Author Topic: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls  (Read 67461 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #50 on: July 09, 2006, 03:07:41 PM »
banned here in the uk and north or ireland. they are beoing beefed up on steroids and breed to fight. there have been too many kids in particular mauled by them.

wow....pits are not bread to fight anymore! the 1800s they were bread first for bull baiting and then for fighting....of course there is still a small number of scum bag breeders who breed for gameness...but even when they were bread for gameness they were also bread with a strong bite inhibition towards humans...even the gamest pit would not go around mauling little childrend...any pit that mauled a child was trained to be that way not because its in their it has nothing to do with being a pit...a yellow lab could have just as easily mauled a child...breed ristrictions laws are based on ignorance...especially banning a breed like the apbt that makes such a trustworth. loving, devoted  family pet.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2006, 03:09:26 PM »
You might ask this kid's mother her opinion.  :-\

S.F. boy, 12, killed by his family's pit bulls
Shocked Inner Sunset neighbors call 911 as his mother screams: 'Help me!'
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Heather Knight and Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writers

Saturday, June 4, 2005

A 12-year-old boy was mauled to death by his family's two pit bulls Friday in his apartment in San Francisco's Inner Sunset District, authorities said.

The boy, identified by school district officials as Nicholas Scott Faibish, was in his apartment at 711 Lincoln Way when the 80-pound dogs -- a male named Rex and a female named Ella -- attacked him about 3:15 p.m., authorities said.

The boy's mother, covered in blood, screamed, "Get them out of here!'' said a neighbor who heard the commotion and saw the woman through the apartment window.

A police officer shot and killed one of the dogs, believed to be Ella, when the dog prevented him from entering the apartment in the building across from Golden Gate Park, a police spokesman said. The other dog was captured in the backyard and was being held by animal control officers.

Paramedics tried and failed to resuscitate the boy at the scene.

Shocked neighbors said the dogs were often friendly, affectionate and well behaved.

"The dogs were sweethearts,'' said Art Austin, a neighbor. "I never thought they were vicious. They were really nice. I would pet them, and my wife would kiss them on the forehead.''

But 13-year-old neighbor Aaron Vinnik said he saw the dogs regularly and they were not always well behaved.

"The dogs barked at us, and one of them, the white-and-brown one, he came (at) us," Aaron said.

He said the dogs were "sometimes nice, sometimes mean.''

Austin said he saw the first officer on the scene shoot one of the dogs.

"I saw the policeman trying to get in the door,'' Austin said. "The dog wouldn't let him past. He had to shoot it.''

There was no immediate explanation for what triggered the dogs' attack.

A teacher at Roosevelt Middle School, where Nicholas attended sixth grade, said the boy's family was planning to move to Oregon, probably after the school year.

Nick, as she knew him, liked talking about his dogs, playing computer games and being with his friends, she said.

"He's so similar to all boys his age, very similar," said the teacher, who asked not to be identified. "I'm just devastated. This is just so unreal."

Diane Panagotacos, the principal at Roosevelt, said Friday night that Nicholas had adjusted well to middle school.

"I just remember freckles on him," she said. "I kind of remember him just being animated. I saw smiles on his face, that's what I remember. I remember a happy youngster. ... It's just so sad to hear the circumstances.

"We're having our eighth-grade dinner dance right now, and we haven't told any of the kids,'' Panagotacos said. "Monday, we will definitely need to deal with this -- grief counselors, whatever the kids and staff need." She put her hands over her face and began to cry.

Ony Ozonsi, an eighth-grader at Roosevelt, remembered Nicholas as a bubbly boy who stood out even to him, two grades ahead.

"He was a happy little kid,'' Ony said. "He liked to play with the other kids a lot and was always here after school."

Police Chief Heather Fong and Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White were among the authorities who went to the scene of the attack.

"It's a very tragic situation,'' Hayes-White said. "The city family offers its deepest sympathy and condolences.''

Nicholas lived in the apartment with his parents and a sister and brother. Their names were not immediately available.

Donna Castelli, wife of Art Austin, said she had seen the boy's mother moments after the tragedy.

"She was hysterical, she was screaming, she was yelling,'' Castelli said.

A neighbor who lived in an adjacent building and who asked not to be identified said she called 911 after hearing Nicholas' mother screaming, "Help me! Help me!''

She looked through her window and saw that the woman's face and hands were covered with blood.

The neighbor said she had seen the dogs earlier Friday lounging in front of the two-story wood-shingled apartment building.

Castelli was among those who said the two dogs seemed tame. They would run around the backyard of the apartment building but were always on a leash when in public, she said.

"They were lovely dogs,'' Castelli said.



