Author Topic: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?  (Read 55045 times)


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #125 on: April 15, 2012, 09:11:06 AM »
For me, I generally try to burn 500 - 600 calories on the crosstrainer after my workout. Usually 500 calories takes me 40 minutes or so.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #126 on: April 15, 2012, 09:19:41 AM »
mentzer took more drugs than us two combined throughout our lives,lol

True, lol...

when it comes to t3 i think it burs calories the same way if you didnt have calories in you diet anyway. like 1500 kcal diet - 100mcg t3 = 1200 kcal diet... when it comes to cal burning... and i also dont think the body need much protein to keep mass, like 0,8 g per kg... for my weight it will be 90g... then i burn a little when i exercise but that is whery little because of all the roids in my blood.. it keeps my anticatabolic...

When i was visiting a pro here where im from i asked him if it was possible for me to be in competition shape in 6 weeks, he sayed if i used enought homrones and low calories and moderate protein i will be good. this was back when i was i huge abuser and was 122 kg... now i just want to look good... and dont need as much protein as back then... he also tolled me what he would do to be bigger, buy bulk with roids take 1-2 bottles with test EW plenty hgh and insulin.. then i asked him about diet he said eat, but dont overfeed...


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #127 on: April 15, 2012, 09:22:39 AM »
I see. So you don' think there is anything wrong with having an HDL in the 15-30 range (scale >40) over the long term? This doesn't damage your heart over time? And 6 months of tren and test is what fucked up my HDL. I've stayed away from orals for close to a year now. I'm basically looking for an excuse to just stay on anabolic dosages without having to cruise much if you catch my drift. Since you definitely seem to know your shit, please shed some light on this

it's a very complicated question, [health & predicting health problems & when someone will die] and there is truly no definitive answer because there are so, so many variables.

generally, with the typical american diet, i would say 15-30 range HDL is not good for someone's health, though, again, no way to know unless you get much more expensive and complex tests where they essentially take an mri of your arteries and determine how much plaque is building up. you can have 90% blockage or 100% blockage in some arteries and never even know, it's one of those silent killer things like high blood pressure.

i don't have a lot of time to get into it because i'm a little busy at the moment but get a vap test, it is more accurate in gauging how much of your LDL are "unhealthy" and how much of your hdl are the useful kind, plus it should test lipoprotein (a) and otherthings. high triglycerides to hdl ratio is a bigger concern (though high ldl of the small, dense ldl type {which is what statins cause} can also be bad).


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #128 on: April 15, 2012, 09:24:58 AM »
up the protein or get off the t3.

upping the steroids is much more effective, as even with upping protein intake there will still be a lot of protein turnover and catabolism (like if someone were natural). steroids and GH combat the catabolism from most dosages of t3 and no one should be running t3 over 150mcg a day anyways or their hair and nails will eventually fall out + have other health problems.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #129 on: April 15, 2012, 10:04:58 AM »
True, lol...

when it comes to t3 i think it burs calories the same way if you didnt have calories in you diet anyway. like 1500 kcal diet - 100mcg t3 = 1200 kcal diet...

I can assure you that t3 at 100mcg will burn much much more then that. Atleast 1k cals off your diet, ATLEAST.

As far as cardio goes, I am doing about an hour 6 days a week either post workout or on 1 of my 2 off days.

Eating 2100 cals and on 50mcg t3. I may drop it to 1700 cals the last 2 weeks to finish going down to 6/7%


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2012, 11:36:16 AM »
upping the steroids is much more effective, as even with upping protein intake there will still be a lot of protein turnover and catabolism (like if someone were natural). steroids and GH combat the catabolism from most dosages of t3 and no one should be running t3 over 150mcg a day anyways or their hair and nails will eventually fall out + have other health problems.

lol why?

Starting ultra low cals today will try this for two weeks then go back to my usual cutting at 2400-2700 kcal ED...

Starting today at 1300 kcal, 125g prot
Tomorrow and rest of the week will be closer to 1500 kcal and 140-160g prot i think this is more than enought..

