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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Thoughts?
« Last post by joswift on Today at 06:13:51 AM »
If there was one country I thought the Muslims wouldn't invade it would have been Ireland. Turns out they elect extreme liberals just like the US.  A few countries stood up to the invasion like Poland, Hungary and Japan. Honorable mention to Portugal that said they can come but we have no money for social services like free housing, health care, cell phones and cash. The Muslims by passed Portugal for the most part to head to France, Germany, England and the rest where they could live the good life without working.

Japan has now fallen
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Thoughts?
« Last post by Irongrip400 on Today at 06:12:56 AM »
Maybe the Irish will do what the Israeli settlers do to Arabs in the West Bank.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: RIP Kevin Gebhardt
« Last post by BayGBM on Today at 06:12:10 AM »
If you want to lose somebody tell him the truth.

x2.   :'(
Gossip & Opinions / Re: RIP Kevin Gebhardt
« Last post by GymnJuice on Today at 06:11:54 AM »
Everyone says Milos is very conservative with drugs. People talk about the dreaded insulin, but realistically, what contribution does insulin have on these deaths? Milos' pro programs have as much as 100iu of insulin in them, but otoh many pros are on 200-300 units without him. The steroids doses are very conservative compared to what many of these guys do. Let's say he recommends 1500 or 2000mg, compare to what pros actually do, say 5-7 or even 10 grams. Standard is at least 4000mg on the Olympia stage. So I very much doubt Milos drastically ramps up anyone's PED program, probably the opposite like I said. But he can't stop the athletes from doing a ton of roids so my guess is he doesn't even try. Only "drastic" thing he does is prescribing 25iu of insulin IV both before and after training but it's still less than what many are accustomed to doing. So how is Milos killing these guys?

There is a strong connection between diabetes and heart disease. That isn't exactly the same thing as using insulin when you don't have diabetes, but I am convinced there is a relationship between the two. It isn't something I could show to you through studies because they wouldn't do good studies on people who take insulin when they don't already have diabetes.
Y Board - The Player's Club / Re: The Y board lifting thread
« Last post by Gym Rat on Today at 06:09:26 AM »

-4 sets each

Deadlift (up to 445 for max set)
1-arm D-Bell Rows
Lat-Pulls (close-grip)
Seated Rows (machine)
Smith Shrugs
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Thoughts?
« Last post by _bruce_ on Today at 06:09:18 AM »
If there was one country I thought the Muslims wouldn't invade it would have been Ireland. Turns out they elect extreme liberals just like the US.  A few countries stood up to the invasion like Poland, Hungary and Japan. Honorable mention to Portugal that said they can come but we have no money for social services like free housing, health care, cell phones and cash. The Muslims by passed Portugal for the most part to head to France, Germany, England and the rest where they could live the good life without working.

All of these countries are semi-open for 3rd world immigration.
Not having suicide immigration does not mean one keeps their borders shut... this shows how low many Westerners have set their standards regarding getting extinct. If one does it slowly it's "fighting back".

All countries have been subjugated by war, money or both.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Britney Spears - Update Picture.
« Last post by GymnJuice on Today at 06:05:09 AM »
You are joking, right?

No, Brittney's never done it for me. Even when she was younger, I preferred her rivals, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguillera etc.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by King Shizzo on Today at 06:02:48 AM »
How much does Ron pay Bhanky to drive activity on Getbig?
Nothing. I was one of the last paid posters. That ended about 5 years ago.
Training Q&A / Re: High box step ups
« Last post by oldtimer1 on Today at 06:01:00 AM »
Some gyms have those, i believe from crossfit. They have 3 possible heights, 50 / 60 /75cm. Sometimes i do box jumps stacking two on top of eachother for 100cm.

Seems a little high for step ups. Maybe the 50cm will be okay? I think those heights are for box jumps and not for step ups. I've been looking around the internet and many heights for exercise boxes are available. I just read to stand with your back to a wall and raise your knee as high as you can to get an idea of the height needed for a step up box. I think using this method might result in getting a box too high to start out with.
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