Blood, if you tore if you would know, a ton of swelling, black and blue coloring and very painful...with out seeing or testing you, sounds like a sprain-strain. Yes, ice is great, try friction Dixie cups in the freezer filled with water, once it is frozen, unpeel 1/2 the cup. Use the bottom 1/2 of the cup to hold it and the top 1/2 with the ice showing to massage over your pain effected area. Also try some ankle exercises..dorsi-planter flexion, inversion/eversion. You can use a
T-band. Wrapped around the bad foot, right below the toes. You hold tension with your hands and place your leg in full extension, sit on a bench with your ankle hanging off, now with tention from the T-band you bring your foot up towards your body and down like you are pressing on a car's gas pedal (dorsi-planter flexion) 2x15. Now, with the t-band still on, move your foot all the way to the right and all the way to the left with toes pointed back to your shin (eversion/inversion) Also try some Bosu ball squats and light standing toe/heel raises...Do the above exercise only if they are pain free, you will feel muscle-tendon-ligament soreness, just know the difference between sharp-stabbing pain and exercising soreness. Do this 4x a week, twice a day. Hope this helps!