I will also add some extra tren and little test to be safe..

75mg mast, 170mg tren a 50mg test p ED and 600mg primo EW, also upping my t3 from 50 mcg to 100mcg and upping my hgh from 5 iu to 10 iu... Lets see where it brings me.. i will have 700mg more roids in my system this 2 weeks, training 4 times a week....

Don't jump from 50mcg of t3 to 100mcg straight away, up the dose slowly.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #131 on: April 15, 2012, 11:59:01 AM »
Good, sensible info here.
Galeniko: your posts are appreciated.
As a mid-40's lifter, I find subjects like this to be very applicable to myself.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #132 on: April 15, 2012, 12:06:39 PM »
lol why?
Don't jump from 50mcg of t3 to 100mcg straight away, up the dose slowly.

that's just what high levels of t3 does. i was running 300mcg/d the most i've ever done and after 3 days my nails, tendons, and joints all started to hurt. body hair and hair on my head was all shedding. i would have gone completely hairloss and lost my nails if i kept that dosage.

no reason to run it that high anyways, if you are going to go for a suicidal cut with diet drugs, might as well use dnp at that point since it's so much more effective


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #133 on: April 15, 2012, 12:27:53 PM »
it's a very complicated question, [health & predicting health problems & when someone will die] and there is truly no definitive answer because there are so, so many variables.

generally, with the typical american diet, i would say 15-30 range HDL is not good for someone's health, though, again, no way to know unless you get much more expensive and complex tests where they essentially take an mri of your arteries and determine how much plaque is building up. you can have 90% blockage or 100% blockage in some arteries and never even know, it's one of those silent killer things like high blood pressure.

i don't have a lot of time to get into it because i'm a little busy at the moment but get a vap test, it is more accurate in gauging how much of your LDL are "unhealthy" and how much of your hdl are the useful kind, plus it should test lipoprotein (a) and otherthings. high triglycerides to hdl ratio is a bigger concern (though high ldl of the small, dense ldl type {which is what statins cause} can also be bad).

no you answered that great. thanks


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #134 on: April 15, 2012, 12:42:27 PM »
my 365 lb decline bench and 495 lb squat are the reasons for my shoulder, neck, and knee problems that wont go away (got better when i laid off the heavy shit, but still bothers the shit outta me)

I would say these methods work for anyone because they already did with people who asked for my help either on this site, or from people who wanted me to train them.
since October, i've been training 5 people, 2 on gear, and 3 naturals... the guys who are on are now interested in competing due to how their look has transformed, and the natural guys are telling me this is the first time they've seen their abs in their (all of them are over 40) and one of them was so happy with the results, he told me that his wife didn't like how women looked at him and started flirting with him when he went back to his country and asked him to quit training! LOL!

back when i lifted heavy in a HIT fashion, i remember that after 30 minutes of finishing 9 sets total for 3 bodyparts, i'd be fatigued more than anything... not exhausted or felt like i put in a lot of effort, but like i just finished reading 50 pages off a text book, if you know what i mean. by training with this intensity, weights really don't matter, as long as 45-60 minutes through my workout, after doing 40-50 sets with less than 30 seconds rest in between, i'm dripping sweat, breathing heavy, but feel like i want to sprint... you know? that's how you know you've turned into a furnace, burned a shit ton of cals, and stimulated the living crap out of your muscles without having aches and pains in your joints and feeling like you want to down a bottle of advil.

as for the food... right now i could "optimize" it better and track what i eat... but i don't feel like it. by optimizing, i'm not talking about fucking boiled, bland chicken breasts and broccoli... i'm talking frosted flakes and an omelet for breakfast, home made burgers for lunch, and maybe some bbq chicken with rice and fries for dinner... BUT, i really don't feel like waking up 30 minutes earlier to cook up breakfast and lunch... so fuck it :p

What are your advices for the naturals (besides roiding up  ;D )?