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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2006, 03:17:04 PM »
A vicious breed owned mainly by morons who see them as some sort of status symbol, or because it makes them feel kinda tough. Good riddance I say

Why can't these people own dog breeds like Golden Retrievers, Poodles and other non-violent breeds?

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2006, 03:44:48 PM »
my point was its not in the pit bulls nature to do something like that.......i guarantee that there is something more to that story.

What the papers don't tell/know, is why the pitts attacked. 

 was the 12 year old doing to provoke the dogs?  maybe the dogs were abused or trained to be aggressive by their owners. maybe the dogs weren't given their shots and had distemper or even rabies.

the fact is the newspapers don't report these things because they don't make good news. The stories of pit bulls attacking small innocent children makes good news. Will we ever hear the stories of a standard poodle mauling its owner? No. Has it happened? Yes.

there was a7 year study, pit bulls were found to account for only 1.89% of All dog attacks!!Can you imagine If i took the time to cut and paste stories of ALL the breeds of dogs that attack and hurt/kill humans on a daily basis. ...I'd be here for days!!

look at this link....warning it not easy to watch.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2006, 03:52:14 PM »
You might ask this kid's mother her opinion.  :-\

S.F. boy, 12, killed by his family's pit bulls
Shocked Inner Sunset neighbors call 911 as his mother screams: 'Help me!'
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Heather Knight and Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writers

Saturday, June 4, 2005

A 12-year-old boy was mauled to death by his family's two pit bulls Friday in his apartment in San Francisco's Inner Sunset District, authorities said.

The boy, identified by school district officials as Nicholas Scott Faibish, was in his apartment at 711 Lincoln Way when the 80-pound dogs -- a male named Rex and a female named Ella -- attacked him about 3:15 p.m., authorities said.

The boy's mother, covered in blood, screamed, "Get them out of here!'' said a neighbor who heard the commotion and saw the woman through the apartment window.

A police officer shot and killed one of the dogs, believed to be Ella, when the dog prevented him from entering the apartment in the building across from Golden Gate Park, a police spokesman said. The other dog was captured in the backyard and was being held by animal control officers.

Paramedics tried and failed to resuscitate the boy at the scene.

Shocked neighbors said the dogs were often friendly, affectionate and well behaved.

"The dogs were sweethearts,'' said Art Austin, a neighbor. "I never thought they were vicious. They were really nice. I would pet them, and my wife would kiss them on the forehead.''

But 13-year-old neighbor Aaron Vinnik said he saw the dogs regularly and they were not always well behaved.

"The dogs barked at us, and one of them, the white-and-brown one, he came (at) us," Aaron said.

He said the dogs were "sometimes nice, sometimes mean.''

Austin said he saw the first officer on the scene shoot one of the dogs.

"I saw the policeman trying to get in the door,'' Austin said. "The dog wouldn't let him past. He had to shoot it.''

There was no immediate explanation for what triggered the dogs' attack.

A teacher at Roosevelt Middle School, where Nicholas attended sixth grade, said the boy's family was planning to move to Oregon, probably after the school year.

Nick, as she knew him, liked talking about his dogs, playing computer games and being with his friends, she said.

"He's so similar to all boys his age, very similar," said the teacher, who asked not to be identified. "I'm just devastated. This is just so unreal."

Diane Panagotacos, the principal at Roosevelt, said Friday night that Nicholas had adjusted well to middle school.

"I just remember freckles on him," she said. "I kind of remember him just being animated. I saw smiles on his face, that's what I remember. I remember a happy youngster. ... It's just so sad to hear the circumstances.

"We're having our eighth-grade dinner dance right now, and we haven't told any of the kids,'' Panagotacos said. "Monday, we will definitely need to deal with this -- grief counselors, whatever the kids and staff need." She put her hands over her face and began to cry.

Ony Ozonsi, an eighth-grader at Roosevelt, remembered Nicholas as a bubbly boy who stood out even to him, two grades ahead.

"He was a happy little kid,'' Ony said. "He liked to play with the other kids a lot and was always here after school."

Police Chief Heather Fong and Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White were among the authorities who went to the scene of the attack.

"It's a very tragic situation,'' Hayes-White said. "The city family offers its deepest sympathy and condolences.''

Nicholas lived in the apartment with his parents and a sister and brother. Their names were not immediately available.

Donna Castelli, wife of Art Austin, said she had seen the boy's mother moments after the tragedy.

"She was hysterical, she was screaming, she was yelling,'' Castelli said.

A neighbor who lived in an adjacent building and who asked not to be identified said she called 911 after hearing Nicholas' mother screaming, "Help me! Help me!''

