Author Topic: TIO Training Log  (Read 12570 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2020, 04:10:19 PM »
So i haven't lifted this week due to work and having my GF in town. Due to Covid i'm not allowed to bring a guest to the gym. ::)

This week and next i will not be lifting, but will start again on the 2nd.

My GF and i are headed to Red River, NM to stay at my family's cabin in the woods for a week and try to snow ski a bit. They haven't gotten much snow but they have the spray nozzles running. Most of the snow in NM comes in Jan-March.

Will be eating/drinking way too much, but will be hiking and skiing as much as possible. So far we are skiing at least 3 days.

No internet, no cable, no phone service at the cabin. Just beautiful nature and lots of deer/elk.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2020, 05:22:49 PM »
That's really good for your weight. I was 165 in high school and could barely squat 300, which was pretty good back then. There were a few kids who hit low 400's.

I would fold in half like a cheap lawn chair if i even tried to unrack more than 500 now.  I have not gone over 405 in years, just not interested. I don't deadlift heavy either.  My lower back has taken a beating and my doctor has already warned me.

The most i squatted in the gym was 635 at 257 pounds and to parallel. No suit, just a tight singlet. No knee wraps either.

In a meet i did 615 in the 220 class at 219 pounds, just a singlet and wraps. I had cut 20 pounds in 6 weeks and my strength took a minor hit, but it was a smooth lift.

I began training the Olympic style, so i've always done high bar and shoulder width stance just because it felt natural. The problem with my stance was when the weight got too far forward my knees pushed in, which is really bad. Most of the guys i trained with did a wider stance, but i never really felt comfortable doing it. Just like i never liked doing sumo deadlifts.

Talking about Olympic style squatting ass to the grass had me thinking. With all the bull shit about what guys lift, the only lift that can't be faked with a limited range of motion is lifting a bar from the floor to over head. I bet there isn't one Olympia winner in 20 years that could clean and jerk 315lbs.  In the old AAU Mr. America contest you had to post an Olympic lifting total for athletic points. Imagine cutting fat to next to nothing and doing an Olympic total the day of the bodybuilding contest?  That was a reality back in the day. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2021, 11:45:13 AM »
Talking about Olympic style squatting ass to the grass had me thinking. With all the bull shit about what guys lift, the only lift that can't be faked with a limited range of motion is lifting a bar from the floor to over head. I bet there isn't one Olympia winner in 20 years that could clean and jerk 315lbs.  In the old AAU Mr. America contest you had to post an Olympic lifting total for athletic points. Imagine cutting fat to next to nothing and doing an Olympic total the day of the bodybuilding contest?  That was a reality back in the day.

I agree, it's a true test of strength and flexibility to C&J a decent amount of weight.

When i first got into lifting it seemed everyone did full depth squats and lots of overhead pressing. Over the years it seems Bodybuilding in general is just moving weights, not so much about being athletic like it was pre-90's era.

We all used to do power cleans, C&J and lots of standing overhead pressing. These days it's uncommon to see just about anyone doing those exercises.

That's why i prefer to use the term "Strength Training", because i'm definitely not a Bodybuilder anymore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2021, 04:51:03 PM »
So things have been pretty hectic since i got home from vacation. Work is out of control and i've been working 12+ hour days. GF went back home so it's nice and quiet around the house again. ;D

I managed to gain 6 pounds over the holidays. I figured with 4 days of snow skiing i would burn plenty of calories, but i think the Mexican food, booze and desserts ruined me. So i'm going to go low carb for two weeks since my pants are getting a little tight. I'm up to 235 and my 34" pants are about to pop some buttons.

I did workout Monday/Tuesday but very short 30 minute session, nothing really to track and i'm lazy today.

Thursday - 1/7/21 - Shoulders and tris

Seated DB overhead press
40 x 15 warmup
45 x 15 warmup
55 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 15
75 x 10
80 x 8 - Really struggled here, arms shaking a bit.

DB Side Laterals Standing
25 x 15
30 x 15
35 x 15
35 x 12
Nothing fancy, just trying to get some work on the lateral head. Always tilt the DB down in the front like pouring water out of a glass, gets better tension.

Machine shrugs plate loaded
180 x 15
230 x 15
250 x 15
270 x 11
Grip started to weaken a bit and i don't like using straps.

EZ curl BB Skull Crushers
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 15
85 x 15
85 x 12
Slow and controlled, i do not go to full lockout. Pause the bar a hair off my forehead and then squeeze hard. Keep elbows narrow so it's not a press.

Rope cable pressdown superset with reverse grip cable pressdowns
Rope - 5 sets of 15-20 from 60 to 140 pounds on the stack
Reverse - 5 sets of 15-20 same weight, just a different handle attachment

20 minute walk incline treadmill - 130ish HR

Lunch - 2 Tilapia fillets, asparagus, 2 boiled eggs and a sweet potato with butter and brown sugar. Glass of milk.