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #135 on: April 15, 2012, 01:12:04 PM »
I truly believe that heavy weights will ruin your look. do squats with 135 lbs, you feel it all in your quads... and to add, you can isolate a certain part of the quad with your mind and just use that part for the movement... now slap on 405 lbs and start squatting... you can't tell what's working! quads, back, hams, traps?... once you let go of the weight, you feel like the tendons around your knees are sore and feel like they have a lot of pressure on them... now tell me, fucking logically, what worked your quad more? the 135 lbs that made your quad burn like shit and made veins pump out of it and you can't even flex it from how much blood is rushing in there? or the 405 lbs that made you say "why aren't my quads responding? and why the hell do my knees hurt?"

lemme guess... when you first started bodybuildings, you started high volume, moderate weight... right? now you kept reading and shit then you heard about this training heavy crap, and not to overtrain, 1 set to failure blah blah blah... you tried it for a week and had your doubts cuz it feels like a pussy workout and nothing is happening... you're probably looking worse... 3 weeks later you get in the groove and it starts working... and you love it! cuz you get to show everyone how big your ego is!... when you go back to volume with light weights, it aint gonna blow you up overnight... it takes 2-3 weeks... after your body gets used to filling the shit out of your muscles with glycogen... you'll start knowing why the old school bodybuilders were always full and "round" and never complained about being "flat"... they probably haven't heard of that word before.

it's all about your ego... leave it at the door... once you've paid your dues and you get big and you still db curls those 20 lb dumbbells with a twisted face acting like you're lifting 800 lbs, ppl are gonna stare and instead of feeding your ego with "FUCK YEAY I JUST DESTROYED 405 LBS ON BENCH!" and people look at you and silently say in their heads "yeah, but you look like absolute shit"... you'll feed your ego with looking at the guy who's benching 315 lbs while you bench 135 lbs and seeing that look on his face that says "fuck, i quit!"

train intense, shoot gear, and fucking be patient... this shit doesn't happen overnight. if i wanted to gain another 10 lbs of muscle by upping my dose by a gram and adding in GH... i'd give myself a year to accomplish that goal... not 12 weeks.

Ok man, it's been like 2 weeks doing the light stuff

so far it feels really weird. to be honest it feels like it goes against my training beliefs. i love the pump my muscles get in the gym but after an hr my muscles deflate into goo and i look like shit again

when i was a natural i got big and strong by training to be big and strong

so now that i'm going really light but higher rep and higher tempo i wonder if i am cheaping myself out of potential gains?

i am also eating like 2500-3000 calories per day, i think the gear is making me less hungry this time around...

i am on 600 mgs teste, 600 eq, 600 deca, 400 dbol/wk, i'm like 3/4 weeks in, top chef, maybe the deca hasn't kicked in yet...kind of expected bigger gains by now


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #136 on: April 15, 2012, 01:44:45 PM »
allright, i just finished a chest workout and i went up 4 full reps on my working weight

so in my mind, this is a "signal" to me that the growth mechanism has been stimulated and is in full effect now, so therefore i should eat more cals today to take advantage of this rep gain, seeing as it is a signal to me that the growth mechanism is primed up and ready to go

does this make sense to you fellas?

yeah, i'm your typical hyper-obsessed "bodybuilder" lol


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #137 on: April 16, 2012, 11:54:31 PM »
oh one more thing.

often during a diet, you will feel weak, flat, exhausted.

do NOT do something stupid like refilling with carbs, believing you will feel better or something, just cary on with the diet, as long you sleep enough and theres constantly drugs in your blood, the pump in the training will be there.

dont worry if youre bit weaker than previously, just get a huge pump in every training and carry on with the diet.

and no, eating all 3 hours is not necesary, sure it helps to prevent long periods of hunger and to control calorie intake(having a pattern), but it is not really necesary.if youve missed a meal, so be it, dont "make up" for it by eating more the next day.steroids will forgive missed meals.

eat whole food whenever you can, instead of protein powders.i dont know why, but it just works better.

and for christ sake, dont forget to train your legs,lol ;D
What do you mean by "works better"?
and can you give an example of protein sources you eat while you are dieting?