She looked through her window and saw that the woman's face and hands were covered with blood.

The neighbor said she had seen the dogs earlier Friday lounging in front of the two-story wood-shingled apartment building.

Castelli was among those who said the two dogs seemed tame. They would run around the backyard of the apartment building but were always on a leash when in public, she said.

"They were lovely dogs,'' Castelli said.


Do you really want me to break out all the other breeds this has happened with? They include cocker spaniels, labs, golden retrievers and also huskys. That is off the top off my head.

You never leave your child alone with animals no matter the breed. Again with your logic anything that causes harm in an isolated situation should be taken out on the whole population.

Actually here is one I have saved

This breed was a rottweiler/lab mix who mauled this child to death. Guess all labs and rottweilers should be banned forever! There is also stories of an Akita, Mastiff,Husky and German Shepard. Guess all those evil police k9's who save peoples lives every day should be taken out and shot! Those killer husky dogs should all be banned!

Children die every day in car accidents where inexperienced drivers make mistakes..... Guess ALL cars should be banned. Even tho a child has at least a 1000 times greater chance of being killed in a car accident than by a dog.

And for the record if the owners of those pits had been more edjucated and responsible there child would be alive today. You never leave a child alone with a dog nevermind two dogs of any kind if the child is to small to stop them if they were to attack. This tragedy was  preventable.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2006, 04:05:06 PM »
for all those who think pits are viscous, agressive, ect. by nature here is the link to the american temperament society with a list and scores of all breeds.

ATTS Breed Statistics
as of December 2005

Page 1: Afghan Hound - Belgian Malinois

Breed Name   Tested   Passed   Failed   Percent
AFGHAN HOUND   161   116   45   72.0%
AIREDALE TERRIER   98   75   23   76.5%
AKBASH DOG   13   11   2   84.6%
AKITA   438   320   118   73.1%
ALAPAHA BLUE BLOOD BULLDOG   6   4   2   66.7%
ALASKAN MALAMUTE   184   155   29   84.2%
AMERICAN BULLDOG   130   107   23   82.3%
AMERICAN ESKIMO   77   64   13   83.1%
AMERICAN FOXHOUND   2   2   0   100.0%
AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER   515   430   85   83.5%
AMERICAN TUNNEL TERRIER   2   2   0   100.0%
AMERICAN WATER SPANIEL   5   4   1   80.0%
ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG   26   21   5   80.8%
AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG   160   125   35   78.1%
AUSTRALIAN KELPIE   6   5   1   83.3%
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD   561   453   108   80.7%
AUSTRALIAN TERRIER   16   13   3   81.3%
AZAWAKH   1   1   0   100.0%
BASENJI   157   104   53   66.2%
BASSET HOUND   32   27   5   84.4%
BEAGLE   59   47   12   79.7%
BEARDED COLLIE   45   24   21   53.3%
BEAUCERON   10   7   3   70.0%
BEDLINGTON TERRIER   18   17   1   94.4%
BELGIAN LAEKENOIS   4   4   0   100.0%
BELGIAN MALINOIS   205   185   20   90.2%
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check this link....hard to watch


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2006, 04:24:13 PM »
My husband and I were just at an outdoor festival and we had our 2 dogs with us.  Two guys w/a pitbull stopped and talked to us for awhile.  That pitbull was a sweet dreamboat!  She seemed to have an even better temperament than one of my dogs (who seems to want to be the alpha dog in all "dog situations") :-[

It had a brindle coat and was orange.  Just darling :)


  • Getbig III
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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2006, 04:47:52 PM »
"Pit bulls have a reputation for vicious behavior that is borne of experience.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association in 2000, pit bulls caused the greatest number of dog-bite-related
fatalities between 1979 and 1998. Jeffery J. Saks, et al., Breeds of Dogs Involved
in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998, 217 J. Am.
Veterinary Med. Ass’n 836, 837 (2000), available at The dangerousness of pit bulls has
also been recognized in a number of court decisions. See, e.g., Giaculli v. Bright,
584 So. 2d 187, 189 (Fla. 5th DCA 1991) (recognizing that “[p]it bulls as a breed
are known to be extremely aggressive and have been bred as attack animals”);
Hearn v. City of Overland Park, 772 P.2d 758, 768 (Kan. 1989) (“[P]it bull dogs
represent a unique public health hazard not presented by other breeds or mixes of
dogs. Pit bull dogs possess both the capacity for extraordinarily savage behavior
and physical capabilities in excess of those possessed by many other breeds of
dogs. Moreover, this capacity for uniquely vicious attacks is coupled with an
unpredictable nature.”); Matthews v. Amberwood Assocs. Ltd. Partnership, Inc.,
719 A.2d 119, 127 (Md. 1998) (“The extreme dangerousness of [the pit bull]
breed, as it has evolved today, is well recognized.”).
In State v. Peters, 534 So. 2d 760 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988), the Third District
5. Of the 238 fatalities accounted for in the study, pit bulls were responsible
for 76, or approximately 32 percent. See id."