Definitely weaker than normal, but when i take time off the first workout back in the gym usually is like this. Next week i should be stronger and have more stamina.

Going to remove all carbs after 5pm for two weeks.

Also, going to mountain bike for a good hour 3 days a week unless it's too cold. It gets dark and temp drops fast here by 5pm in the winter.

I don't like getting over 230 pounds, i can literally feel it.

Plan is to start cutting March 1st, but i want to get down under 230 in the next two weeks and stay there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2021, 03:48:04 PM »
Friday - 1/8/21 - Back and abs

Felt good today in the gym, decided to go a little heavier than normal.

Deadlifts - Deficit pulls with 35 pound plates
115 x 20
115 x 20
165 x 5
205 x 5
255 x 5
295 x 15
345 x 12
385 x 8
Did these barefoot and sat back on my heels. I was surprised how easy they were. I typically struggle with anything over 330. No belt or straps, just chalk. I thought about trying 400 for a few reps, but i have no reason to push it anymore.

Lat pulldowns - Underhand narrow grip, little less than shoulder width
5 sets of 12-15 from 140 to 240 on the stack - Slow and controlled
These hit my biceps too much, but i get a good feel in my lats

Hammer Strength seated one arm row
90 x 15 - per side
115 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 15
155 x 15
160 x 11 or 12
These are done slow and controlled with a good negative. I do one arm at a time and try not to cheat by twisting. These hit my teres like crazy, going to be sore tomorrow.

Machine pullovers - plate loaded
90 x 15
140 x 15
190 x 15
200 x 12

Leg raises
3 sets of 20-30 straight leg raises

Machine seated crunches
4 sets of 20-30 reps - from 90 to 140 pound stack
Very slow negatives, going to hurt tomorrow

Seated calf raises - i didn't have time to do them on Tuesday
4 sets of 20-30 reps from 90 to 160

Lunch - Two grilled chicken breast with broccoli, carrots and small potato with butter and sour cream. Milk.

Going mountain biking tomorrow morning before the snow hits, lots of snow heading this way Sat night.

Not much else going on, just going to relax this weekend and stick to eating low carbs. Might prep some meals for next week.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2021, 02:43:39 PM »
Monday 1/11/21 - Chest / Biceps

Flat DB press
45 x 15 two warmup sets
65 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 12
105 x 11
110 x 9
Still feeling a little shaky on the last two sets. Grip doesn't feel secure even with chalk. Might need to start direct grip training.

Incline BB press - smooth and controlled
135 x 15
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 11
210 x 10
210 x 8
Gassed out hard on these, but got an amazing pump. Haven't used a BB in a while.

Cable flys
5 sets of 12-15 starting at 90 and up to 150. Nice a smooth with a hard pause and squeeze.

Standing DB curls

Standing DB hammer curls

Was completely gassed after this workout, i think working 60+ hour weeks is getting to me. Just didn't feel strong today. Had a huge breakfast and some coffee before the gym. I just think my body is confused since i've been getting up 2 hours earlier than normal.

Lunch was massive Turkey sandwich from local deli, 1 cup of green beans, 1 cup of rice. Milk. The lady who owns this deli is super sweet and owned the place for 17 years. My co-workers and i try to eat here 2-3 times a week just to help her stay afloat. Business has been down more than 50% due to people working from home and the fact she does not have outdoor dining, so nobody can eat inside.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2021, 02:56:42 PM »
Tuesday - 1/12/21 - Legs

Good mornings - knees bent
-Bar x 2 sets of 30
-135 x 15
-185 x 15
-185 x 15

BB back squats - Full depth
-135 x 15 two sets
-185 x 5
-205 x 5
-225 x 15
-255 x 15
-275 x 13
-295 x 9
Smooth and easy, could have done more but i don't kill my legs anymore. I like being able to walk the following day. :D

BB lunges
-95 x 15
-105 x 15
-115 x 12
-120 x 10
Started getting wicked cramps in my hams doing these, not sure why.

Ham curl machine
-5 sets of 12-15 working up from 120 to 200 on the stack

Leg extension machine
-5 sets of 15-20 working up from 100 to 160 on the stack

Seated calf raises - plate loaded
-90 x 30
-135 x 25
-165 x 25
-175 x 20
-135 x 30 pump
-90 x 30 pump

No cardio.

Lunch was 10oz NY strip, 1 cup seasoned rice, 1 cup broccoli and sliced carrots. Milk.

Felt better today, had more energy and focus in the gym. Need to hydrate more to prevent cramping. Was going to do grip work but ran short on time.