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #138 on: April 17, 2012, 05:30:09 AM »
oh one more thing.

often during a diet, you will feel weak, flat, exhausted.

do NOT do something stupid like refilling with carbs, believing you will feel better or something, just cary on with the diet, as long you sleep enough and theres constantly drugs in your blood, the pump in the training will be there.

dont worry if youre bit weaker than previously, just get a huge pump in every training and carry on with the diet.

and no, eating all 3 hours is not necesary, sure it helps to prevent long periods of hunger and to control calorie intake(having a pattern), but it is not really necesary.if youve missed a meal, so be it, dont "make up" for it by eating more the next day.steroids will forgive missed meals.

eat whole food whenever you can, instead of protein powders.i dont know why, but it just works better.

and for christ sake, dont forget to train your legs,lol ;D

Why would a refeed be "stupid" ?


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #139 on: April 17, 2012, 06:33:54 AM »
as for why, my gf has thyroid issues and i read along with her when shes on thyroid forus, so many ppl report hairloss, its not even funny.

and i fully agree, upping t3 too fast is no good idea, ive learned the hard way. :o

it depends,if you jump on high doses you will SHED HAIR,but it will be something like hair is thinning,not related to mpb,it will grow back after reducing doses or getting off.In my case,i started with 50 for one month,upped to 75,then 100 after another couple months,now i am blasting 150 for one month and will taper down to 75 during summer.The thing is at 150 i feel reaaaally warm,sweating almost all the time,i eat around 2200 kcal,and fat is melting away nicely.Ofc i use roids,it would be stupid to run high t3 with no aas  now 500 eq and 300 test(had some tren running but dropped it one week ago,will get on it again in summer).The thing again is i had never experienced huge weight loss on scale with t3,it's just that it allows me to get along with somewhat normal diet for a person(instead of eating 1700 cals i can eat that and one burger or two  and still loose some fat).

i still laugh at people reporting they loose 2 pounds daily on 100 mg t3,i mean t3 sheds fat,but not that much.LOL  ::)


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #140 on: April 17, 2012, 07:18:21 AM »
anybody else notice that it's relatively "easy" to get down to about 8-9% but then going from 8-9% to sub-6 is a real fucking bitch


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #141 on: April 17, 2012, 07:57:14 AM »
anybody else notice that it's relatively "easy" to get down to about 8-9% but then going from 8-9% to sub-6 is a real fucking bitch


That's why i tell people to save T3 and fat burners for when they are already under 8-10%.

It's very easy to get down to 8-10% with just diet and cardio. To get down to 5-6% is where the drugs help the most.

Most people don't understand how easy it is to get lean with a simple diet and cardio routine. They always want to use drugs instead of hard work.



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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #142 on: April 17, 2012, 09:12:31 AM »
for fastest fatloss results its contraproductive imo.

a refill meal once every two weeks is enough.

i have tried diets with weekly refill days, and with no refil days.

the results came fastest without refill days.and i didnt lose any muscle compared to the diet with refill days(strenght stayed the same).

many people feel flat during the diet and think if they refill with some sugar and carbs, they will be stronger again and more filled up.
this might be true, but only for one day, but the day after youre deplete again, you will lok worse and have set back your diet.

this is my personal experience and nobody less than h.aykutlug told me to try it this way, after i told him im having problems to get that final "cut".

it is possible to get to 9-10 percent bf with reload days, ofc, but itll take longer than without the time id be at 10 percent on the refill diet, im at 7 percent already if i stay away from refeeding.

i hate dieting, i try to keep it as short as possible.i maintain that later on quite well and get away with eating plenty of terrible foods :D
Also with the right drugs you will be able to stay fuller even with fewer carbs and overall cals.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #143 on: April 17, 2012, 09:59:20 AM »
i also feel protein powders aren't very "effective" or i should say, whey feels like it's not as good as whole meat products.

