Getbig Female Info Boards > Womens Physique, Bodybuilding, Wellness and Training
dead lifts
How often (if at all) do you do dead lifts and if so do you do squat the same week?
are you talking SLDL or regular? Normally I SLDL's on leg day (with Squats) every week, bent-leg I may do once every couple of months.
I usually do one/two leg SLDL on leg days.
I do DL a couple times a month during back days.
--- Quote from: The BEAST on August 31, 2006, 01:49:34 PM ---are you talking SLDL or regular? Normally I SLDL's on leg day (with Squats) every week, bent-leg I may do once every couple of months.
--- End quote ---
Regular dead lifts.
Regular deadlifts on a platform are the best...take the bar all the way to your feet. supersetting them with SL deads is even better. ;)
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