Weather has been great, lots of mountain biking and hiked 2 hours on Sunday.

Weight hasn't changed, but i've cut my carbs in half and lowered calories a little, usually takes 2 weeks before i drop any weight. Been waking up starving, so that's a good sign.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2021, 03:13:56 PM »
Typical diet

Breakfast is 5 whole eggs scrambled with bell peppers, onions, spinach, garlic, sliced turkey meat and cheese. 1 cup of oatmeal with brown sugar and nuts. Sliced apple. Milk.

I also drink 8oz of V8 vegetable (low sodium) juice twice a day. Not sure how much it helps, but i actually enjoy the taste and it's easy vitamins.

Lunch always changes based on how busy i am. It's typically leftovers from previous dinner. I always cook several servings at a time.

Dinner is typically fish/beef/chicken, 2 cups of veggies, 2-3 boiled eggs and milk. Sometimes i eat out, but not much.

On the weekends i will add another meal between lunch/dinner. Just leftovers or something quick like chicken stir fry and potatoes.

Very simple diet and i enjoy eating these meals. I change it up a lot, but these are my staples. Also i cook with all types of seasonings, curry, siracha, asian blends, etc.

I will eat anything i want when i go out or if i'm staying with my GF. At friend's houses i eat whatever they offer, hot dogs, cheese burgers, etc. I live a normal life, i'm not one of those douches that makes it complicated or won't eat something due to gluten or too much sugar. Life's too short to be like that. I have a Mexican food addiction, but every other weekend my GF stays with me and cooks all the good stuff. ;)

Have a big wok that i cook stir fry almost every weekend. Kung Pao Chicken/Beef is another regular.

Standard stuff, nothing complicated. No supplements other than a protein shake, multi-vit, magnesium and potassium.

Pre-workout is just coffee or a Pepsi Max for caffeine.

Post-workout is lunch.

At 10pm i drink a protein shake, 1 scoop of Isopure vanilla and 1 scoop of Muscle Milk cookies and cream. Mixed with water.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2021, 01:23:44 PM »
Wednesday - 1/13/21 - Cardio

Just decided to hit the gym and do 45 minutes of stationary bike.

I forgot how much i absolutely hate doing cardio at the gym. I'd rather be outside. I don't mind 15-20 minutes after a workout, but just doing cardio just feels lame.

Probably won't be doing this again. ;D

It's been too cold in the evenings to mountain bike, so i'll have to find another activity.

Lunch - Two salmon fillets, roasted red potatoes, asparagus, sliced cucumbers, milk.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2021, 02:25:42 PM »
Work is consuming my life.

Still been working out but much shorter workouts.

Last Thursday was Shoulders/Tris

-DB shoulder press
-Upright rows
-DB front raises
-Behind the back BB shrugs

-Rope pressdowns
-One arm cable pressdowns

Friday was Back/abs

-Deadlifts - Regular from the floor
-Weighted chins
-One arm DB rows
-Machine pullovers - plate loaded

-Machine seated crunches

In good news i'm down to 229 again. Based on how i feel and the fact i cannot get a workout longer than 30 minutes in anymore, i'm going to start cutting weight early. I typically wait until March, but i don't see any value in trying to bulk up anymore, plus i've already gone over 230, which is the heaviest i want to be.  Pants are tight and i'm starting to "feel" heavy.

Starting February 1 i'm going to start the cut down to 205. If i make it there and feel good, i'm going to aim for 195, which is the leanest i think i can get without starving myself half to death. Haven't been below 200 in 6-7 years.

Diet is good, i feel fantastic, but still working 12 hour days 6 days and sometimes over the weekend. Big project should be completed in two weeks so i can calm down a little.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2021, 02:44:16 PM »
This week has been better. The new guy we hired a few months ago is starting to carry more of the load at work, which means i can focus on managing/training staff and not doing design work. Still 50+ hour weeks.

Monday 1/18/21 - Chest / Biceps

Incline DB press
45 x 15 two warmup sets
55 x 5
65 x 5
75 x 5
80 x 12
90 x 12
95 x 12
These went up easy, i wanted to try 105's but decided to take it easy.

Flat BB press - Medium grip
135 x 15
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 12
285 x 11
290 x 10
Felt strong on these but ran out of steam. Elbows felt a bit twitchy.

Pec deck
5 sets of 12-15 starting at 80 and up to 120. Smooth with a hard pause and squeeze.

Standing EZ bar curls

Standing DB hammer curls

Tuesday - 1/19/21 - Legs

Good mornings
-Bar x 2 sets of 30
-135 x 15
-185 x 15
-185 x 15

BB front squats - Oly style
-135 x 15 two sets
-185 x 5
-205 x 5
-225 x 15
-245 x 15
-265 x 13
-285 x 12
Felt a little weak on these.

