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PBW: "Their Voices Live Forever" - Reg Park, Ben Weider & Serge Nubret
PBW Announcement - Episode #232
Their Voices Live Forever: Reg Park, Ben Weider & Serge Nubret
They're regarded as the Men who helped write the bodybuilding history books. One was known for his strength, his classic battles with Steve Reeves, and his iconic role as Hercules. One was known as France's greatest and most controversial champion. And the other joined forces with his brother more than 60 years ago to take on Bob Hoffman and start a new organization called the IFBB and a publishing empire. They are some of the greatest bodybuilding stories ever told. -- They've all passed away, but the voices of Reg Park, Ben Weider and Serge Nubret live on as PBW goes into the archive to re-visit these memorable interviews. - Presented by MuscleTech, "Their Voices Live Forever" (PBW Episode # 232) is now available on-demand.
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Presented by MuscleTech and brought to you by and Flex Magazine.
Additional sponsors include Xenadrine, Six Star Muscle, MAP, and BodySpace!
PBW: The Official radio show of Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend.
The presenting sponsor of the annual "Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships" in Tampa, FL
and a proud supporter of the NPC' USA Championships
lift 456:
Very cool. Howard Stern was doing his FROM THE GRAVE shows last week. Pulling out all the interviews he did with people who died. Nubret was a bad ass. And Reg Park was like a bodybuilding version of Mickey Mantle (excluding the alcohol). PIP.
240 is Back:
Rest in Peace guys
Jack T. Cross:
--- Quote from: lift 456 on August 09, 2011, 08:33:31 AM ---Very cool. Howard Stern was doing his FROM THE GRAVE shows last week. Pulling out all the interviews he did with people who died. Nubret was a bad ass. And Reg Park was like a bodybuilding version of Mickey Mantle (excluding the alcohol). PIP.
--- End quote ---
What do you mean by that?
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