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2006, 04:54:41 PM »
 The best line of that crap was. "Pit bull dogs possess both the capacity for extraordinarily savage behavior
and physical capabilities in excess of those possessed by many other breeds of

Hmm pitbulls are bigger and stronger than some breeds of dogs? What a revelation. I bet they even know that mastiffs are bigger and stronger than pitbulls.

The facts are pitbulls do NOT have the highest bite rate and score higher on temperament tests than most all dogs.

That article proves nothing. It is nothing more than babble. Most all the things they said other than the death rate until 98 was re hashed nonsense.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2006, 05:13:27 PM »
"Pit bulls have a reputation for vicious behavior that is borne of experience.
“[p]it bulls as a breed
are known to be extremely aggressive and have been bred as attack animals”);
Hearn v. City of Overland Park, 772 P.2d 758, 768 (Kan. 1989) (“[P]it bull dogs
represent a unique public health hazard not presented by other breeds or mixes of
dogs. Moreover, this capacity for uniquely vicious attacks is coupled with an
unpredictable nature.”);  (“The extreme dangerousness of [the pit bull]
breed, as it has evolved today, is well recognized.”).

that is some of the most misinformed bullshit i have ever seen.....its really not even worth commenting on.

if you dont like pits that cool...get a golden retriever.....but there is no reason post some bullshit anti pit bull propaganda that doesnt hold a bit of truth.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #60 on: July 09, 2006, 05:18:38 PM »
that is some of the most misinformed bullshit i have ever seen.....its really not even worth commenting on.

if you dont like pits that cool...get a golden retriever.....but there is no reason post some bullshit anti pit bull propaganda that doesnt hold a bit of truth.

Who ever did that "study" should be laughed out of their field.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2006, 05:32:48 PM »
hey 88....did you take a look at that video....really some disturbing shit goin on.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2006, 05:51:23 PM »
hey 88....did you take a look at that video....really some disturbing shit goin on.

Yes. That video is a look into the evil that none of these people ever see. Dog fighters. Brutal owners. I wish alot of times that pits were not so "tough" and athletic. The shit this breed of animal has had to endure could make the toughest guys stomach turn.

If people do not like pitbulls that is there right and that is fine. But most people just hurl accusations and have never actually looked into the issue.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #63 on: July 09, 2006, 06:30:21 PM »
its to bad more people dont know the truth...they mis out on getting to know a great dog.

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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2006, 06:55:50 PM »
"Pit bulls have a reputation for vicious behavior that is borne of experience.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association in 2000, pit bulls caused the greatest number of dog-bite-related
fatalities between 1979 and 1998
. Jeffery J. Saks, et al., Breeds of Dogs Involved
in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998, 217 J. Am.
Veterinary Med. Ass’n 836, 837 (2000), available at

I don't really know much about pit bulls, but this sounds pretty bad. 

I was just talking to my neighbor about pit bulls the other day and she said they're harmless.  But then I read stuff like this and it tends to confirm their bad reputation.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2006, 07:07:54 PM »
I don't really know much about pit bulls, but this sounds pretty bad. 

I was just talking to my neighbor about pit bulls the other day and she said they're harmless.  But then I read stuff like this and it tends to confirm their bad reputation.

sometimes people with certain agendas take things out of context, twist them around, manipulate cetain facts, ect.,  all so they can come to a conclusion that is not factual.   

if your really interested in getting to know the truth about the american pit bull terrier, take the time to read up on the breed....u will most likely be suprised at what you find.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #66 on: July 09, 2006, 11:01:23 PM »
I don't really know much about pit bulls, but this sounds pretty bad. 

I was just talking to my neighbor about pit bulls the other day and she said they're harmless.  But then I read stuff like this and it tends to confirm their bad reputation.

You do understand that link is propaganda. Sounds pretty bad lol. Do you know the figures? More people die from bee stings and peanut allergies.

Do you believe everything you read?

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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #67 on: July 09, 2006, 11:37:47 PM »
You all need to get together and do something like the NRA except for dogs...  Until that happens ninny city councils will do what they want without worry.  Once pits are gone, there will be a next dog in line.  German Sheps then Dalmatians and on and until all you can own is a toothless teacup chihuahua. I would pay 20 bucks a month to stop these asswipes... no problem.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #68 on: July 09, 2006, 11:41:37 PM »
You all need to get together and do something like the NRA except for dogs...  Until that happens ninny city councils will do what they want without worry.  Once pits are gone, there will be a next dog in line.  German Sheps then Dalmatians and on and until all you can own is a toothless teacup chihuahua. I would pay 20 bucks a month to stop these asswipes... no problem.