Hack sled - plate loaded
-180 x 15
-200 x 15
-220 x 12
-220 x 10
These destroy my legs, probably did too much.

Ham curl machine
-5 sets of 12-15 working up from 120 to 180 on the stack

Seated calf raises - plate loaded
-90 x 30
-135 x 25
-165 x 25
-180 x 25
-135 x 30 pump
-90 x 30 pump

Not bad workouts in 45 minutes, no cardio.

Diet has been on point, but the GF is coming this weekend and i'm not going to say no to any good food.

Still 228 and holding, no carbs after 5pm except on the weekends. Still hiking 5ish miles every Sunday morning.

Had some stomach bug on Saturday, not sure if i ate something bad or what.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2021, 02:50:59 PM »
Wednesday - 1/20/21

Nothing! :D

Still trying to find another form of cardio. I have a bunch of old slam balls a friend gave me in the garage. 20 pounds up to 60. Easy cardio with these if i can get motivated.

Was thinking of chopping wood and using slam balls for a workout. ;D

I had two truck loads of un split wood delivered on Sunday. It's much cheaper that way. I have a log splitter and a nice 10 pound axe. Going to get after it this weekend.

Lunch - Jimmy Johns roast beef and turkey, cheese, pickles, mustard and iced tea. We had a lunch and learn today at the office.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2021, 08:15:19 AM »
This week has been better. The new guy we hired a few months ago is starting to carry more of the load at work, which means i can focus on managing/training staff and not doing design work. Still 50+ hour weeks.

Monday 1/18/21 - Chest / Biceps

Incline DB press
45 x 15 two warmup sets
55 x 5
65 x 5
75 x 5
80 x 12
90 x 12
95 x 12
These went up easy, i wanted to try 105's but decided to take it easy.

Flat BB press - Medium grip
135 x 15
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 12
285 x 11
290 x 10
Felt strong on these but ran out of steam. Elbows felt a bit twitchy.

Pec deck
5 sets of 12-15 starting at 80 and up to 120. Smooth with a hard pause and squeeze.

Standing EZ bar curls

Standing DB hammer curls

Tuesday - 1/19/21 - Legs

Good mornings
-Bar x 2 sets of 30
-135 x 15
-185 x 15
-185 x 15

BB front squats - Oly style
-135 x 15 two sets
-185 x 5
-205 x 5
-225 x 15
-245 x 15
-265 x 13
-285 x 12
Felt a little weak on these.

Hack sled - plate loaded
-180 x 15
-200 x 15
-220 x 12
-220 x 10
These destroy my legs, probably did too much.

Ham curl machine
-5 sets of 12-15 working up from 120 to 180 on the stack

Seated calf raises - plate loaded
-90 x 30
-135 x 25
-165 x 25
-180 x 25
-135 x 30 pump
-90 x 30 pump

Not bad workouts in 45 minutes, no cardio.

Diet has been on point, but the GF is coming this weekend and i'm not going to say no to any good food.

Still 228 and holding, no carbs after 5pm except on the weekends. Still hiking 5ish miles every Sunday morning.

Had some stomach bug on Saturday, not sure if i ate something bad or what.

You did this workout in 45 minutes? That is world class elite strength.  Doubt Arnold in his prime could do that. Good going.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2021, 05:46:39 PM »
You did this workout in 45 minutes? That is world class elite strength.  Doubt Arnold in his prime could do that. Good going.

Those were two separate ~45 minute workouts. ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2021, 04:43:43 AM »
Still training TIO?


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2021, 01:49:47 PM »
Still training TIO?

Yeah i've just been lazy about tracking my workouts.

I'm down to 219 pounds and still eating some carbs. Going to cut down some more next week for the final push to ~200. Eliminate more carbs and lower calories.

Started biking several miles 3-4 days a week after work.

Nothing too crazy.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2022, 03:40:55 PM »
Well, i've been really lazy the last year or so. Haven't trained consistently for almost 8 months.

I need to get focused again.

I'm weighing 208 and probably 10-12% BF.

Threw out my back shoveling snow back in February. It's been lingering for a while but i feel good.

Haven't trained legs in 2 months.

Been hyper focused on hiking and mountain biking.

I found a group here that rides 2-3 days a week. And it's not normal trail riding, a little more advanced.

It's been fun but i foresee this causing an injury or two if i keep going.

Just too high of a chance of wiping out and getting really hurt.

So i'm trying to motivate myself to start training seriously again.

My GF is now training 3 days a week and started eating cleaner. She is now staying with me every weekend.

My diet has been good, i'm far from out of shape but i need to lift weights more.

Hopefully i can inspire myself to get back with it. I just don't have the passion for the iron that i used to.