Getbig Main Boards > Politics and Political Issues Board


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Hugo Chavez:
Lets examine some motives here...

Ok, as has been pointed out, political is very successful!  Isn't part of that success do to the environment created by the mods and by the rules of the forum???  What we've done has worked and as many have noted, worked good!

Ok, many of you don't know this about Jimmy but the evidence is on the board.  You all know he claims General as his baby.  When political was started as a forum did he fight for it?  NO!!!  You know what he did?  He tried to kill it!  That's right, go back and look for yourself at Jimmy's posts when the forum first started... He started posting in General, not political on political issues and worded them in such a way as would get them to stay in General so that members wouldn't leave general to post on political topics.  I persisted and got some of these threads moved so Political would have a chance to get off the ground, but it can be clearly seen he tried to kill political.  That's right, he tried to sabotage political from the start... So a forum has been created from the creation of a successfull environment via the board rules and mod agreements.  I ask, what is Jimmy's true motive in getting his hands on the board rules?

Hugo Chavez:
When his post started getting moved despite trying to word them so they wouldn't, we would post stuff like this:

(plz note this is a historical issue, not a political one) and I remember him saying, "attention mods don't move this"

I just ask, what is Jimmy's motives in accessing the board rules... Rules that must be working if this board is indeed the success everyone says it is...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it...  That's Gary Busey (in Soldier) logic, and I like it!!! ;D

Jimmy does not hide that he believes General is his baby... so what's he after here,... really????

G o a t b o y:
Jimmy = douchebag

Hugo Chavez:
All of this is so ill conceived.  The only problem that I've had with anyone until now has been with Bruce.  So when Bruce feels like he was not being treated fairly, did he even bother to pm Delusional Liberal, the right wing mod or Ozmo, the middlemod with any issues?  NOPE... He felt it was better to get DL replaced even though he didn't give him a chance.... Look at the very premise of Jimmy's excuse for wanting this, the forum is too successful?!? We need at those forum rules ::)  Oh brother... this is so obvious there's something else going on here.

Hugo Chavez:
Jimmy has no basis for crying fowl:

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