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NO2 product samples from the "O"

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I have also used the AMPED.  I have to say , out of all products I've tried, I like this the best.  My training intensity has improved greatly with this.  I also like knowing that I'm also getting my glutamine and amino's as well.  However, I do not take the second serving after.   ;D

haha wow, we musta all missed their booth at the expo, even tho we all walked around like 3 times

I have not tried my sample of Amped yet, put I have used Superpump250 quite a bit. It is good shit.

i'll try the superpump 250 on my next leg day and try to give a comparative review on that versus "amped"

gymrat, when you get around to trying amped, can you compare it to the 250?

by the way, the nox-cg3 works well but tastes like crap


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