I try my best to educate the dumb fucks in the Boston area. We need to get organized :(

You are right tho. At this rate stuffed animal dogs will be outlawed.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #69 on: July 10, 2006, 01:29:05 AM »
 Ya know, maybe this sounds dumb,and I am not saying anything bad about the pitbull because Body88 has clearly done his research on the statistics of dog attacks,but rather than ban them,why not just educate the owners.What I mean is,whether or not they are any more vicious than other breeds is irrelevant;You are never going to convince the uneducated public that they are not vicious.So if they are determined to ban pits due to their vicious behavior,why not just make a law mandating that anyone who wishes to own a pit( or any other breed that is deemed dangerous) take some basic courses or something so they will know the proper way to socialize the dog or whatever,like Body88 said. I am sure you will argue that you should not have to do that because the pit isn't dangerous,and maybe you would be right,but it would certainly be better than losing your dog. Just my opinion,I know nothing about dogs.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #70 on: July 10, 2006, 05:57:15 AM »
Sounds like a shame, but unfortunately they can't ban stupid people in california, which is the problem obviously.  Breeding dogs to be brutal.. lolzors, what a life.


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #71 on: July 10, 2006, 07:49:34 AM »
This is a fascinating topic because there is no easy solution to the problem.

There are a lot of dog lovers on this website and it seems a lot of Pit Bull lovers as well.

I still haven't seen a possible solution to the problem though. Clearly too many Pit Bulls are attacking too many people. Here in the New England, Massachusetts and Rhode Island specifically we go through spurts where Pit Bull attacks will happen every few days. I'm not saying all Pit Bulls are bad but there are way too many Pit Bull attacks.

The State is overburdened as it is, tracking down and prosecuting bad Pit Bull owners will never happen and fines don't work either. The problem of fine enforcement is a bigger hassle to the State than the actual fines are to the Pit Bull owners.

We live in a society whose main focus is human beings, unfortunately animals and pets are secondary. It is easier for individual cities and towns to ban Pit Bulls than it is to go after unscrupulous owners. The Pit Bull community would be better served policing themselves. At least that way Pit Bulls wouldn't be sold to idiots and tough guys that won't be responsible owners.

Someone needs to devise a strategy for controlling the Pit Bull community that is easy enough for individual towns to put into action. I doubt it will ever happen though.

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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #72 on: July 10, 2006, 08:53:42 AM »
You do understand that link is propaganda. Sounds pretty bad lol. Do you know the figures? More people die from bee stings and peanut allergies.

Do you believe everything you read?

Of course not.  Propaganda is false information.  Is this false:  "pit bulls caused the greatest number of dog-bite-related fatalities between 1979 and 1998"?


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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #73 on: July 10, 2006, 11:06:20 AM »
Of course not.  Propaganda is false information.  Is this false:  "pit bulls caused the greatest number of dog-bite-related fatalities between 1979 and 1998"?

Yes that is FALSE. I just read the whole study. The study says pitbull TYPE breeds were number one. Rottys were a close second and German Shepard's third. The American pitbull Terrier was not listed as the number one killer in bite related deaths. it says pitbull TYPE breeds.

Further more this bullshit article posted sourcing this study which I just read fails to leave out the fact that on average there are 17 deaths by year caused by dogs. It also says 90 percent of these are SMALL children. I wonder what the number would be if the parents negligence in leaving babies alone with dogs was involved.

Also there is 1380 deaths by year from lighting. There are 17 from dog attacks.  I get so sick of people who have no idea what they are talking about hurling accusations around about these breeds. I am not talking about you.

If you look at the true facts and who owns these dogs whom attack people your opinions will change. If pitbulls are banned they will just move on to another breed., There are alot of big tough breeds out there. I hope the idiots have alot of time on hand. They are going to be passing laws on dogs for a long long time.

Again politicians look for the quick fix. City councils are the same way. I wonder how this country would be if laws were passed and extreme decisions made on miss information and jumping to conclusions.


I will answer the rest of the posts when I get back from the beach 8)

leycus 101

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Re: California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
« Reply #74 on: July 10, 2006, 11:58:01 AM »
its usually the loser ass owners who own these dogs, are the
ones responsible for their bad behavior. not to sound racist
here but blks and Mexicans should be outlawed to own pits
pump'em dump'em