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240 is Vince G, wake up people

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--- Quote from: db2431 on August 30, 2006, 05:35:45 PM ---Of course it isnt really him.The towers fell at NEARLY freefall, not freefall, the weight of the top 20 or so floors above the impact point on weakened steel beams saw to this.How the hell did noone notice the the demolitions team fiting the charges?Buldings a fifth of the size of the WTC take weeks to months to rig up for a demolition that falls in it own footprint.Noone noticed these men fitting bombs on the multiple floors?

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Because no one looks twice.  Short story.  A couple of years ago I sold industrial detergents and other cleaning systems to hospitals, schools systems, industry's anywhere where they cleaned.   We had a "air neutralizer", which was a small box that was attached to walls in hospitals where the smells were bad.  I, with the head of environmental services went about the cancer ward, top floor of a 1500 bed hospital putting up the boxes every 25 feet.  It was a Jewish hospital right smack in the middle of a fairly large city.  This was way before 911, but we were joking that we could be setting the place up to go down and setting our watches as we put up the boxes.  They just of easily could of been bombs.  No one looked twice or asked up what we were doing.  Same type of operation could of easily planted bombs on every floor with detonators and nobody would even give you a 2nd. look.

Bigger Business:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on August 30, 2006, 05:37:59 PM ---Scott Forbes was an employee of Fiduciary Trust, a firm located on floors 90 and 94-97 of the South Tower of the World Trade Center.  Forbes reported that over the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, floors 50 and above of the South Tower experienced a power down, meaning that all electrical currents were shut off for about 36 hours.

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has anyone produced invoices for these 'upgrades'? Obviously someone would have been paid if that was the case?


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