Author Topic: elbow pain  (Read 5434 times)


  • Getbig I
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elbow pain
« on: October 20, 2005, 08:50:25 AM »
i was wondering if anyone could help me out.  i am also having elbow pains as IronDawg. i went to the doc about a month ago and he said it was tennis elbow and said to keep the workout short and sweet. i havn't lifted in a month but the pain is still there. i've taken motrin for about 3 weeks now and glucosamine for a little over 2 months. the pain is on the outside part of the elbow. it hurts the worst when lets say when i hold a broom stick straight out to the side IIIII---------------------------------- kinda like this. but most of the pain is on the back of the elbow closer to the outer side now, the tennis elbow really isn't bothering me now. any ideas


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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2005, 12:57:27 AM »
Go to a better doctor.  Hah, sorry, that's half truth/ half joke.  He should have explained it to you.  When you do a repetitive motion, like lift weights, you can really dick w/ your tendons.  Tri (pun intended) to stay away from any movement that hurts your arm.  I hardly ever reccomend for someone to 'take a break', but you really need to.  If you don't, you could risk permanent injury.  And the only cure for a jacked tendon is surgery. 


  • Getbig I
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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2005, 04:13:04 AM »
thanks for the advice, i'm guessing there is no time limit to where i can go back to the gym because i'm feelin pretty crappy and weak already.

Lord Humungous

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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2005, 02:50:00 PM »
i was wondering if anyone could help me out.  i am also having elbow pains as IronDawg. i went to the doc about a month ago and he said it was tennis elbow and said to keep the workout short and sweet. i havn't lifted in a month but the pain is still there. i've taken motrin for about 3 weeks now and glucosamine for a little over 2 months. the pain is on the outside part of the elbow. it hurts the worst when lets say when i hold a broom stick straight out to the side IIIII---------------------------------- kinda like this. but most of the pain is on the back of the elbow closer to the outer side now, the tennis elbow really isn't bothering me now. any ideas

Ive fought with elbow pain for years, its the price you pay for wanting big arms as a teen. I think most doctors usally call it tennis elbow but what it usally is, is Brusitus. Im not saying that its not tennis elbow but 9 out of 10 time they miss diagnose it. Anyway no matter which one keep up with the anti inflammitorys like Advil, and ice it after each work out. What i do is warm up my elbows before I do any lifts except back. I will do 4-5 sets of light pressdowns with a straight bar, about 15 reps for each set. If they feel tender before I get to the gym I will put some Tiger Balm on them or flexall and put some neopren wraps on them. That should help. also try and vary your grip from time to time instead of doing skull crushers with a regular grip lighten them up and do them reverse grip.
What alot of people dont know is elbow pain can be caused by weak forearms. When doing skull crushers, seated french press, 2 handed DB pullovers dont let your wrists break, that is keep them in line with your forearm. its hard to do and you might have to lighten up a bit until you get stronger but it just might give you the relief you want. hope that helps


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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 10:10:49 PM »
thanks for the advice, i'm guessing there is no time limit to where i can go back to the gym because i'm feelin pretty crappy and weak already.

look pimp. there's a lot that could be going on w/ that elbow.  You really have to watch out for fluid buildup an extreme tension on the tendons (this is what happens most commonly w/ "gym rats").  You can really mess yourself up.   I keep what I say simple, b/c it's the best way to understand me.  I can wax pedantic garble if you want, but you won't take anything away from  it.   keep pressure off of it, and find a specialist who works w/ sports. 

Jr. Yates

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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 09:52:49 PM »
neoprenes worked for me too, i broke my right elbow a few years ago and i've lost some range of motion not much maybe 2 degrees which still sux but when it acts up and locks on me i pull out the neoprene and it works but it has to have a velcro strap that tightens on the forearm in order for it to work for me.

Omar Ha-Redeye

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consider PT
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2005, 12:56:09 AM »
In addition to an assessment by your physician, I would recommend seeing a physiotherapist.

Not only can they assist you with pain management, but they will also likely put you on a strengthening regime that with specifically deal with the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) muscle, the one most bursa in the elbow, olecrenon bursa, is on the posterior aspect of the limb.

Rest might be indicated in the acute stage, followed by light and progressive reps with hand weights.  Again, see a physio for a personalized plan.


  • Getbig II
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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2006, 07:07:43 AM »
I am experiencing a recurrence of lateral epicondylitis. Last time I had it, I tried to work through it and the resulting injury put me out for almost a year. A friend suggested I take an anti inflamatory. I am sure this will help with pain management but will it aid in healing? I don't want take it for pain relief alone. The pain lets me know I am not healed and reminds me to take it easy but I want to get healed and back in the gym as quickly as possible. Just the thought of not working out is making me a little crazy :-\


  • Getbig II
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Re: elbow pain
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2006, 06:40:40 PM »
Ive had the exact same problem for nearly 2 years now and on monday i was benching and tore my tricep tendon.All the pain was comming from the tip of the elbows.I was taking anti inflammatories,putting on heat rubs,strapping them up and even warming up well.
I am a very big lifter so i was actually putting my elbows under serious pressure.I was actually lifting lighter that day due to excessive soreness in my elbows.I worked upto 405lbs on the incline before going straight into 225 on my first set of flat bench.On my 2nd set i went upto 315 when i felt the tear.I still had to press the weight up while it was tearing.It was really excrutiating.
Just a word of warning.If you get those elbow pains, back off in weight and take your anti inflammatories religeously.Dont make the stupid mistake i did.