David M:
It's time for Jay Cutler to come crashing back to reality.
Kai looked way better than Phil Heath a few months back. He's at a new level now.
Jay will lose. He probably knows his time has past.
--- Quote from: 240 is Back on July 10, 2011, 02:13:13 PM ---Is Hany working with Cutler AND Heath for this show? Or just Cutler?
--- End quote ---
the Algebra Wizard:
Wow !!!! 10 weeks out ... hard to believe it's almost been a year .
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