the only protein powders i use as a result now are my own blends, which i actually feel like they are worth the money because of the pumps + fullness and energy i get from a single 30g shake, as opposed to a 50gram whey shake that left me feeling weaker, hungrier and unsatisfied.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #144 on: April 17, 2012, 11:45:25 AM »
oh, i teird to increase the dosage slowly, but t3 gives me unbeareable pain on the thyroid/neck for some reason, so i stay away from it.
but i do remember the dieting was easier on t3 than currently without.and there was no jojo effect if the dosage was decreased slowly.

yes, some people overrate the fatburning effect of t3 indeed :D

first time when i jumped on t3,it was 50 mcg.Couple of days i took couple of huge shits daily and i lost about 6 lbs instantly,i was sweating all over while doing nothing.Then i slowly adapted to it.Now at 150 mcg i can tell you besides sweating,my strenth is shit.And i mean real shit.On a good day and no t3 i could bench 310-320 for couple of reps,on 50 mcg no decrease(i had some test and tren through my blood,half a gram combined),on 100 mcg i could barely do 280,now at 150 mcg i do not even try to think how much can i bench,but i did 240 for 6 reps and i was exhausted.



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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #145 on: April 17, 2012, 12:21:37 PM »
for fastest fatloss results its contraproductive imo.

a refill meal once every two weeks is enough.

i have tried diets with weekly refill days, and with no refil days.

the results came fastest without refill days.and i didnt lose any muscle compared to the diet with refill days(strenght stayed the same).

many people feel flat during the diet and think if they refill with some sugar and carbs, they will be stronger again and more filled up.
this might be true, but only for one day, but the day after youre deplete again, you will lok worse and have set back your diet.

this is my personal experience and nobody less than h.aykutlug told me to try it this way, after i told him im having problems to get that final "cut".

it is possible to get to 9-10 percent bf with reload days, ofc, but itll take longer than without the time id be at 10 percent on the refill diet, im at 7 percent already if i stay away from refeeding.

i hate dieting, i try to keep it as short as possible.i maintain that later on quite well and get away with eating plenty of terrible foods :D

Makes sense.

So you go no carbs for as long as you can or do you keep them low day in day out?


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #146 on: April 17, 2012, 01:12:28 PM »
yes, i go almost no carbs besides whats in vegetables and bit bread crust for as long as i can withstand the craving for carbs and then comes a time where you just cant hold back anymore and then ill have 1 "no holds barred" meal(not a whole day, but one huge meal).on that meal i dont care how much sugar and saturated fats are in it, and that meal usualy last for 2 hours ;D

and what i find important AFTER this meal, i wait with the next diet meal until i am hungry again.sometimes it takes well over 12 hours, but as long i keep to this rule, i dont even get a bloat within the next days.

so yeah, in the diet, the carbs range between 0-150 grams, i decide the carb intake randomly.

and i stay away from any milk products and fruit during the diet.

i can only speak for myself, but this works excellently for me.


This is pretty much what I've been doing for the last 8 weeks. Its worked great so far but the leaner I get I've found one meal just isn't cutting it for me anymore. It keeps me satiated for a short amount of time now and those cravings come back really quick so atm I'm trying a whole carb day.  I rather not add a whole carb day cause I spend all day in a sugar induced coma only waking up to eat. But I find when I go back to the diet I can stick to it for longer  w/o constantly thinking about food.

It'll take me a little longer to get to where I wanna be but its the only way I see myself sticking to this diet.


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #147 on: April 17, 2012, 01:38:07 PM »
just curious, do you dudes still get good pumps in the gym being so carb depleted?


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #148 on: April 17, 2012, 01:43:10 PM »
just curious, do you dudes still get good pumps in the gym being so carb depleted?

i get better pumps the less carbs i eat


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Re: anybody ever try ultra-lo cals while "on"?
« Reply #149 on: April 17, 2012, 01:55:20 PM »
a pro told me to juice way less when not on diet, the extra calories outside the cutting diet help greatly.

that's something VERY IMPORTANT, me thinks, and it makes a whole lotta sense actually